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Welcome to TeemoTalk! This subreddit is dedicated to our lord and savior Teemo. Ideally, this is a place where we can all help one another master our beloved yordle, and to bring fear to silly non-teemo players.

The ULTIMATE list of Support tricks in Season 6 for EVERY SUPPORT!

LAST EDIT: Everything is done! Karma added in! Oh and the Thresh video link is missing in the imgur description, my bad!
DISCLAIMER: Would you be interested in helping me with a same sort of post but for some other role? PM me, tell me which champs / which roles you could provide tips for! Let's make another one of these happen together, but this time with a better quality start!
LATEST EDIT: Hey everyone! Nice feeling waking up to 400+ upvotes and even reddit gold :)
I'm unable to edit the main post just yet, will do it as soon as I get home. Great comments tho!
One more thing, I've decided not to include builds / runes since they can get pretty controversial. Use probuilds, or
HERE is a playlist of all the videos in this post, they're all really usefull!
Hey you :) Reading another one of my guides, huh? Well, thanks in advance =) (Unless you're going to click away now, in which case fu-)
This is going to be my 4th post focused on teaching people more about to support role! I'm pretty hyped, but also kind of scared while writing this one since all of my previous ones have been focused on playing & countering the champion Blitzcrank. I don't know as much about to the other supports, so for some parts I'm going to google a lot and share whatever I find with you guys. This way I get something to write for you while I'm trying to come up with other ideas!
Some people have complained about some jokes / references being too dark so if you're afraid of Nocturne just stop reading, I'm still experimenting on ways to write and all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcomed, you have been warned.
Oh, and before we head into this one, just in case you're interested in playing as or against a Blitzcrank here are the guides I've written so far. Please ask me anything about the support role / Blitz, I'm always looking for new topics to write on :)
The main idea behind this is to gather all the more known and more unknown tricks for all the support champions! I know some, but not definitely all of them! Therefore I'm asking YOU to think about all the support tricks you know and let me know about them below! I'll make sure to credit everyone for their hard work!
General supporting tips:
  1. On blue side always place your tribush pink this way. If you place it closer to the middle / right side of the bush the enemy ADC / ranged support and easily clear it while staying far away from any danger
  2. Always push for LVL 2, but make sure that your ADC knows what you're doing. If he is disabled enough to start typing you "omg no hit ma cs ma family needs it kurwa" there is no way you will hit LVL 2 earlier. Just make sure he is on the same page as your. Shouldn't be a problem in higher elos.
  3. LVL 2 is the first wave + 3 melee minions (bonus: for solo lanes it's the first wave + 1 minion)
  4. Get vision on the enemy jungler's first camp if possible. Depending on which side the jungler starts from, at 3.15 spam ping the shit out of the opposite extreme of the map (bot start = ping top). If the jungler started top just ward near his blue jungle entrance and play a bit more safe.
  5. Bully other supports when they miss their most important CC (Thresh hook, Blitz "grab" (it's a hook for me), Ali Q..)
  6. Annie, Janna, Lulu, Morgana, Nami, Sona, Zilean, Zyra and KARMA Whatever it is you do playing any of these champions, if you do not autoattack the enemy adc/support while walking in and out of brushes, you play your champion wrong (except your matchup is extremely shitty ofc). (NMaresz)
  7. When trying to land any kind of skill shot watch your creeps + wait for the enemy to last hit them. They may move randomly in lane, but will always go for last hits, which makes them predictable. This takes some timing to get right, and knowledge of the enemy's range to know where they'll stop to auto.
  8. You can do the same thing I wrote above to trade autos (even as support). Either the enemy gives up cs to auto back or they take free damage.
  9. When trying to land a line skill shot (like a hook) watch the enemy creeps' health. People are scared of getting hooked so they tend to hide behind creeps, but most of the time they won't move until it's already dead. If you time your skill shot so it lands just after a creep dies most players won't be ready.
If you want to search for a specific champion, just CTRL + F and type in their name.
All LolClass videos are really good for learning how to support
Alistar is going to be our first patient, because, A comes first? Yeah I'll just focus on the tricks..
  1. Don't like getting minion blocked? Say no more! Alistar's passive, Trample makes him ignore unit collision for 3 seconds after using an ability. Although you will most likely still get creepblocked because of Riot's spaghetti code and your horns being coded as minions.haha relevant jokes pls end me now. Source
  2. Feel like your Flash Qs aren't being instant enough? That's because you're doing them wrong! Q first and then instantly flash on top of whatever the hell it is you want to knock up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). This will make your Q + Flash combos IMPOSSIBLE to react to and only dodgeable by predicting.
  3. You really want to catch up to the enemies by Flash + W + Q but you don't feel confident enough with your mouse accuracy to do so? That can be fixed by utilizing a mechanic in the game called Input Buffering (Here are 2 really good videos to help you understand input buffering better 1. 2.) If someone is not able to watch these videos now, I'll explain input buffering here briefly, I will not explain it again so just apply my Alistar W example to all the other spells that I'll be mentioning.
    Input buffering is exactly what it sounds like! You input a command and the game will use it as soon as it can.
    Example: Alistar W. You're not in range to W them, but you press W on them anyways. Your champion starts walking towards them and will W them as soon as it gets in range. Now you can simply flash in range and it will W them instantly. (Even though you're probably amazed that you actually pulled this off don't forget to Q them while mid-air.)
  4. Most people will already know about this but Alistar ult works as a cleanse. He removes all CC effects from him upon cast.
  5. Q+Flash+W into your tower. Do this if the enemy harasses you under tower as they will draw tower aggro. You can also do this if the enemy's last minion is getting killed by your tower in the next moments so the tower will attack them. (NMaresz)
  6. As Alistar: Dont be afraid to towerdive as it is one of your biggest assets. If you see an ADC by himself in the tower, the odds of you netting a kill are really high.
    Get tower aggro, pop your R only as soon as the tower projectile is about to hit you
    If you are able to, use your W to send the enemy against a wall and only Q after. This will ensure maximum stun duration and wont overlap CC's
Annie coming in right behind our boy cow Ali (or whatever it is that you prefer to call Gross Gore nowadays)
  1. How would you like a stun that the enemy won't see coming? I mean literally, they won't see the passive ring around you untill it's WAY too late? Well, you can! Get your passive to 3 stacks. Walk to your enemy - "what does this little fuck want of me she doesn't even have her stun up" - that's right, you don't. Q them at 3 stacks and while your Q is mid-air pop your E. Your Q won't proc your passive before it hits the enemy so you can E while it's still on it's way and get a really neat surprise stun on them!
  2. If you ult outside her range, she will attempt to walk to the targeted location, then cast at max range. Since flash does not interrupt other commands, this means you can buffer Annie's ultimate to instantly come out the moment you flash into range instead of casting after the flash.
Bard's turn! Magical shrooms n shit!!
I feel really bad for this, but I don't feel ok with sharing this section with you:
I've got some friends that have been working to create some really high quality Bard tips / tricks videos, I've overheard some of the stuff that they've discussed about but I would be an asshole to just put all that here..
Here's a link to their channel where they will be posting their content.
(If anyone in the comments wants to share some Bard tricks with us I'll be more than happy to include them here)
  1. It's often safer to Q-AA in order to proc TLD but it's easier if you AA-Q due to the slow. (NMaresz)
  2. Wait for the enemy to be almost on top of you before casting the tunnel if you want to bait with it. He may spam click to attack you and end up stunned under a tower without knowing what's happening.
  3. When tower diving, engage first and maybe take a few hits, then ult the tower. Ideally the tower should be back just after you get the kill, it won't target you. It also avoids the ult into failed engage.
  4. Place your heal close to a wall (unless against a Vayne). It can bait a stun. If you're being pushed while full life, leave the heals. Let them be destroyed, no downside and it can bait a stun. (2-4 by Eckter)
  5. Stop taking W level 1, its just not worth it.
  6. Learn to how to do the jungle camp lvl 1, its a huge help when done right and Bard is good at doing it.
  7. Use the fog of war to bait your enemies into thinking they are in a 1v2 ( for example by sitting in the river brush and then E:ing in )
  8. Use your E as a flash-like escape and just ward up the whole enemy jungle, if the jungler cant instantly kill you ( a strong lee, elise ) you can escape 9/10 times with just E + Q + W.
  9. Use your ult to finish games you have a lead in, group and catch or group and engage. Very simple and very easy.
  10. Learn how to land your Q, spam it and go for the long shots as well. The cooldown and the mana costs are just way too low not to.
  11. Max Q first, put a 2nd point into W if you have a difficult lane and max E second.
  12. Dont build like a full tank but dont build like a damage dealer either. You just need to be tanky enough to not die to assassins or the burst champions while you use your utility to win the fight and CC them.
  13. Use your E to reposition yourself during fights and to catch off stragglers.(5-13 by Qeeknique)
  14. When playing Bard, use the Frostqueen's claim to slow down the enemy botlane so it's easier to aim your ult
  15. Your passive makes it so that chimes will spawn a little bit before jungle camps, meaning you should pay attention to the minimap while you're waiting for the jungle camps to spawn in order to acquire 2 early chimes, should their location not be dangerous for you to reach.
  16. Your Q gives you a ridiculous amount of pressure early game : the range is very tricky and hard to predict when you're on the receiving end, especially around minions, so use it ! That spell is the only reason a lot of people take ignite with Bard, a simple AA + Q + AA combo will proc thunderlord, applying a lot of damage and likely force a heal and/or flash, meaning your ignite is very threatening.
  17. Your W is a pretty lackluster heal in the heat of the moment (though the movement speed can make or break some engage!), but don't forget to let a shrine or two chill back behind your turret just in case you end up needing it.
  18. Your E is a really good and unique spell in terms of the utility you can bring to your entire team but you should be wary of where you're sending your teammates and yourself. It's very easy for an enemy to get his spell rotation ready if he sees you coming! On the other hand, if an enemy is chasing you through a tunnel of yours, remember to let them have a taste of your cosmic binding (Q) right as they come out : It's the easiest way for you to land your stun, and cut a chase short! It's possible for you to use your Magical Journey to travel from the fountain to the Top/Bot inhibitor with a bit of tricky aiming down/up the wall!
  19. Your ult can be very tricky to aim when you're not sure how the enemy will react: some targets will have a dash or gap-closer to get away, some might blow their flash to be safe, and some might just be helpless. One thing you need to remember is that your ult has a travel time at long distances and people will always know where it lands (though being on the very border of the ult can be hit or miss), meaning you can create pressure when a fight breaks out or there's a chase in the jungle. A very situational trick you can use is ulting a teammate of yours that just used their Zhonya's Hourglass while being surrounded with enemies that are just waiting to kill your golden statue of a teammate. Doing that will cause the enemies to be stuck in the stasis from your ult while your teammate will be completely safe because he wasn't affected by your ult, being in his own stasis. (15-19 by Arnaud_OrniK)
Blitzcrank the overly - in need of a hug - robot
First of all, I'd highly recommend you to take a look at my 2 other Blitzcrank guides shown at the top of this post.
  1. Flash + E on Blitzcrank can be tricky, you know what can't? The exact same thing.. BUT WITH INPUT BUFFERING! Activate your E, click on the enemy, and flash next to him for an instant knockup. Even if they use their flash / dash etc. they won't be able to escape an attack that had already been recognized by the system.
  2. This one gets mentioned pretty frequently here, but you can bait out enemy dashes (Ezreal E) by running up to where you might land a hook, then hitting S > ctrl+4. Spamming your laugh will throw your hands out and make it look like you're gonna hook. I have this bound to a mouse-button because of how fun it is to do.
  3. Another common one. The threat of a hook is often more powerful then actually using the hook. Since people can abuse the time it is down, try to zone off enemies from the creep waves by threatening your hook. I don't know how well this works at high ELO, but it's pretty effective in Silver. (2-3 by IAMA_llAMA_AMA)
Brand death is the best cc
  1. Start depends on matchup: W vs anything immobile/supports with hooks, E against low range adc's with not scary supports.
  2. Level 2 is HUGE if you get advantage. Look for stun. 2 second stun off 2 damage spells guarantees flash or kill.
  3. Avoid going oom. You need your stun. 4 damage spells make it easy to go oom, so use W when adc is cs'ing and don't just spell spam. Mana costs way too high until you get FQC.
  4. Space out your spells!! Drop the W JUST as the 2 second stun ends. Guarantee wayy more damage with passive this way. Each tick counts!
  5. Going off 4, with Rylai, you really should be spacing out your spells. His passive gives a sort of perma slow with his abilities, so take advantage of this and wait out before every spell. More ticks = more slow = more damage = more happy team.
  6. Look for lvl 6 powerspike. If you can land a 5 bounce ult between the adc and support, you can win the lane. Look to W them if they're close, and if you hit both, let it rip. The fact you hit both with W means they're close and them being ablaze makes them priority targets off each other.
  7. Don't be afraid to 100-0 the adc if your adc is engaged on! Too often I see enemy duo ignore Brand off ex. Leona E into my adc. Enemy adc walks up to follow the engage and they get 100-0 by a full Brand combo. EW that adc for extra damage and bounce your ult off minions they're standing around (1-7 by BrandNewBronson)
  8. Since you're starting spellthief. Almost always try to get some free tribute gold early. If you start red-side more than 50% of the time you can get all 3 procs of gold by blasting a W into Blue's tribush. Do not do this against a blitz!
  9. Zone out canon kills by the enemy ADC with your W. It's a fairly large AOE and they cannot afford to be hit by it more than twice in lane without burning pots.
  10. "Death is the best CC" but if you do not get your sightstone early, stop playing support. Just stop.
  11. If you are level 6, let that thresh hook you. He'll regret it. E > Q > R > W will guarantee you win that exchange and if his ADC is nearby, you'll probably net a double kill or (hopefully) the ADC will pick up at least one of the kills.
  12. Roam AND (if blue side) once you have sightstone, keep an eye on enemy Blue buff. You can steal that real easy if you have vision superiority in that area. (8-12 by FiveDollarSketch)
Braum even though after the Taric rework he isn't the hottest guy on the rift IMO, his mustache deserves some attention too!
  1. For Braum you can always be a martyr! W onto your adc if they're about to get hit by a hook to tank it for them. You have higher chance of getting out alive than them. (Celtachor)
  2. If the enemy ADC is attacking your tower, minions under tower or even you under your tower, raise your shield. It will absorb the damage and make the tower aggro on the enemy. (NMaresz)
  3. Rather basic, and you probably already know this, but you can W onto minions. You can use this as a gapcloser to engage on the enemy, or as an escape if you have no allies nearby.
  4. Your W can be self-cast. Use it on yourself if there are no allies nearby and you need the ArmouMR boost.
  5. Q->Flash is a thing. You can buffer the Q animation and Flash afterwards to surprise the enemy at super close range. Kind of like Alistar's Q->Flash. R->Flash, sadly, is not. (3-5 by COUTS_132)
  6. Don't waste your Braum shield, use it to block CC or huge dmg.
    Interesting things that Braum shield blocks: Trist E (Pretty sure), Gragas R, Nami Q, Zyra R (if facing centre) only stops dmg, Nami R.
  7. You can block Lulu's polymorph with E.
  8. His shield gives him a move-speed boost, so if you're running away from an enemy, cast the shield in the direction you're running for a boost. This way you don't become a bigger target for skillshots, but are still faster.
  9. You can surprise enemy laners by jumping to an ally minion close to them, then AA>Q>AA for a quick 3 stacks of your passive and a slow. If your ADC isn't a potato, they only need one AA to proc the stun.
  10. Your shield blocks all the damage of the next ability to hit you, while reducing following damage. You can use this to survive things like the Zed death mark. (8-10 by IAMA_llAMA_AMA)
  11. Invade everytime with Q unless they have a thresh, blitz or morgana.
  12. Braum will almost always win lvl 1 fights. Force a fight to make the adc or support flash. Fall back into the bush later. Keep this advantage and pressure throughout the whole laning phase.
  13. To maximize your Ultimate, W to an allied minion in the front line and then ult, it'll give them less reaction time and the slow can be harder to walk out of depending on how close they are.
  14. Use his E at the fountain for the extra speed boost back to lane, you'll get your mana back by time you're there and you'll get to lane faster.
  15. Wait for Trist to put her E on your ADC, then pull up your shield so she can't stack the bomb.
  16. Anonemuss42 decided to come up with a full on Braum guide in the comments
Janna These tips will leave you breathless..
Here is a fairly entertaining Janna guide by a (D5?) Janna OTP.
  1. Never waste your W to poke. It doesn't do that much damage for the mana cost and movement debuff.
  2. Use E on your ADC when his Attack is mid-air to increase the uptime and ultimately the damage output.
  3. Spare your Q, don't try to poke with it ever. Your Q is your only disengage tool if shit goes wrong. You can stop every dash with it (Leona E, Lee Q etc...) so try to anticipate this kind of stuff to deny the enemy. (1-3 by NMaresz)
  4. You can self-shield (alt-E) and poke the enemy with your own aa. The damage early on is scary good, AND your passive makes it easy for your adc to follow up.
  5. If you are aiming an offensive Q, aim a little right or left of the champion you want to hit. You can often get a full charge (or close) tornado off that way, and most players instinctively dodge when they see the tornado charging.
  6. Your ult can heal over walls/obstructions. Especially good when the enemy is fighting, thinking they have a favorable situation, not knowing you're on the other side of a wall, healing your teammate(s) until it's too late.
  7. Ardent Censer is really great on Janna, particularly if you have a Varus/Kog/Vayne to support. Also, your ult + Censer can enable your entire team to tank a turret and quickly kill it with no minion support. (That's a move my group and I have used to turn around a few tough stalemates by ninja-ing a base turret even when lane isn't pushed. Janna's passive also helps with that.) Captain's Boots are very nice on her as well. (4-7 by khurby)
  8. Level 1 vs. melee supports you should be AA-ing like crazy. Keep your fingers ready to shield yourself (default Alt+E) for when the projectile is in the air. (LOLDrDroo)
Karma oh, her W heal is op
  1. You can mantra + Q into a W for an easy binding and a quick kill if your adc follows up.
  2. Never forget that your mantra + W heals you, it is quite a significant heal
  3. Save mantra + E for disengaging from any objective at any point in time.
  4. You can use mantra + Q to keep the enemy wave from reaching your tower while also doing a significant amount of damage to the wave, delaying any sieges from happening. (1-4 by cmekss)
  5. If you're helping leash, cast mantra at 1:33. It lasts for 8 seconds and camps spawn at 1:40, so this will get your ult up sooner in lane.
  6. Your enemies can tell if mantra is up by whether or not your wreath is spinning
  7. Mantra + Q will explode even if it doesn't hit anything, so you can eek out a little extra range with it
  8. Mantra + W damages the enemy several times, and each tick reduces mantra's cooldown. It also heals you and scares the enemy into running away, so you can really harass and zone with it
  9. Get good at self-casting your E, especially since it makes deep warding a breeze.
  10. Mantra + E is usually better in teamfights than Mantra + Q (5-9 by dails08)
  11. Try to get 45% CD reduction so your ult will be on an a fairly low CD, especially in teamfights.
  12. Your ult shield is actually really strong, especially in teamfights. With 300+ ap, it already shields your ADC for 700+ damage and others for half as much.
  13. In a teamfight, your ult CD is really short if you have a lot of CD reduction. Try to position your Q and W to get the most out of it and do not forget to autoattack. (10-13 by gir_likes_tacos)
Leona, one of the most aggressive supports in the entire game
  1. Okay, this one is pretty hard to do unless you're playing with a Cait / Trist or you're duoing with your ADC.
    Leona's passive goes like this:
    Leona marks enemies with Sunlight for 3.5 seconds each time she damages them with an ability. Allied champions consume Sunlight on enemies they damage, dealing 20 - 140 (based on level) bonus magic damage.
    So basically, with good coordination and not just facerolling your E and Q (your w will proc last so just put this on already when going in) you'll be able to deal even over 100 extra dmg in a relatively short trade.
  2. Leona's Q works as an auto attack reset. So at LVL 1 if you're in a bush that gets warded you can easily kill the ward with AA > Q + AA > AA
  3. Something you probably know is that Leona's ult also gives you vision of the area around it.
  4. This is a pretty unknown thing, hell, I didn't even know it before just now that I'm reading her wiki page. Apparently Leona tries to automatically attack the target she E'd on, who knew? No more missing your Q on a target because of a missclick!
  5. Leona's E can be used to negate the effect of displacements by casting E slightly before the CC lands. This works because only after Zenith Blade has traveled it's full duration does it begin to pull you forwards. You can use this ~1/3 second window to negate the knock-back effect by overriding it with the dash effect of zenith blade. It's also useful to use as a way to mitigate the duration of other crowd controls and keep your downtime to a minimum in fights.
We need more Leona tips guys!! Paging i0ki !
Lulu the best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside out and round again.
  1. Your auto attacks are strong with pix passive so use them to harass.
  2. E on enemy gives vision for a few seconds, use it on people who can go invis or try to dodge into an unwarded bush.
  3. Q shoots 2 lances where only one deals dmg but both slow, so with the right angle: one lance can proc sivirs spellshield and the second still does the dmg and slow it will make the slow slightly longer.
  4. Q has a trickshot potential, if you aim between you and pix, you will shoot the lances into opposite directions (I used it exactly once in a real game from over 500 played). (1-4 by esge)
  5. Lulu can hard engage with a flash + self ult. It's not as effective in a full 5 man teamfight (in soloQ), but in a 3v3 skirmish or small fight, it can be amazing.
  6. Make sure to W yourself or an ally when leaving base to get a little extra boost back to lane.
  7. If you're going to help your ADC last hit minions under tower, make sure to E something first. Otherwise when you auto a minion, your passive will hit it 3 times and the tower will end up killing it.
  8. If you're chasing an enemy and your ally is in front of you, you can E them, W them to speed them up, then Q off of them to catch enemies far ahead. It can also be used when escaping if your ally is behind you.
  9. You can bait the enemy with your R since it gives you health back. This is especially useful when under tower as you can bait them to tower dive you. You can ult yourself to knock them up, polymorph them, then hit them with all of your spells as you kite and auto them. (5-9 by Dasaru)
  10. Against any pick supports(Blitz, Thresh, Leo) try and position yourself behind your ADC and towards the enemy ADC, that way you can't get hooked, and if your ADC gets hooked you just press W on the enemy ADC, E on your ADC, and watch them walk away
Lux hya hahahaha hya hahahahahahahaa
  1. Thunderlords or windspeaker works fine. Depends what your team needs.
  2. I tend to build tanky, as all youre there for is CC. Lots of CC. I'm talking Boots of swiftness, ZZrot, Iceborne Gauntlet. Nothing is going to piss off the enemy more than trying to get to your ADC and being snared, slowed, slowed, snared; All while you keep a shield up.
  3. Laning phase is very similar to the other pokey supports. Use the bush, auto a lot. Save your Q for when you KNOW you can hit it.
  4. I like to use my E as a temporary ward, or to zone people towards my Q. You can always quick pop it though, if you need to.
  5. Her giggle rocks. (1-5 by BearCatChemist)
Morgana bitch. (I main Blitz)
  1. Stop rushing Zhonyas, and please, please, please, buy the fucking sightstone.
  2. Something I notice a lot is that Morgana players don't really realize how powerful her spellshield is. It blocks ANY CC. For example I don't see people using it a lot against Azir's ult.
  3. Some enemy players save their non-CC backup spells to try and break your black shield early. If that's happening consistently, prioritize levels in shield over maxing your snare or pool or whatever.
  4. Your W can be used to gain easy and fast money if you have "Spellthief's Edge". Just make sure you wont hit minions with it (unless you want to push your lane).
  5. Like said before. Do not start with building hourglass! You are a support, you need to make sure important spots are warded, so you will need a sightstone for sure. After that you can consider a hourglass but in my experience you don't always need a hourglass. I for one rarely make it to hourglass. (4-5 minimaster1991)
  6. I see almost all supports max their Q first, but I like to alternate it with the spellshield quite frequently vs high-cc teams, because that move is arguably your most important move as a support.
  7. Stop building AP. I am guilty of this too, but your job as support Morg is not to outdamage your mid-laner. Your goal is to make picks, engage/disengage, and peel. Rush CDR, mobility, and even some tankiness. Items like Iron Locket, and rushing Frost Queens after sightstone will help your team immensely in teamfights.
  8. You can bait out important CC abilities from the enemy support (Thresh Q, Blitz Q) by standing out in the open and mindlessly auto attack a minion. They will expect an easy hook, get open, then go for you. You can immediately spellshield yourself, then go for the stun-pool and win the trade. Just keep in mind that things like the thresh hook's CD will be shorter than your spellshield since he landed it. I love doing this vs Blitz and Leona, so you can chip away at their health for the next 15s.
  9. Unless your team is really far ahead, don't engage with a flash ult. As stated by others, you probably shouldn't be building Zhonya's as a support atm, and without it you will be BTFO every time you do that into 5 of them. Save your ult for chasing a couple people down, or to peel for your ADC when they get dove. This is a really good one (6-9 by IAMA_llAMA_AMA)
Nami legit got a mermaid fetish from playing her
  1. Always start with W, every time the adc goes to last hit, W him/her, position yourself so that it will hit Enemy ADC, heals you, then hits enemy support. Makes for good trades early. (This one was controversial, some people prefer to get E)
  2. If you have the ADC on comms (Skype/discord/etc) Coordinate with them so that when the enemy support goes in for a relic shield proc, or enemy adc goes to last hit a cannon minion, you E your ADC, causing their attacks to do more damage and slow, as soon as the first empowered auto lands, THEN bubble. A slow target is much easier to bubble then a target uninhibited.
  3. When escaping from a bad situation early game, chances are you have boots, and your ADC does not, cast E on the ADC to speed them up (passive). As a bonus, if the ganker you are running from gets close enough, W yourself to speed yourself, causing a bounce to the enemy, then to your ADC.
  4. Your ult, is just the silliest thing alive (1/3rd a lane wide, knock up and travels to Narnia), however don't use it in the first second or two of a fight, most people with channeled abilities will wait before dumping their full kit, this is the time to get a tidal wave of interrupts.
  5. To be the biggest fish in the sea, get Frost Queens claim, this item alone will set up so many easy bubbles, and cause flashes faster then rammus rolling through a lane. (1-5 by WallymartsEve)
  6. Harass with E. Whether on you or the ADC you should be able to do some serious damage early on.
  7. E has no cast time. If you are running, use this for a speedboost without slowing you down.
  8. Wave has huge range, use it. Most people only use it as a point blank panic button, it is far more useful to aid an ally who is chasing or running. (6-8 by MomentOfXen)
  9. Like Janna, you can use E on your adc while their auto is mid-air. Helps for chasing and trading (especially when your adc doesn't know to auto when you E them).
  10. If you have some extra mana or a lot of mana-regen you can use your abilities on a teammate or yourself get to lane faster.
  11. Your ult gives double the regular movespeed from your passive, so while it's not worth ulting your teammate (and no enemies) just to speed them up, it can be useful to land over teammates too.
  12. Try to slow enemies with your E or ult before using your Q. Use W on your adc when they're in auto range of an enemy to get a bounce in for trading damage + healing. (9-12 by crimson0121)
  13. Your basic combo is E on yourself-Q-W-AA the shit outta them. E lasts a long time (6 seconds or 3 AAs I believe) so go ham with it. Nami's a great early lane bully and I've gotten a ton of first bloods just from harass.
  14. Nami's E + any sort of AA-spam adc = lovely. Cast E on an Ezreal and watch 'em go to work :D
  15. An obvious one, but one that people forget - Q is slow to land and fairly obvious where it's going to land, so when being aggressive (e.g. you're moving forward to land) always target it slightly behind the enemy. Particularly in low elo, adcs will move BACKWARDS to dodge instead of side to side. Same principle, if you're running away, throw it in FRONT of the people chasing you so they'll walk into it.
  16. Something a lot of Nami beginners don't know is that W has a bigger BOUNCE than CAST range. So if the enemy is out of range for your cast, I'll walk forward and cast it on an ally, and sometimes it will be able to achieve the bounce.
  17. Obviously Nami has good peel with R and Q, but her passive is also a peel - it increases movement speed for allies. So if you're trying to run and you don't have enough time to throw out an Q (R has a long channeling time, Q has a long land time), then just throw E on someone. It's instant and it costs the least mana.
  18. Build CDR. You will hate yourself otherwise.
  19. W first. Q first is a trap. (13-19 by decima205)
Nautilus legit got a underwater robot feti-
  1. Just a really beginner class tip: You will out dmg any support (Hohhhohhh I picked Brand support now I have more dmg than you!...) bot lane, BUT (and this is a big but .. t) you are also a lot squishier than you'd think. One Thresh Q on your can really fuck up your lane.
  2. Take Thunderlord's and trade aggressively (TheJollyLlama875)
  3. The shield works as AA animation cancel, you can get a second auto off if you do AA>W>AA
  4. Sorta same thing: Your W is an AA reset. However, E cast will interrupt your AA animation. To get the most damage off of an engage, land Q, AA, E, W
Sona the one that for some reason has the most tricks so far
  1. Hit Q once in the fountain (twice if you aren't leashing) and leash with the second Q.
  2. Too many people neglect W and E powerchords. W for high dps trying to dive the carries. E helps secure kills/escape and is nice for jungle ganks.
  3. If you have a twat prima donna adc, wait until the enemy is low health then smite them with a Q powerchord. (1-3 by ghostlyapparition)
  4. ALWAYS max Q first. You have sustain on W and speedup on E but your main purpose in lane is bullying people.
  5. Powerchord is an AA reset. Q once in fountain, once when leashing then go into lane AA -> Q -> powerchord AA = early lane control.
  6. Always contest enemy melee support when he goes for his relic proc. Always punish low range enemy adc for last hits.
  7. Passive-aggressive harass = Q on both enemy champs when it's up 2x, then do AA+Q+powerchordAA combo. (When they start to expect this switch it up)
  8. Unexpected, nearly impossible to avoid powerchord: E or W into E or W into AA+Q+powerchordAA
  9. The threat of your ultimate is at times alot more potent than the actual useage of it. Don't throw it willy-nilly
  10. LEARN TO POSITION YOURSELF! You're squishy as f... You don't have any mobility outside flash. You WILL be targeted if out of position. Use this fact to your advantage.
  11. Your level 6 all in is strong, but only if your ADC knows how to play.
  12. DON'T BE SCARED TO TAKE KILLS. So many people have hated on me for taking a few early kills due to powerchords/Q damage, but if you don't go balls to the walls in teamfights, you won't be as effective. Besides. That juicy early gold can be put into juicy lane dominance + better roaming and vision control.
  13. You are an early/midgame damage powerhouse. Late game you are a heal bot with a nice ult and decent chase (with your E)
  14. I take AD reds, armour quints, hp yellows MR blues and thunderlords. There are plenty of other rune/mastery setups. Find the one that works for you. (4-14 by DaedalusV)
  15. How to poke under tower, Max range Q - E walk away before tower fires
That should do it, please share your best tricks in the comments so I can begin filling up this list with them!!
My Lol wiki started to bug out a lot after 50% of the champions so I wasn't able to come up with even more tricks that way, hence the lack of content!
Apparently I only used 1/4 of the letter cap, well, maybe the tricks from you guys will change that!
If submitting, use reddits 1. 2. 3. system, also include your name in the end. Example: (yourmom)
EDIT 3: Literally RIP inbox, I'll try to get all the tips in the main post as well, but crediting everyone is something I can't sadly do! I'm sorry for letting you down - if you have something against me using your tips without credit, lemme know and I won't.
Also, I NEED TO SLEEP. Will work on the post tomorrow!!
EDIT 2: Can't keep up with all the tips on phone, CTRL + F!
EDIT: Holy fuck are there a lot of people with amazing tips! I'm heading off my PC right now so you can just CTRL + F and search for the champ that you're interested in! Also, if submitting tips / tricks please use the formatting I did, read the last part of the post too, makes my job a lot easier =D!
submitted by WattJH to summonerschool [link] [comments]

A Noob Support's 5 Simple Tips To Gain LP And Be A Better Teammate

Hello everyone! My name is Noob3rt and I have been playing League of Legends since near the end of season one and I started out at 1100 ELO/Bronze 4 but last season I made it to Master Tier with my horrible mechanics before going inactive and dropping to Diamond 2 through my epic levels of gameplay. If I can do it, anyone can do it, because it really is that easy once you understand a few key things.
TL;DR - Practice until you can maintain 100 CS @ 10 Minutes, Vision & Control Wards are important, Rune/Mastery/In-Game build synergy are important, Maintain Champion Pool Of 3-4 for main role and 2 for all other roles, mentality is key because flame is lame.
After playing a long drawn out game last night and checking a few of the post-game stats I decided I would type up something on Reddit in hopes that it would help out even a few people. I am constantly seeing players believe that there is only one way to carry a game and that is by chasing down players and killing them but League of Legends isn't that black and white. There are methods to winning games that require even less effort than people are putting in. Here are a few tips that can hopefully help you become a better player and teammate!
1 - Creep Score - No matter what lane you play, be it mid, jungle or support you need the ability to creep score effectively. Practice CSing in Custom Games or the new Training Grounds until you can consistently obtain 100 CS every 10 minutes. After you can consistently obtain 100 CS every 10 minutes by yourself, take it into a normal game and practice against the pressure of players. After you are comfort able and consistent, I would suggest then taking what you have learned to ranked but not before you are comfortable. Just remember to keep working at it because it is one of the most important aspects of the game and you would honestly be surprised how much gold is lost by missed minions. If you watch streams, you will notice the higher elo players getting visibly upset when they miss a cannon minion and this is one of the reasons. They fully understand just how much gold is lost with each lost minion.
2 - Vision, Vision Control & Vision Denial - As a Support main, I prioritize vision above almost all else. Now I honestly don't care what support you play so long as you buy a sightstone. If you are one of those players who does not buy or believe in a sightstone, you honestly deserve every report you receive because that is, in my books, trolling. Vision is one of the easiest things to not only use but to capitalize and win games off of.
Most often what I do is leave the base, place the wards on the side of the map that we are currently playing around and then I will, if my team is in a good safe place, recall to refill my wards so that as we move around the map I can continue to ward and keep my teammates safe or enable us to make picks that lead to more gains throughout the map. It is incredibly frustrating being filled to my off role and watching my support run around like a headless chicken carrying a full sightstone and not making any attempt at all to control the map with vision. Please do not be a headless chicken, be a better chicken!
Something I recommend to every player, not just supports, is to prepare and deny vision around an objective before doing it. I suggest warding objectives before 1 minute and 30 seconds before they spawn. There is no reason for you to attempt an objective without first clearing the enemies vision and warding it up yourself because instead of getting the objective, you might just get aced and we know that nobody likes to see their team get aced and then have their Infernal Drake taken away from them.
How many of you Junglers have been constantly invaded and wished you had knowledge of where the enemy Jungler was? How many of you Top Laners have been ganked from behind? What about Bot Lane or Mid? You can almost completely deny most ganks on your lane if you buy and keep buying a Control Ward on one side of your lane in a defensive position. A Jungler (first back is crucial to this idea too) can help further his own protection as well as Mids by placing a Control Ward at the entrance to his Jungle or in a river bush. As the game advances, so should your placement of Control Wards because of how important they are against denying enemy vision of where you are as well as when you are doing objectives. I normally carry at least one control ward on my character at all times because of just how important it is and I suggest you start utilizing them more! If you play in high ELO and have not placed a single Control Ward throughout the game, shame on you! SHAME! Here is an example of one of my games vision scores. Vision is key, never forget to use vision and you will see a drastically improved success rate around objectives and overall games!
3 - Synergy - Back when I was coaching League of Legends I would often stress the importance of the synergy between rune pages, mastery pages and in-game build paths. Understanding is important to doing anything in life but just as real life, it is equally as important in League of Legends to understand what things do, how to react to them properly, the timing and the synergy of all things. If I asked you what each ability in your Mastery Tree did, could you answer without looking at them? If not, I don't blame you because most people often go "I'm AP, I need this to do more damage" but since Riot is constantly changing the way League of Legends works in an effort to spice it up, I suggest reading and understanding each and every ability so that you can effectively synergize your bonuses together. You might be surprised at what the ability actually does, I know I was!
A good synergy example is playing Riven when you are against an all physical damage based team and you are using magic resist runes. You could instead drop those runes and utilize 10% CDR runes which in turn enables you to build a different item, like Ninja Tabis or Guardian Angel that much earlier while also freeing up an extra item slot for later. A bad synergy choice is when you are playing Varus and build a Manamune only to then follow it up with an Essence Reaver. The reason it is a bad choice is because you won't be needing that much mana, the overall item path is poor and it puts you behind the enemy ADC in overall damage output.
If you ever struggle on what to build, I suggest using and reading exactly what the common items are for that Champion. Make sure you try to understand why they are building those items, don't just build them blindly because you could be missing out on something key like Runes or Masteries!
4 - Champion Pool - One of the most important things in League of Legends is your Champion Pool. What can you play? What are you comfortable on? What do you play so well that you might even beat Bjergsen or Imaqtpie on? There are only two important things that I can think of when picking your Champion to play. The first being is how comfortable you are at playing that Champion and the second being how well it synergizes with your team. Now both of these are equally important but if you lack the Champion Pool to synergize with your teammates choices, always go for comfort over synergy because nobody wants to feed let alone see you feed. You should always try to maintain around 3 to 4 Champions for your main choice of role and 2 for every other role that you can play at the same level as your main role. There will always be instances where you are out of luck and forced into a situation where you are both uncomfortable and unable to synergize with your teammates and when that time arrives, stick to the age old tradition of being a tank. One crucial piece of information I can give to those who struggle is this: When in doubt, play a tank! A tank will almost always be relevant unless you somehow manage to feed to the point of irrelevancy. Don't be a feeder, be a team player! There is nothing wrong with going 2/5/25 as a Maokai because in the end, a win is still a win.
5 - Mentality - This is the most important thing on my list to talk about. In my 20 years playing video games I have seen people lose more games off of pure mentality than actual in-game mistakes. If you are upset, do not queue up and take a break. The game isn't going anywhere but your account could take a hit because of one stupid mistake you made while upset. If you are upset, frustrated, angry or just depressed after a tough loss, take a 30 minute break doing other things and come back when you are in the right mind set. You will see a drastic increase in your level of focus, team play and ability to crush noobs. Now if somebody is being toxic or intentionally feeding, there is absolutely nothing you can do because they are being toxic hormonal teenagers and you should treat them exactly how their parents treat them and that is by ignoring them. Put those toxic players on mute, make a mental note to report them after the game and play on. Nobody is perfect though and sometimes their frustrations get the better of them but if you do happen to flame, make sure to apologize at the end of the game. An apology goes a long way, especially because it could help you avoid being reported. Flame is lame so don't be lame.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps even one person! Noob3rt
PS: How the hell do I format this crap properly?
submitted by Noob3rt to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Jungle going ADC. Need help from Varus and Xayah players!


I stated, that one of the most important lane to gank, which can lead to important objectives and won games, is one of my biggest weaknesses. Botlane. If is fairly tricky, a 3vs2 can be turned into triple kill for enemy ADC even without enemy jungler, so I am very cautious, when I go there, so.... it probably results in me ganking more top and mid, instead of botlane. I would like to change that, so I want to learn botlane, so that I could understand powerspikes and synergies. And also have some fun on botlane account. I have a good support teachnig me when to do what, but I feel like I need another perspective from you guys.

So. I have few questions.

I picked Varus. I fairly know how to play him. E, stack AAs, Q for the rest. Push lane from time to time with Q. Ult, E, AA, W Q kill, thank you. If possible, never stop AAs. With and probuilds, I think building him is not a problem I should bother you guys with.

But I am not sure about his powerspikes. I feel like lvl6 is huge, lvl 2 is decent. Outside of that, I only feel like he is scaling slowly to late, when he can melt almost anything in seconds, but are there any other things, that I can do with him and when?

I try to push at lvl 1 to gain lvl2, then, I usually get pushed by duos with strong pushing power and I feel I am too passive. I try to poke from time to time with Q and push the wave, but is Varus actually good for passive play? Is this okay?

Another pick, that my friend talks me into is Xayah. Okay, I understand her trade with Q, E, all ins- pop W, R for dodging essential skillshots etc. and I heard she is good, when played passively. Here, I have no idea about her spikes, outside that she scales well into late.

I also feel I lack power in lane to poke and trade. Not sure exactly when to pop W, when to pop Q. Wait? Start?

Another problem is, jungler ganks. I feel like I am way behind everything.With Varus I can at least always get Q or W-Q, flash-ult, but with Xayah, there is no Tristana's W, or Ashe arrow, how do I should I act, when jungler is coming? And when, how use my abilities, so that I do not cancel my walking?

I clearly do not fully understand the weaknesses. Also, what would be the 3rd pick to compensate their weaknesses? I played earlier some Ashe and Trist, others- not so much honestly.

And last question. As jungler, I pretty much know when to go where, but as ADC, after laning phase I feel I am walking out of fountain and... doooh, now what... Yes, I know about toplane swap, but this is not always possible. When I go bot alone, some Kayn pops from a wall and I die. When I group, I get almost no CS and levels at all, so... hmm?

Many thanks in advance guys!
submitted by piersimlaplace to summonerschool [link] [comments]

Wondering what Varus' strongest build is now? I spent hours in the Practice tool gathering data so you don't have to! Here's the answers to everyone's questions on how to build Varus now.

Sorry it took me so long fam, but as promised, here are the results of my massive data gathering and testing of builds between the old Rageblade and the new Rageblade. This was a massive amount of work, so sorry if it took a little longer than anticipated. If you were looking for the current best Varus build, you'll most likely find it below.
The following link is all the data you'll probably ever care to sift through regarding dps, burst, damage per second, etc., for a ton of different Varus builds, both last patch and this patch.
If you're not interested in sifting through data and just want the best build, you can skip to the Summary of Results section at the end.

Testing Methodology

All tests were performed in the Practice tool. The distance to the dummy was always identical in all tests. If I needed to stack a Rageblade beforehand, I would attack a different dummy 6 times and then switch to my primary target. I made sure every test was done the same as much as possible (for example, Guinsoo's Rage procs and Rapid Fire Cannon procs always starting on the same auto attack).
Runes for testing were Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand, Celerity, and Manaflow Band. (I normally take Gathering Storm instead of Manaflow Band on Varus, but I didn't want test values to change the longer I was in the game.)
I also increased Varus' levels to approximately match the number of items he'd have at that time in his build. I leveled his abilities in this order: R > E > W > Q.
For auto attack/dps testing, I did 10 auto attacks and then recorded the numbers. If Crit was involved, I did the test multiple times and took the mean.
For combo tests, the combo was R > auto > Q > auto > W > auto, and I always made sure the W popped the last auto as well. There was no specific reason for this combo (i.e. it's not necessarily the best for any particular circumstance). I did not record DPS for combos because the speed at which I performed the combo was too much of a variable. All combo tests were done at least 3 times and the mean was taken.


Due to Dummies in the practice tool having ridiculously high health, any item or skill that deals with percent health damage will appear to do much more damage than it really will under normal circumstances. This means:
  1. Blade of the Ruined King is not near as good as it looks due to dummy health
  2. Do not compare any build with Blade of the Ruined King to any build without it - only to other builds with BotRK as well
  3. Items with a lot of AP will appear to do much more burst than they actually will. Because of this, the burst on Lich Bane is probably more comparable than it looks.
  4. Any item with Crit makes the damage very variable depending on how many crits landed in test cases. As such, certain crit builds might be a little better or worse than they appear. I tried to do multiple tests to counteract that with crit builds.
  5. There was unavoidable variability in combo testing. Even with AP builds it tends to do a different amount of damage each time. To try and counteract that, I usually did each test 3 times and took the mean.

How to Read the Spreadsheet

If you're looking for a specific build, do the following:
  1. First decide whether you want to look at auto attack dps or combo burst damage. The DPS section is on the top and the burst section on the bottom
  2. Look for the rows that match the number of items in your build. For example, if you're looking for the strongest 2 item combo for early game, look in group labeled 2 item(level 12) section in the second column. Boots were not included in tests, so the highest number of items is 5.
  3. In each of these sections, builds are also split between AP and AD builds by a thin line.
  4. Most importantly, notice that the builds all have the items in alphabetical order, so if you sort the items in your build in alphabetical order in your mind, you can then look for the cell that matches it. If you follow the key to the far right, you could even search for your build.
After the build column is a column that has the total price without rageblade included. Then you have two groups of 5 columns. In each group:
The reason the cost of Rageblade is separated out is because the cost was changing regularly on the PBE and will likely change next patch as well to 3300 (see the PBE). If you update the cost in each row, it will also automatically update the dps per gold spent and total damage per gold spent. (You'll have to copy the spreadsheet and make your own version to do this, as the public one is not editable).
You'll also notice a few columns in the patch 8.5 group that have 0 for their dps and damage. This is just because there were a few builds that I didn't get to test on the last patch, but I wanted the data on the current patch to compare to other builds.
As a final note, I've highlighted in green the most important column for determining the worth of a build - DPS per gold spent for auto attack tests and total damage per gold spent for combo tests. These numbers are only the most important before you're full build. When you approach late game and full build, the total DPS and total damage become more important. In the pink color I've highlighted all the builds with BotRK, to remind you to only compare builds with BotRK with other builds with the same item, as explained in the warning section above.

Summary of Results:

First Items

As a first item, Rageblade is still really good. It has less burst, but actually has better auto attack dps for the gold than the old Rageblade (which is probably the reason it is getting a price increase). After the price increase, this will no longer be the case and you should no longer consider it an option to build first. Instead build one of the items mentioned in the next paragraph.
Other choices for a first item are Nashor's Tooth, which has decent dps and great burst, and Blade of the Ruined King, which is kind of a mystery as to how good it is because you can't get reliable numbers against high health dummies in the training tool with BotRK.
I do not recommend Gunblade as a first item. It has horrible DPS (only burst) and, surprising enough, Nashor's Tooth actually has better burst for the gold spent and really good DPS. If you take Gunblade first and miss an ability or your ult is down, you're going to have a rough time in an extended all-in fight. It's better as an option for your 5th or 6th item if you really need the lifesteal, but void staff will do more damage all around and Zhonya's is usually a necessity. If you want to try taking Gunblade first, it might be viable if you take Lethal Tempo (so you get your lane sustain from a rushed Cutlass and rely on Lethal Tempo for early attack speed dps). I haven't tested this yet.

First Two Items

In general, almost every build is better (for the gold spent) at 2 items with the new Rageblade, the exception being if your second item is an attack speed item like Wit's End or Runaan's, in which case the damage is less but the damage per gold is similar. Keep in mind though that Wit's End is usually not a great buy on Varus anymore and doesn't fit as well into his builds, especially at this point.
By far the strongest combo at 2 items is Rageblade+Nashors, having the best dps (except possibly rb+BotRK) and almost the best burst out of any other combo. If you're going AD, I'd recommend Rageblade+BotRK as your first two items.

Full Build Options

The old on hit build is still decent, but no longer the best build without at least one tweak. The new Rageblade has opened up two other possible builds: crits builds with Rageblade and Manamune builds with Rageblade. As a result, something like rb+ie+runaans+rfc+bork has much higher late game damage than the on hit build and even better dps per gold spent unless you get a Manamune in your on-hit build.
AP Varus is also in a better position than ever. His auto attacks hurt much more late game and his burst is better late game than before. In all honesty, I believe AP will be his strongest build now. To explain why, in the past, AD Varus has always been the auto attacker and AP Varus all about the burst. Well, AP Varus has more burst than ever now, but his auto attacks now do more damage than a standard crit build such as ie+runaans+rfc+Bloodthirster+Mercurial Scimitar. That's kind of ridiculous. I've even seen a few pros building Varus AP on
Please keep in mind that I have not thoroughly tested all of these builds, and all of this is going off just numbers, but it's looking like the best builds will be:
On-hit: Same as his old on-hit build and still one of the strongest. The one difference is Manamune works better than ever now mixed in: Muramana+rb+Botrk+wits+Runaan's. Tied for the best dps per gold, this build will spike earlier but fall off late, similar to his old on-hit build. The problem is you'll probably have to get a defensive item in there somewhere and I'm not sure what to take out.
On-hit Crit: Probably his best AD build - even better than his on-hit build above. RB > Bork > Runaan's > (IE + Rapid Fire Cannon or Phantom Dancer). Get the Bork before the Rageblade after they increase Rageblade's price next patch. This build not only has the highest late game dps but is also tied now with his on-hit build for the best dps per gold spent!
Again, you'll likely need a defensive item in there, in which case you'll have to choose between dropping the IE or the second zeal item. The zeal item spikes a little earlier while the IE has slightly more late game damage, especially if you've stacked your Rageblade. I'd choose the zeal item if you need the passive or if you think the game is going to end fast - otherwise, choose the IE. As an example, if you're struggling to stay alive, Phantom Dancer plus a defensive item could really help you stay alive over an IE and DPS/per gold is pretty similar.
Lethality: Something like Muramana+youmoos+duskblade+Rageblade+Botrk could be fun. Good auto attack damage on top of strong Q's with the lethality. Use your lethality to poke early and then get the RB+Bork late to transition to auto attacks as your Q falls off late game. Best burst other than AP builds as well. My guess is this will be a fun and highly viable build, but probably not his most viable build.
AP: Nashor's > Rageblade > Deathcap > Void Staff > Zhonya's, with a possible substitution of Gunblade somewhere late game if you need the lifesteal. This build rocks right now and takes the crown for his strongest build in my opinion. Granted, I've always been biased towards AP Varus, but AP has never been this strong or had late game auto attack DPS like this. His burst and tank melting is unmatched and his auto attacks alone will actually out damage a lot of crit builds now. Nashor's is your best first item. I don't recommend gunblade first for reasons mentioned above.

A word about runes and boots

You'll notice I didn't mention which boots or runes were best because I didn't test them specifically, but I'll leave my opinion on those. For boots, on AD I recommend Ninja Tabi, Mercury Treads, or Boots of Speed. Never take Berserker's Greaves on AD Varus because you'll get enough attack speed with his passive and other items and the defensive options are important on Varus. For AP Varus, I recommend the same, but if you don't think you'll strongly need one of the defensive options, take Berserker's Greaves. I don't recommend Sorc Shoes on AP Varus. You'll do more damage with Greaves if you get one extra auto attack in and with AP Varus there aren't a lot of sources for attack speed. Besides, you'll always have plenty of burst with AP Varus, so focusing on making your auto attacks a threat while your abilities are down is really important.
For runes, I strongly believe nothing but Fleet Footwork is viable right now on Varus, unless your first item is a Cutlass. If you take Lethal Tempo and don't rush lifesteal, you're going to get destroyed too often in lane by the enemy ADC with more sustain. My typical runes are Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Legend: Bloodline OR Legend: Alacrity, Coup De Grace, Celerity, and Gathering Storm. I believe this is what you'll see most pros take as well on Varus.

How will raising the price of Rageblade to 3300 next patch change things?

Probably not a whole lot build-wise, with one key exception. If they raise the price of Rageblade next patch as the PBE is currently testing, you'll never want to rush Rageblade anymore. BotRK will be your best first item, followed by Rageblade second.
Let me know if you guys have any other questions and I'll be happy to help!
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention about why the AP build is so strong right now is not only is the burst ridiculous AND the auto attack dps beats out many traditional late game crit builds, but his auto attacks actually scale early and throughout the game better than AD Varus too. His strongest 2 item combo for auto attacks is very likely Nashor's + Rageblade, and it only scales up from there (unfortunately it's impossible to be sure because you can't compare it to any build with BotRK due to test dummy health, but it beats out all builds without BotRK and has ridiculous burst).
submitted by dillydadally to VarusMains [link] [comments]

A Noob Support's 5 Simple Tips To Gain LP And Be A Better Teammate

Hello everyone! I am re-posting what I typed in the League of Legends subreddit on the advice of another user that this subreddit might like what I have typed up. My name is Noob3rt and I have been playing League of Legends since near the end of season one and I started out at 1100 ELO/Bronze 4 but last season I made it to Master Tier with my horrible mechanics before going inactive and dropping to Diamond 2 through my epic levels of gameplay. If I can do it, anyone can do it, because it really is that easy once you understand a few key things.
TL;DR - Practice until you can maintain 100 CS @ 10 Minutes, Vision & Control Wards are important, Rune/Mastery/In-Game build synergy are important, Maintain Champion Pool Of 3-4 for main role and 2 for all other roles, mentality is key because flame is lame.
After playing a long drawn out game last night and checking a few of the post-game stats I decided I would type up something on Reddit in hopes that it would help out even a few people. I am constantly seeing players believe that there is only one way to carry a game and that is by chasing down players and killing them but League of Legends isn't that black and white. There are methods to winning games that require even less effort than people are putting in. Here are a few tips that can hopefully help you become a better player and teammate!
1 - Creep Score - No matter what lane you play, be it mid, jungle or support you need the ability to creep score effectively. Practice CSing in Custom Games or the new Training Grounds until you can consistently obtain 100 CS every 10 minutes. After you can consistently obtain 100 CS every 10 minutes by yourself, take it into a normal game and practice against the pressure of players. After you are comfort able and consistent, I would suggest then taking what you have learned to ranked but not before you are comfortable. Just remember to keep working at it because it is one of the most important aspects of the game and you would honestly be surprised how much gold is lost by missed minions. If you watch streams, you will notice the higher elo players getting visibly upset when they miss a cannon minion and this is one of the reasons. They fully understand just how much gold is lost with each lost minion.
2 - Vision, Vision Control & Vision Denial - As a Support main, I prioritize vision above almost all else. Now I honestly don't care what support you play so long as you buy a sightstone. If you are one of those players who does not buy or believe in a sightstone, you honestly deserve every report you receive because that is, in my books, trolling. Vision is one of the easiest things to not only use but to capitalize and win games off of.
Most often what I do is leave the base, place the wards on the side of the map that we are currently playing around and then I will, if my team is in a good safe place, recall to refill my wards so that as we move around the map I can continue to ward and keep my teammates safe or enable us to make picks that lead to more gains throughout the map. It is incredibly frustrating being filled to my off role and watching my support run around like a headless chicken carrying a full sightstone and not making any attempt at all to control the map with vision. Please do not be a headless chicken, be a better chicken!
Something I recommend to every player, not just supports, is to prepare and deny vision around an objective before doing it. I suggest warding objectives before 1 minute and 30 seconds before they spawn. There is no reason for you to attempt an objective without first clearing the enemies vision and warding it up yourself because instead of getting the objective, you might just get aced and we know that nobody likes to see their team get aced and then have their Infernal Drake taken away from them.
How many of you Junglers have been constantly invaded and wished you had knowledge of where the enemy Jungler was? How many of you Top Laners have been ganked from behind? What about Bot Lane or Mid? You can almost completely deny most ganks on your lane if you buy and keep buying a Control Ward on one side of your lane in a defensive position. A Jungler (first back is crucial to this idea too) can help further his own protection as well as Mids by placing a Control Ward at the entrance to his Jungle or in a river bush. As the game advances, so should your placement of Control Wards because of how important they are against denying enemy vision of where you are as well as when you are doing objectives. I normally carry at least one control ward on my character at all times because of just how important it is and I suggest you start utilizing them more! If you play in high ELO and have not placed a single Control Ward throughout the game, shame on you! SHAME! Here is an example of one of my games vision scores. Vision is key, never forget to use vision and you will see a drastically improved success rate around objectives and overall games!
3 - Synergy - Back when I was coaching League of Legends I would often stress the importance of the synergy between rune pages, mastery pages and in-game build paths. Understanding is important to doing anything in life but just as real life, it is equally as important in League of Legends to understand what things do, how to react to them properly, the timing and the synergy of all things. If I asked you what each ability in your Mastery Tree did, could you answer without looking at them? If not, I don't blame you because most people often go "I'm AP, I need this to do more damage" but since Riot is constantly changing the way League of Legends works in an effort to spice it up, I suggest reading and understanding each and every ability so that you can effectively synergize your bonuses together. You might be surprised at what the ability actually does, I know I was!
A good synergy example is playing Riven when you are against an all physical damage based team and you are using magic resist runes. You could instead drop those runes and utilize 10% CDR runes which in turn enables you to build a different item, like Ninja Tabis or Guardian Angel that much earlier while also freeing up an extra item slot for later. A bad synergy choice is when you are playing Varus and build a Manamune only to then follow it up with an Essence Reaver. The reason it is a bad choice is because you won't be needing that much mana, the overall item path is poor and it puts you behind the enemy ADC in overall damage output.
If you ever struggle on what to build, I suggest using and reading exactly what the common items are for that Champion. Make sure you try to understand why they are building those items, don't just build them blindly because you could be missing out on something key like Runes or Masteries!
4 - Champion Pool - One of the most important things in League of Legends is your Champion Pool. What can you play? What are you comfortable on? What do you play so well that you might even beat Bjergsen or Imaqtpie on? There are only two important things that I can think of when picking your Champion to play. The first being is how comfortable you are at playing that Champion and the second being how well it synergizes with your team. Now both of these are equally important but if you lack the Champion Pool to synergize with your teammates choices, always go for comfort over synergy because nobody wants to feed let alone see you feed. You should always try to maintain around 3 to 4 Champions for your main choice of role and 2 for every other role that you can play at the same level as your main role. There will always be instances where you are out of luck and forced into a situation where you are both uncomfortable and unable to synergize with your teammates and when that time arrives, stick to the age old tradition of being a tank. One crucial piece of information I can give to those who struggle is this: When in doubt, play a tank! A tank will almost always be relevant unless you somehow manage to feed to the point of irrelevancy. Don't be a feeder, be a team player! There is nothing wrong with going 2/5/25 as a Maokai because in the end, a win is still a win.
5 - Mentality - This is the most important thing on my list to talk about. In my 20 years playing video games I have seen people lose more games off of pure mentality than actual in-game mistakes. If you are upset, do not queue up and take a break. The game isn't going anywhere but your account could take a hit because of one stupid mistake you made while upset. If you are upset, frustrated, angry or just depressed after a tough loss, take a 30 minute break doing other things and come back when you are in the right mind set. You will see a drastic increase in your level of focus, team play and ability to crush noobs. Now if somebody is being toxic or intentionally feeding, there is absolutely nothing you can do because they are being toxic hormonal teenagers and you should treat them exactly how their parents treat them and that is by ignoring them. Put those toxic players on mute, make a mental note to report them after the game and play on. Nobody is perfect though and sometimes their frustrations get the better of them but if you do happen to flame, make sure to apologize at the end of the game. An apology goes a long way, especially because it could help you avoid being reported. Flame is lame so don't be lame.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks for reading and I hope this helps even one person! Noob3rt
submitted by Noob3rt to summonerschool [link] [comments]

I'm writing this to teach you what I didn't know (resubmit)

So to begin, I'm not even good at league of legends. I maxed at low gold. That being said, I learned some tips along the way that I didn't even consider when my ass was stuck in bronze 5 for most of season 4. I'm writing this because I didn't read it anywhere when my ass was stuck and I will likely learn something here as well to help my climb.
Did anyone play Age of Empires? You remember what you do when you start a new game? You gather resources, build yourself up until you can fight your opponent, then go and kill their base. Along the way you will fight, you will lose units, you will control areas of the map. Choke your opponent out of resources so they can no longer afford to buy units. If they don't have as many units, they lose. Play League as though you are playing Age of Empires (or any RTS).
Stop staring at your minions You didn't see that gank coming, that opposing laner walking up, that fight happening in jungle BECAUSE you were likely tunneling on your minions. Make sure you are using peripheral vision for minion hp while alternating between your enemy laner and the map.
Play champions only when you understand what they need in order to win. Playing Yasuo? Don't. But what you need to play him is time and not to die. If you are trying the sick 1v1 outplays at level 2 against that Pantheon or Renekton, you're going to have a bad time. Know when your champion hits his spikes (like syndra level 6 or fizz level 3 and 6 for example). Know what your champion does best. If you are split pushing on caitlyn, you are not maximizing your champions strengths -- group or play another champion. When a champion has a very unique playstyle such as Nasus, Singed, Heimerdinger etc. you need to study them before you jump in the game with them.
Your recall timing is fucking important Maximize when you recall! Dying is not worth that 3 cs. You didn't know you were going to die for it but you probably do now. Don't make the same mistake twice. Push the wave into the turret before recalling if you can safely (which is the majority of the time) before recalling. Recall when a cannon wave is rolling up because that wave takes longer to push to your tower and will give you more time to return to lane. Don't recall when there is a wave at your tower unless you absolutely can't be there.
XP is more important than you realize You can help me in the comments but I was once told one level of xp is roughly equivalent to 500 gold. This is due to the stats you gain and the skill level up you gain. This varies from champion to champion as to how important certain levels are (think Kha'zix) but the general idea is you want more levels than your opponent. This is never stressed enough. If you fall behind in levels, you are also falling behind in invisible gold. If there is one thing you take away from this rant it is this. Even if you cannot get the cs, stay in exp range so long as you are safe.
Control your wave Control your wave to make it do what you want. No one in low elo utilizes this. This goes along with focusing on xp, cs, and getting the best back timing possible. It is a very important skill especially in a long lane where you can very easily die when your opponent has 14 creeps pushing to you and you lose those creeps, give the xp and gold lead up, likely a summoner, item advantage, and tower push lead. Ever been to a tower when there were no creeps there? Yeah, you can't kill it and you can't have the tower deny all of those CS.
That's the goal, you want to make sure you are denying those huge waves to your enemy laner to put them very far behind. In turn, you want to make sure you are not denied large amounts of minions to the turret.
Wave control is a complicated skill. The most basic terms I can put it in is 4 parts: freezing, pushing, stacking, and proxying. I'll try my best to explain each of them but there is a very good video on creep control somewhere on this sub.
Freezing. Essentially even out the minions to where they are 'frozen' at the spot you want it to stay at. At the very beginning of lane, 6 minions hit 6 minions at the exact same time and they freeze there right? That's what you want to do but the further they are toward one tower or the other, the more minions it will require to keep even. if the minion wave is on your side of the lane with generally 3 minions in a long lane, your minions will get there first and push 6v3. Their minions will take longer to walk there because it further away so they need more of them if they are to stay in the position you want them. You freeze in order to deny your opponent gold and xp or to force your opponent into a gankable position as they need to walk further up into lane to break the freeze or shove the wave into tower.
Stacking. Also referred to as slow pushing, uses the same principle of wave control as freezing except we want our minion waves slightly uneven. instead of those 3 minions, we instead leave 2. 2v6, your lane will slowly push toward them and build up. You do this when you want to push a wave and leave lane OR when you want to try and stack a large amount of minions and dive your opponent (either alone or with your jungler) to kill them, get them to lose a huge wave of minions to tower.
Pushing. Kill the wave, get your minions into the enemy tower. This is also dont by stacking. Stacking is slower but denies more should you miss the wave. Pushing is useful for when you need to back right now or you need to roam or you need to punish your enemy for roaming.
Proxying. Going behind the enemy tower to cut off their wave between the towers on their side of the map. You will draw a lot of attention from the enemy team and likely be ganked. You will also force your enemy to either cs at tower or come kill you. If you do this correctly, they will try to kill you and lose cs and xp in the process while you live. Ever played against Singed? He just runs around behind your tower drawing your jungler and you into chasing him around while you gain nothing and he laughs at you.
Type as little as possible.  
There are some lanes you are meant to lose. This doesn't mean you are supposed feed, it means you are supposed to know you are at a moderate to very large disadvantage. Know WHEN you are at a disadvantage. For example: Kayle into Zed isn't good until level 6. Hell, if Zed is good (and not nerfed to dust) he can bait your ult and still kill you. Don't go in as Kayle thinking you're gonna roflstomp Zed because google said you do -- every champion has power spikes. Don't play to kill your opponent, play to go even and kill them when they get out of line or your jungler comes. You will not win every lane but you CAN survive every lane. If you are Gangplank and you go even with a lane bully early, such as pantheon, you are actually ahead. Their win condition requires them to get ahead or they will slowly fall behind by design. Some champions are meant to win lane, some are meant to win late. Don't play one and try to do the other.
Don't listen to your teammates They're the same elo as you and they don't know wtf they're talking about. Don't argue with them or call them dumb or play a tank because they claim the team needs one or do something because they are flaming you. Your teammates are basically this Bard here. If this Bard is you... well. At least you are trying to improve.
How well you do is neither determined by your kda or your damage. Know your role, fill that role, win objectives, give up kills and cs when you need to. Like in Age of Empires, you win only if you kill the enemy base. You can kill 12,000 units but that doesn't matter if they kill your base. Use kills to gain objectives on the map.
VISION IS A TEAM OBJECTIVE So all your lanes are pushed in, jungle camps gone, t1 turrets down... this in low elo is when people just randomly look around fog of war for someone to fight right? like 90% of the time you just die, get flamed, give your enemy time to get back into the game. When you push those towers, move your wards onto the enemy side of the map. Wall-hacking in Counter Strike is fuckin bullshit because YOU CAN SEE THEM COMING. LoL has that shit built in and you probably aren't using it.
If you died, it was your fault. Fed him early? Your fault. Someone else fed him and he killed you? your fault. Your jungle got cheesed and you died to Shaco level 2? Your fault. Died to the enemy jungler? Your fault. Died split pushing? Your fault. Prepare for the situations you can and will be facing and work around them. If you died to the jungler, maybe you were pushed in lane too far, maybe you didn't ward, maybe it was a vi/ryze into jayce without and it didn't matter wtf you did, your ass was gonna die. Sometimes deaths are unavoidable, sometimes deaths are unlucky, sometimes you could've been saved by your teammate but they are ALWAYS your fault.
Know your build You're building wrong, I can almost guarantee it.
Know when you've won the trade Some champs want to trade quickly and leave; such as renekton. Some champions trade by slowly and annoyingly poking you down, such as Ziggs, and then they all in you when you have no health OR they force you to recall. Other champs do better the longer the trade goes on such as tryndamere or yasuo. If you get their summoners, YOU WON THE TRADE STOP CHASING UNDER TOWER. Kill them another time. Remember, you can deny them xp, cs, kill their tower, ward their jungle, roam to another lane or call your jungler to kill this guy 10 more times because he flashed. BUT if you flash under tower to try and kill him and die yourself or trade 1 for 1, you did all that good to end up in a worse spot.
Know what your champion's role is: Not everyone is an assassin. Not all champs are designed for team fighting. Some champs are designed for 1v1s or 2v1s such as Fiora and Tryndamere. Some champs are supposed to bully lane early such as pantheon and syndra. Some junglers want nothing to do with pre-6 ganks like shyvana or Diana. IF you are playing these champs, play to your "Win Conditions". If you sit in the jungle and farm til 6 on lee sin, you may as well pick a champion who scales better like shyvana or amumu. Lee is meant for early game pressure, if you are farming, you aren't playing to the strengths of your champion or even trying to. Try to. If you fuck it up, at least you tried to do it.
Don't die When you die, you lose cs and xp, your opponent gains gold, xp, and time to cs. When you kill your opponent, you will deny all of this to them and vice versa. It is better to cs better than them and worry about not dying in lane than fighting early (especially when you are playing a scaling champion).
Stop chasing No really, the majority of the time it is FAR more beneficial for you and your team if that Akali lives with 1 fuckin hp and you are mad because she's been deleting you all game and you want payback. We've all been there. Turn around, look at your map.. What can you pressure? dragon's up, we can get vision in their jungle, we can shove in and dive bot as 4... There are always advantages to be gained so long as you're looking for opportunities to take advantage of them. Getting kills or not isn't the end of the game.
After Towers start falling: Once the first towers fall, move your wards to where you need them as a team. If you are behind and your mid tower got taken at 8 minutes because your mid laner (me) is a noob, then you need to keep them from taking over your jungle. WARDING IS WALL HAX. Think of how often you need to walk through the jungle.. we've all been the guy who tried walking through a dark jungle when we were behind and got gangbanged. Ward your own jungle and keep enemies from getting too brave walking through there. Same for the opposite. If you are winning, take over their jungle and fight them for vision.
General comments Assassins: Most assassins come online at 6 -- zed, akali, ahri, talon, katarina, fizz etc. Get to 6 without falling behind and you are in a good spot. Your job is to find the enemy carries and burst them down. Want to farm up and play passive? Hello veigar, goodbye leblanc. Assassins also make good split pushers provided you can roam and there is not a fed tank or bruiser on their team. You probably can't 1v1 the fed sion if you are zed. If you can't 1v1 their split pusher without dying (or reliably escape ala hecarim v. swain), just group and look for a flank so that you can get to their backline. Flanking is the way to go, don't lead the fight as an assassin unless they do not see you coming and you can guarantee a kill on one of them. Your target is anyone who you can kill quickly. You will sometimes find yourself fighting udyr or voli. That's because you fucked up. If you can't reach their backline before they reach yours, peel for them as best you can for your squishies (leblanc e, ahri charm for example) and run away. If the enemy team has an olaf or poppy (fuck poppy) and they are running toward your team and you try to go through them and attack the enemy backline, you fucked up. Your team is moving away from you, you are moving into 5 people and you just made it a 5v4 and probably flamed your teammates "wtf no follow"
Mages: Push the wave, push the wave, roam and help your teammates but not before you push the wave. Don't run to fights that are already happening. You won't get there in time, you'll try to clean up these 3 champions because they are low and you wasted all this time getting here and you'll end up just feeding another kill. DO roam to help your jungler if your wave is not pushed to your turret. If you are pushed in, assess how much you will lose by leaving vs staying and go from there. Remember, those 6 minions are free gold and those champions fight back. Scale up and get big. ziggs, viktor, orianna, azir, anivia etc. and win teamfights later with massive AOE damage. Use vision to roam early or go with your jungler. Don't facecheck into an assassin matchup. EX: Kat pushed you in and let you see her leave and you want to poke your head around in river to follow her and she 1v1s you because you are a grapefruit. Later, group or hold a tower until they group. Also, blue trinket.
BOT LANE Know what you are good at as a duo. If you have taric/vayne into draven/zyra, you better pucker your butthole because they are going in on your ass. In low elo especially, people feel as though they can win every lane (and you can) but remember, vayne wins game while draven wins lane. Don't play one and try to do the other. If you have a melee support and you are against a ranged support, you are likely not going to win extended trades unless you can all-in them. If you are any combo of taric/vayne/ez/leona/malphite(cant explain bronze), you are probably not going to be killing anyone in lane and are likely going to lose lane. Again, doesn't mean you go 0/10, you just play passively. 3 kinds of lanes: sustain, kill, poke. Soraka, nami, taric, ali primarily sustain and try to follow up jungle ganks. Zyra, lux, brand, annie, vel'koz want to kill you in lane or at the very least poke you out of lane. Ez, soraka, cait, varus... they want to poke you and all in you. sustain lanes > poke lanes because you can heal their damage
someone can expand on this, I don't bot lane often
ADCs: Your support is carrying you in lane. Most of the time, you can only accomplish in lane as much as your support enables you. Neither of you can 2v1. You are not designed to 1v1 in all likelihood (unless late game vayne fed draven). Group with your team, DO NOT DIE, hit the minions, hit the towers, DO NOT DIE and you win the game. Don't split on any champ unless you are certain you can reliably 1v1. 99% of the time, this is not you. Group with your team.
Support Buy a sightstone in 100% of your games no matter the champion you are playing. Remember you can roam and ward for other lanes/gank/invade with your jungler. Remember this leaves your adc 2v1 and some adcs will die instantly when you leave them because they are trash/diveable/got unlucky. Don't leave a lane bully like cait alone in lane unless you can accomplish more elsewhere. If cait or draven goes even in lane (its harder to make an example out of this because just about all adcs spike late or not at all atm) with a vayne/twitch/kog'maw then you're not pushing your advantages while you have them and you'll be outscaled. Some mage supports build ap. Know that you are not the mid laner, you need items which spike early such as liandrys/sorc boots/rylai rather than going that morello/tear (lul)/ludens/dcap build. You aren't the mid laner, you are still the support. Your damage will fall off in the late game compared to other champions except for zyra because she is bullshit.
Bruisers Whether in jungle or top, you probably build wrong. Remember, if you can hit your opponents, they can hit you. full damage xin zhao blows, full damage olaf ... why? Just know that you are going NEAR all of their damage champions and unless you are very fed, you will likely just get ccd and popped instantly.
There is so much more to talk about but my hands are tired. Someone help me out in the comments and call me a total noob or add to the conversation ty.
Edit: I added some more. Also, feel free to add what I missed, as I said, I am not good at this game.
Edit 2: add me in-game: typicalzero. Also could use coaching if anyone is interested.
submitted by typical0 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

[Build] I'm finally back! - Updated opinions on Xayah runes/builds for Season 8

Sorry this took so long to deliver, I had to gather some definitive thoughts over changes. For those of that never saw my initial and outdated post, it's here:
Shorter introduction this time: I'm a high elo ADC main (peak Masters 320LP) with competitive experience on every ADC including Xayah. I thought I would like to give my thoughts over her current state in preseason. I'm minimizing most explanations so ask in comments if you feel like I skipped something.
So with that out of the way:

Keystone Rune:

If not obvious, Precision as primary tree.
Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo, and Fleet Footwork are now all viable on Xayah and are mostly user preference. A general rule of thumb is:
VS Tank Supp -> Press the Attack
VS Enchanter Supp -> Lethal Tempo
VS Harass Poke Supp + Lethality/Poke AD -> Fleet Footwork (mostly for mobility dodging skillshots)
I think Lethal Tempo has the highest potential of all keystones for Xayah. The only NA pro I am aware that takes it is Doublelift occasionally. (Here is a snapshot of ProBuilds recent Xayah games, and as you can see almost no one takes Tempo:

So why does no one take Tempo?

Tempo's biggest benefit is the massively increased feather output at early levels, but that doesn't really do anything if you can't synergize with your support and translate it into a good trade or all-in. You'll just end up shoving the wave hard and setting yourself prone to jungle ganks.
The truth is you can't rely on SoloQ bot lane synergy so you're probably much better off going for a tangible reward from Press or Footwork (Damage or Heal/Mobility). Having a keystone where your soloQ support has to match your tempo is bad. This doesn't apply if you can outskill the enemy bot lane by trading alone, then Tempo is ideal. It's just much more difficult approaching higher levels of play because all the damage from Tempo early game is on the backend of your E which is very outplayable by skilled opponents. You don't have the easy trade damage of Press the Attack proc or recovery from trading with Fleet Footwork. If you take a bad early trade with Tempo, it can end your lane. However, Xayah may be one of the best hidden users of Tempo because of her ability to control the proc with her Passive and Q, and how valuable Attack Speed is on her. It also opens up other rune options (discussed later), in addition to giving her higher priority and more control over the wave at levels 1 and 2 where she is most vulnerable vs lanes like Varus/Xerath.
I would say you can 100% take Lethal Tempo if you are duoing with a support you trust, playing competitive 5s, or have a Rakan on your team.

Other runes in Precision Tree

Tier 1: Triumph. No-brainer.
Tier 2: Alacrity OR Bloodline. (See Attack Speed Explanation)
Tier 3: Coup De Grace.

Important Attack Speed Explanation:

Consider potential attack speed sources: Lethal Tempo, Legend: Alacrity, Berserker Greaves, Ardent Censer, and each Zeal Item. Count each article as 1 point.
Here's my general rule: One is unplayable, two points is the bare minimum, three is standard, four is high DPS but probably fragile, five+ is complete overkill so please fix your build unless you're playing for fun. The exception to 4 and 5 is if Ardent counts as one, more free attack speed is always good.
So if I theoretically did Fleet Footwork + Bloodline going for super late-game sustain, but then realized I also wanted Tabi for their Zed and have an Alistar support who can't build Ardent? One Zeal item for attack speed = 1 point = NOT a good idea (very low DPS). If you can pull it off, that's great, but it's not mathematically ideal. Instead, you need to build a 2nd Zeal item (which you usually do for 100%), go Greaves over Tabi, taken Alacrity instead of Bloodline, gone Lethal Tempo, etc etc.
Because of this, here are some very vague guidelines you can remember:
Footwork + Bloodline is usually unnecessary and requires Berserker Greaves OR two Zeal items.
Tempo + Alacrity is usually unnecessary and requires a Lifesteal item (you probably won't make it out of lane versus Lethality AD's/Ezreal/Xerath/etc with 0 sustain).
Since there are so many attack speed sources right now, Tabi is the preferred boot. Only Berserkers if heavily snowballing in lane.
Footwork + Alacrity gives immediate mobility and scaling Healing + Attack Speed, while Tempo + Bloodline gives you immediately relevant attack speed at level 1 (30%), scaling to 80% attack speed at level 18, in addition to scaling Lifesteal. Both these combinations work great.

Secondary Rune Trees:

Always Taste of Blood. Helps laning, easy to proc with Q or Passive, has a good scaling (0.2 bonus AD) on a minor rune for late game sustain as well. A major reason people go Domination secondary.
The second rune choice is between Zombie Ward or Eyeball Collector. Any sensible player knows how strong Zombie Ward is, but some players like Imaqtpie just like killing shit and gettin AD stacks ya'know?
In all seriousness, I would suggest Zombie Ward versus a team you absolutely have to track 24/7 (any champs like Zed, Eve, Rengar, Kha'zix, Quinn, etc etc). Eyeball Collector if you like fun or want to mess with people who run Zombie Ward.
Manaflow Band if you have to claw your way in lane by spamming abilities to get good trades/farm before Essence Reaver. Ultimate Hat if you want a high uptime on your R versus certain teams (Nautlius, Vi, Fizz, etc)
Transcendence if you want 40% CDR at level 10 or even more uptime on your R. Celerity if you take Fleet Footwork and want even more movement speed versus oppressive skillshot lanes.
Roughly 80% of the time I go Domination with Taste of Blood and Zombie Ward. The other 20% of the time I go Sorcery, I take Manaflow Band and Celerity. Ultimate Hat + Transcendence provides more value after level 10, but most soloQ games are decided before then.

Itemization Pitfalls:

This is the last section. It's amazing how quickly League changes. My guide just one month ago is now completely obsolete and as a result, many things have changed.
Never build BoTRK on Xayah anymore. Fervor is gone and you will be missing lots of AD in addition to the fact that so many additional sources of attack speed exist in Season 8.
Likewise, the correct order for building zeal items has gone back to ER -> Zeal item -> IE -> Zeal item. Unless you are incredibly fed and can build the 2nd Zeal item before the enemy AD even finishes their first, IE is the correct 3rd item now. A lot of that has to do with free attack speed in runes and lifesteal as well (IE makes any lifesteal runes MUCH more effective).
Do not touch Runaan's Hurricane right now. Your first Zeal item should be Rapid Fire or Shiv. Rapid Fire is more all-purpose, but Shiv is situationally better (and I personally prefer it still). If you build a 2nd Zeal item, either complete the RFC + Shiv combo or grab a PD. RFC + Shiv is more enticing if you take Fleet Footwork.
It's okay to build no Lifesteal if you have any sort of healing from runes. Get that 100% Crit/Armor Pen/Maw/GA.
Longsword + Refillable or 3 Pot is a completely acceptable start on Xayah now. It's up to you whether or not you like it.

Final Thoughts:

Xayah is strong right now but susceptible to early bullying from Lethality + Poke support lanes or Aggressive AD + All-in support lanes. If she is able to survive laning or reach a breaking point where she can out-kite the all-in or out-sustain/hard-engage the poke, she is a very snowbally ADC with high carry potential like she always has been. She and Tristana are probably the best Crit ADCs in this laning phase dominated patch. In my opinion, she is Top 5 and very playable for climbing.
If you can, shove out level 1 and 2 even harder than before, missing CS if you have to and prioritizing getting a point in all your skills. If you can't shove, play even safer early game than you did in previous seasons versus picks like Leona to ensure you don't become the feeding bot lane everyone always complains about. Because they don't understand what it feels like to get 100-0'd at level 2 by Aftershock Ignite supports. Best of luck on the rift, and thanks for reading my thoughts!
(If you have any very specific situational questions about runes, builds or whatever, just ask them below and I'll get to you ASAP!)
submitted by HaiTaiga to xayahmains [link] [comments]

Kai'Sa: what runes to run, what build to go, and where to go.

Hello, this is Cruelscotty reporting what I learned in my 19 games that I have played with the new champion. The 19 games I played were all in ranked, (sorry anyone gold 1) and throughout those games I tried her every role (except support...) to get a feel of which I thought was the best. First off I'll be talking about the runes since you need to choose them before the game starts!
Throughout my games played as Kai'Sa I tried quite a few different pages to see which runes were ideal. I only tried three keystones (Aery, PtA, and FF). Aery felt so troll, so I strongly advise you not to use it. PtA gave some power, but it always felt like it was hard to stick to the enemy. FF, on the other hand, gives nice little heals in lane, (which is so big early game getting poked) and allowed me to stick onto the enemies. I will say that in all of my deaths with FF I never felt that I was kited hard (except when I chased Singed...)
As for the rest of the rune page, I would typically go what the pros would run (Overheal, Alacrity, Coup de Grace. Sorc page with Celerity Gathering Storm). These runes felt pretty good, but they all lacked lifesteal since I would typically not purchase any. As a result, this birthed my theory crafted rune page of FF, Overheal, Bloodline, Coup de Grace, with Domination Eye collection and Ravenous Hunter. The Ravenous Hunter gave such a satisfying amount of health from your Q while Bloodline allowed me to build greedily and still be able to heal from 5% hp to max in a short amount of time. This page also feels great since you get that extra AD from Eye collection which ramps nicely in respect to your power spikes.
Tl;dr Do what the pros do unless you want lifesteal, then go FF, Oheal, Bloodline, Coup, Rav hunter, and Eye Collection.
I will say that my lane opinion may be skewed since I'm a lot more used to getting bullied by the mid lane cast, (I am a Katarina main) so I did prefer her mid lane over the other roles (even ADC.) While mid lane is indeed a death sentence early game due to most mages outranging you it did not feel as oppressive as a Caitlyn/Varus being able to AA every single CS I took mixed in with the support shenanigans.
Top lane Kai'Sa I only played once against a Sion, and LZ Khan's quote is appropriate here. As for the jungle, I was able to secure some early kills for my team some games and my score was pretty good, but it was really hard to play from behind. So for jungle Kai'Sa, I think that my judgment needs more games before I can say for sure on how well it plays. ADC Kai'Sa was more or less a similar trend where the first few levels I would be behind, but I would get a lead bottom lane and be ahead by roughly a kill or two against their ADC. The only problem I had with ADC was again the pressure early game by a high ranged ADC/Support.
Tl;dr I prefer mid Kai'Sa over ADC, but ADC Kai'Sa wasn't that bad. Both lanes get bullied hard in the early phases so you must respect your opponent during the first 3-4 levels. Jungle Kai'Sa seems as relevant as most B tier jungle champions.
This is what I believe was the meat of the experiment. I messed around with quite a few of the builds that were suggested here as well as some others. However, at the end of the day my favorite build was right in front of my eyes the whole time.
The first set of builds I had were to give me attack speed starting with Guinsoo's into other items with passives that gave bonus damage (think BORK, Nashor's, etc.) and while I would have some intense burst. I felt that the other ADC champions that build rageblade are better with it than Kai'Sa for one simple reason. They have a better kit. Alright, Kog'Maw may only have 500 range like Kai'Sa, but when he W's he gets an impressive 710 range which allows him to shoot at a great distance and make it feel like you have to go to him, and not the other way around. Varus has 575 range, but he comes with an AoE slow that allows him to kite along with an ult that stops any aggressor in their tracks. Kai'Sa, on the other hand, has low range all around which makes it feel like you have to get too close for too long in order to get Guinsoo's full potential.
Here I will make an honorable mention to Kai'Sa jungle's build. I would see warrior into bork as a great way to get empowered Q into shiv, then an ER to give great CDR and crit chance. Again, I only played 4 games of Kai'Sa jungle, so I would like to try out some other builds to her as well.
The last set of builds I tried out were the tried and true ones found on The framework of this build is ER -> greaves -> shiv -> IE -> RFC -> X where X is the best item given your comp and their comp. Why this? ER is so good for getting CDR while giving massive amounts of damage. This along with the mana back on crits makes this a solid choice. Shiv gives great wave clear when used with your Q allowing you to get rid of a minion wave with ease. IE for tons of damage on crits, and RFC to give you what you always wanted, more range.
You may ask yourself, "You wait that long to upgrade your E? After IE?!?" and the answer is no. While that is the order of completed items the order which I buy the item parts differs after the second item. Instead of going right into IE I will look at my gold. If I have 1600 I'll usually build BF and dagger, 1200-1599 zeal and below that Kircheis Shard. If I bought BF sword then my next back I will upgrade the dagger into shard or zeal only if my E is not upgraded yet. It usually sits around 99% when the dagger is built, but if you find that you can upgrade the E without building anything more than a dagger, then just get that and build IE.
Why do I do this? This allows you to get the E upgrade first (usually) which is such a game changer in terms of positioning. This is the difference on whether or not the Brand sees where you are pathing so he can throw the skillshot at you, or having no idea which way you went making him whiff it or not use it at all. The hardest part is knowing the moment when to E to allow the benefits of the short stealth. I believe that a good Kai'Sa will benefit more from the slipperyness from the E more than the buffed Q damage.
Tl;dr ER -> greaves -> shiv -> IE -> RFC core. Build shard/zeal before IE though if you want to evolve E first.
Kai'Sa is not a champion that you can expect to master right away. I believe 10 games is the minimum before you start to notice the patterns in regards to her gameplay. This guide is what feels most comfortable for me, so if you have different views on anything that was mentioned please leave comments below for others to see. Thank you for reading and best of luck in your Kai'Sa games!
submitted by cruelscotty to kaisamains [link] [comments]

A Basic Guide to Marksman

About Me: Skip this Section if you don't care and just wanna get to the tips and basics.
I am Andrew, a gold ADC main with 2 accounts in gold and another about to do placements. The ADCs I main are Draven, Lucian, Jinx, Kalista, I am also trying to work Ashe and Vayne into my main champs. I have been playing League of Legends for over a year, starting in February last year (2014), I have mained a few different roles in that time, when I started playing I played Jungle, primarily Wukong, then I mained assassins for about half of season 4, then for the last 2ish months of the season I mained ADC, and aside from making this account a Riven only account for season 5 (up until about 2 weeks ago) have mained ADC since that time. Do I know everything? No, there are many people who know more than me, that is part of why it is a beginners guide, I will post a more advanced guide later.
The biggest thing I see in low elo, is people not understanding how bot lane works, people are insanely worried about being "counter-picked". This is only a thing for a few rare Marksman matchups, in general how the duo works together is what matters. This is called Bot Lane Synergy, keep that in mind, it is the primary thing that determines how the lane works. There are 3 types of lanes, Burst/Kill, Sustain, and Poke. The triangle of how the lanes work is like this Burst>Sustain>Poke>Burst. This means Burst beats sustain, but loses to poke, they should be too low to fight the all in and win. Sustain beats pokes but loses to burst, they will heal the damage poke tries to put on them, but generally lose the all in fight to burst because burst has more sudden damage. And Poke loses to sustain but beats burst (reasons stated previously).
Now that we know the 3 kinds of lanes you may be asking what determines if you have a certain lane, and I am going to tell you. Neither the support nor the ADC determine this alone, though I do believe the support has more of an influence. I will list the types of lane EACH support can be effective in, as well as the marksman.
BRAUM: Burst: JANNA: Poke KARMA: Poke LULU: Poke
MORGANA: Poke/Burst NAMI: Poke/Sustain NAUTIULUS: Burst SONA: Poke/Sustain
SORAKA: Sustain THRESH: Burst/Poke VEIGARr: Burst/Poke ZYRA: Poke/Burst
MARKSMAN: ASHE: Any CAITLYN: Poke/sustain CORKI: Poke/Sustain DRAVEN: Burst/Sustain
EZREAL: Poke/Sustain GRAVES: Burst/Sustain JINX: Any KALISTA: Poke/Sustain
KOG'MAW: Poke/Sustain LUCIAN: Any MISS FORTUNE: Any SIVIR: Poke/Sustain
TRISTANA: Poke/Burst TWITCH: Sustain/Burst URGOT: Sustain/Poke VAYNE: Sustain/Burst
NOTE: I skipped champs I personally do not see as good in bot lane, Quinn/Teemo/and Varus. They are passable solo lanes but struggle a lot in duo lanes, Varus is a passable duo lane depending on persons comfort with him, personally I do not play him so I cannot list him, I would GUESS Poke/Sustain, as his burst is unimpressive at best and has alot of good poke.
Okay now what does all of this mean? Without understanding how different styles of lanes want to work, it means nothing.
Poke lanes are very straightforward, they want to whittle you down, make the enemy leave lane and win through being up tons of CS. Caitlyn is the ideal poke ADC, very long range, hard to get to to burst and pairs well with any support with sustain or poke.
These lanes are kill focused, high damage, happy to win with CS more happy to kill their opponent over and over. THE king of burst lanes for marksman is Draven, high damage, passive dedicated to kills, amazing burst damage at 6, good burst damage pre 6, simply cannot be matched in AA trades.
These lanes are primarily for marksman who want or need to scale to a few items, the marksman that tend to prefer these types of lanes are: Vayne/Kog'Maw/Ezreal/Corki/Urgot. Basically if the champ wants to scale, for example gets tear or triforce, they are generally not looking to all in fight before the item is complete, so they want to be able to have any damage taken healed and stay in lane to farm.
So now you see how these lanes want to WIN, hopefully you can see how these lanes are countered by their win conditions, just keep in mind, winning lane is not the only objective, if you are against a sustain lane and pick Graves/Annie for the burst but the enemy team has 2 mega tanks (current meta) you are putting yourself in a bad spot, consider what your TEAM needs, not just the lane.
Creep Score:
Now this is probably the most important section of the entire guide. I see this alot on this account, ADCs with 4 or 5 kills and very low creep score, near perfect CS at 10 minutes is 100, so you should be aiming for 80 @ 10. That is 10 of 12/13 (cannon wave makes it 13) CS per minute. Considering you have someone in your lane dedicated to keeping you alive and allowing you to safely farm, this should NOT be too much to ask for, obviously there are exceptions, Vaynes for example rarely will reach this mark, while a Caitlyn should almost always be slightly ahead of this mark.
If you want to improve your CSing, get a friend with Caitlyn and do what is called the Cait Challenge, have them lay 3 traps in mid lane (so they start W) and they are free to auto attack you if you allow them above 1/2 HP, you lose if you do not reach 80 CS at 10, if you step on a trap you immediately lose, also if she kills you because you failed to keep her HP below 1/2. This is something that is meant to be a challenge, do not get frustrated if you struggle, it is meant to be a learning tool, and it is very effective.
Wave Control:
Controlling the wave is very important in all lanes, bot lane I feel is less important than top lane. Wave Control in bot lane comes down primarily to recall windows, as freezing lane against 2 ranged champs is alot riskier than it is usually worth from the amount of poke you CAN take, note if the enemy does not poke the ADC heavily, freeze away and continue to deny CS. Another key part of bot lane wave control is denying the BF sword. At 55 CS you can afford BF and a few potions, so ideally if you can force a recall at around 40 CS you put the enemy in a very awkward buy, they have to decide if they want to come back with no items and shove a few waves for BF and potions, or do they go pickaxe, or an old but very good trick is vampiric scepter dorans bladex2 to match a BF sword buy.
Rotating can almost always be done as the duo lane, randomly appearing in top lane bush to going mid to push towers off a recall or kill, this section is very thin as it comes down to each person. Personally I rotate mid whenever I can, enemy mid recalled and I had my lane shoved? Cool lets go get AAs on mid tower and free mid to roam. If your team does Dragon always rotate there for the safety of it, especially at lower elos, please do not risk losing dragon for 10 CS, the dragon helps out the team, League of Legends is a team game.
Now this is not a section for complete item builds, but a section about the first buy and theories behind them, if you want full builds look at
BF Sword+pots: This is the ideal buy for MOST marksman, Trinity Force ADCs, Blade of the Ruined King champs, Tear of the Goddess champs are all excluded from this.
Sheen/Phage: Buy that Trinity Force ADCs want to go for, generally Sheen is great if you can afford it in one buy, if not Ruby Crystal/Longsword is better overall as it provides better combat stats.
Doran's Blade x2+ Vampiric Scepter: This was popularized by Imp i believe, a few seasons ago, the thought behind it is you are down AD (7+7+10=27 vs 50+7=57) but up a large amount of Life Steal (3+3+8=14% Life Steal vs 3% Life Steal) as well as being up 70 health. Now you will lose trades outright, you are 30 AD down but you have access to more HP as well as more sustain, this works amazing if you are denied a BF recall, as it costs 800+440+pots, and is great at combating the BF Sword over time.
Pickaxe: A rather poor buy first item, avoid if possible, will allow you to rush IE if forced back around 900g.
Tear of the Goddess: Item used on Ezreal or Urgot, allows them to scale very well as a first back but makes them very weak early. Note you will want to recall around 750 gold to buy this as early as possible. Another note, if you upgrade it to Manamune it will stack with basic attacks as well as spells, transforming faster as well as providing some AD with the pickaxe.
These are common rune pages and their uses.
Page 1: 3x Attack Speed Quints 8x Attack Damage Marks and 1x Critical Chance mark 9x Armor Seals 4x Mana Regen 5x Magic Resist Glyphs
Fairly standard page, provides MR as well as extra mana to trade more effectively, as feast alone is not enough for the mana used in lane.
Page 2: 3x AS Quints 8x AD Marks and 1x Crit Chance mark 9x Armor Seals 9x Magic Resist Glyphs
Page I see used against teams with more AP (AP top or AP poke support) makes you tankier to magic damage, if unsure of your ability to survive lane, use this page as it does provide alot more safety.
Page 3: 3x AS Quints 8x AD Marks and 1x Crit Chance mark 9x Armor Seals 9x Attack Speed Glyphs
Not a page I see used on many champs, I am seeing this a fair amount on Korean servers, primarily Draven. Provides 19% Attack Speed, allowing more AA in lane, letting Draven snowball harder, very risky page, have NOT seen it used on any ADC besides Draven, may change over time. I will edit if it does.
If there is anything you have questions on or wish I would address put it in the comments and I will do my best. Thank you for reading.
submitted by MezzieLoL to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

My support story + Tip/Knowledge get out of ELO HELL +understand botlane Game Mechanics

Hey fellow league players I wish tell you my story of summoner rift
Iv been playing league since the Lulu release date back in march 2012 , Two years ago
"C'mon you, let's dance! Ha!" lulu taunt :D
I started playing back mid seasons 2, I got my level 30 end season2 preseason of seasons 3 I was a noob I rushed (ranked)
Back then I used to play only Varus top and Annie top I was so bad I used build 2 sets of boots and mana items I ended up in bronze 5 ..To be honest I belonged there
I sucked so hard at this game.I remember I even went one game going 0/ 24 as annie that it even lead me to been banned for 2 weeks I WAS SO TOXIC I used flame everyone around me but never notice it was my own mistake
So I made new account and champion called Soraka was free that week I must have spent over 6 months playing bot ai games with soraka looking up guilds lolking/probuilds I survive a bit longer in the lane with out having teammates raging on me / send me abuse hateful messages
I played so well with soraka that this new account I made it my main I'm not saying over night I become a somewhat decent player....I was still bronze 5 ...Playing soraka really thought me couple of key mechanical outputs like trying to kite in team fights and heal my carries exhaust anyone that went on to kill my adc.
Seasons 2013 season 3 I ended up playing 1,000 ranked games link to screenshot ,
From being in bronze not only did I understand my role of support but I learned what different champion abilities from there range to ults ect ect , So please if you are in bronze don't hate don't give up #BELIEVE…You belong in there for a reason Maybe it's not you’re fault as you would see but the fact is if you can’t carry a team or you miss skill shots or you even fail flashes over walls or even you just dont have mechanical skills or good understanding of the game yet this is why you belong here ..Sooner you accept this the sooner you can improve
I started to play so much soraka ranked games I would get friend requests to honours I keep getting invited to teams to play 5v5 ranked games as support for me this was something I FELT REALLY IMPROVED me as a player in general Communication is the key … Like if you’re going to engage in a team fight type in chat or skype/teamspeak ..Hey guys I have my ult i will go in when I see a good opportunity
PLAY 5V5’s GET EXPERIENCE WITH TEAMS learn cooldows on summoners/objectives know when to engage in lev2’s
Another thing that really help me improve playing 5v5’s was how much I noticed you don't have to win the game by yourself drake/baron really help you’re team to wining even if you don't get many kills in a game and pick up a few drakes you can still win easy
So back in seasons 3 when you have the pink wards ..R.I.P pink wards bate =( They would dispear ..The only way you could find them was due to placing another pink or oracle elixir R.I.P
now you have thing called red trinket ”sweeping lens" that you can max at level 9 for 475 gives you 6 second (600 range) with 60 second cooldown
A tip when using this to clear baron/drake if you have "Talisman of ascension” if you press active you are able to clear faster
Since both of these items have the same cool down response timers you can use them combined every-time they are up to clear buffs example ( Blues camp ) then follow up on to baron area followed up with a pink on there red buff Not only are you clearing you’re blue and making safe passage but also denying vision of 3 main core areas mid/late game
Blue Camp …Baron…There Red Camp
Another thing I learned was the spawn times
6:00 Drake 7:00 Baron 5:00 Blue/Red buffs Wards = 3 Minute
First pick on ranked is blue side
Now they have option if you press you’re TAB key on keyboard you see the jungle spawns
Flash 5:00 (400 range) Exhaust 2:10 50% dmg for 2.5 sec and 30% mov spd Ignite: 2:20
So basic Another thing I found very helpful if you communicate to you’re jungler …Bro botlane here has no summoners if you can keep note of the flash times on there adc’s so jungler know if he ults they can’t escape Many many many times will this grant you free easy kills you have 5 minute window between each flash
Exhaust is same cooldown as ignite so if you guys both use them in trade you know they will be back up when you’re ignite is back up kinda common knowledge not rocket science :D
Another huge thing that really help me was when i buy slightstone I swap out my yellow trinket for my red trinket If you get ahead early game with this item and you start to deny vision on there botlane it get very difficult to come back from
Another thing helped me when playing botgames this might be kinda obvious to certain people but each cs like creep wave every 3rd wave is a cannon
Basic each wave had 9 cs you need 12 cs as adc to reach level 2 Before I speak about level 2 most important thing need know about dive a level 2 is before you even decide to dive see that summoners they have if they both have heal then you know going be more in favour but if they have heal / exhaust and you ignite first then you will come out on top Also key thing about level 2 engage is not the skill shots or the summoners spells its the creep waves ..If you get creeped blocked and you cant move you will more than likely take more damage than the enemy skill shots alone
So if you are playing pre made botlane and you guys want be a good potential Botlane ..the main advice I can give you here is to kill the 4 cs the left or the right you want to dive to position the wave to you’re advantage not just cs the creeps dead centre that will force the enemy cs to go in block formation and will group in fours so
i.e Support sona flashes in tried to q + w combo get cs blocked takes a exhaust from there enemy support and there adc caitlyn e+ q combo + ign and dies that pretty much
Only way to get better from my point of perspective is to keep trying eveytime its different been away of the facts of the cs waves and summoners is a massive start .. So hope this help someone knowledge and open up perspective for them
Another thing that i would advice is takes you about 40 seconds to lane from fountain if you buy fast so having custom item layout is key to doing this the faster you can make it out of lane to there red or blue depending on what side the map you are sometime you can make it before they get there Not only will this make you’re trinket spawn back 5 seconds before there enemy ward
Another thing is if you see trinket places as soon you see it if click on really fast it tell you what champion so you know that ooh heey guys that was jungle warding are blue on blue side ok there going invade us to 80% looking to get knowledge on are jungler route
Another Thing I really have been trying to improve on is counter support
Example there enemy is thresh support you are not going pick a champion with no escape i.e I’m going pick ashe support season 1/2 heart of gold build R.I.P if you go an ashe in to a thresh well i quote south park here ..Going have a bad day :D
Learn the match up’s See what you are capable of playing vs there supports don't just pick teemo every game cause you think you can
Like example Id preferable go a thresh in to a leona anytime 24/7 Leona got to e to you or you’re adc you flay her simple all game she cant touch you Unless during mid “zenith blade” you take a spear from Nidalee or something stop the animation from working Keep that in mind thresh e is very strong vs even amumu q now when i say you can dodge this you have be pro and see it coming unlike the leona e kinda obvious she goes orange Another thing you cant flay is Taric you will end up pushing him away but you will still take the Gem xD idont them gems must be truly truly outrageous
Another thing I found very helpful is when you take the gold item Relic Sheild For many players they understand that oh its a gold item that sustain my adc i will hit ever cs in lane if they go low ..Well this is ok But if you want to use it to its full max and abuse it gain the most gold from this item you will take the cannon’s ever 3rd wave and ever wave take 2 cs now till will only work if you’re adc is last hitting no point in trying this if you’re adc is farming and using his skill shots just set back and try get at lest one cs ever wave and focus on cannons
But if you guys are duo botlane and you are focused on trying to out farm you’re lane and get most out item builds Cause lest face it botlane on higher elo is all about the first to level 2 and then from first to 6 all about first 5 mins you can win or throw a botlane in first few mins of a game Maybe not so much in bronze to silver elo but when playing vs diamond players …They will play to 100 perfection and anytime you try go for at least one cs you will harassed with about 150/ 300 dmg one skillshot and auto + support auto or skilshot or vice versa
another thing this might not apply to everyone but this is what it went for me still to this day I do this i dont know if its bad habit But i played on locked camera still do I Used to play league of legends on a laptop with 15 fps with out a mouse I know right What the actual F%@K right :D Since playing this style I adapted when I moved over to pc I play with different controls in stead of you’re standard q w e r g h i play on ` z x c a w I even use (s) to move rather than clicking my mouse so to land a skilshot I aim the skillshot with my mouse and then press what ever ability I found since my flash is so close to my control/movement button (s) its instance not fraction of a second instant but the 15 fps when I moved to a pc with 245 fps I was like omg this is insane you feel like everything is in real life where before I would try to auto then ability then followed up with summoner spell i.e Exhaust sometime I would not be fast enough Well Can assure you 80 percent the time I’m doing exhaust before I even land a skill I’m fact my hands react faster than you’re brain …General Playing video games well improve good hand-eye coordination Improve your reflexes on daily bases
So once I basic started to learn about all this in general and practice it I soon become a better player not only in skills but in knowledge and since then I have moved from bronze 5 got my promos to silver and since Iv reached silver ..I’m silver 2 I feel I can make gold 5 easy depending on my team’s General solo quo is a hell lot of put luck ..I prefer team 5v5’s not only are they more enjoyable cause with 4 other friends but play I with platinum/ diamond players so we are always vs higher elo and right now this is something that for me is really challenging and I enjoy games this high elo even If I lose it a learning curve
I’m not saying in any shape or form I’m best player in league of legends simply saying that I have improved from a year year standard and that next year I hope I can build on this and maybe reach gold high platinum elo
my ign: Best Nami Euw Iv played well over 1000 games which nami since here release 2 christmas ago I have 5.2 kdr adverage which is some what decent for my elo the challengediamond elo…..i.e Gleeb TSM he is my hero his 7.2 kda so I have long way to go yet :D but maybe one day
If anyone would wish to add me or to play botlanes I would offer coaching / lesson I’m going to be diamond one day I play 12 hours a day regularly since summer vacation from school is here :D
10 quick steps to 101 support
1: Slightstone is very op + pink wards vs stealth enemy’s Swap your yellow for you’re red trinket when buy (slightstone)
2: Always take ignite exhaust is for pussies :D
3: beware of level 2 engages cs waves
4: Never have full build of items always leave room for + pink wards i.e if building chalice + boots + warmogs build one at a time
5: this last one just save you a pink ward for objective i.e Drake now you have extra gold 180 - 270 global gold equivalent to approximately 5-20minion kills for everyone on your team
6:Never engage with no mana that end bad or engage when your adc has no mana
7: beware of midlaner missing can’t not explain how many times iv got 3 man banked only see to planer tp or midlaner lb show up to get 2 kills / drake that could snowball to lose the game
8: need rush you’re skills i play nami so i.e I never rush my bubbles I always wait for perfect one if i can’t land i wont land one till I can /Also good lesson when trying to escape wait for enemy chase you to walk in to you’re bubble
9: always be nice and saw well played or that was not too bad think positive if they mess up dont cry and get upset think about it we all make mistakes say no worries we will do it next time if you have this attitude I assure you will feel better in game and team will play better
10: even if your botlane is 10 kills up never over extend chance are full team in one bush true story
last one bonus tip always praise your support he is what helps you get big if he messed up assure you he will feel bad about it and will try make it up to you if he ks a champion dont be mad if anything he has gold for items now / you got 100 gold for assist and you get to farm you’re lane and get 20 / 30 cs advantages
gl hf try not to feed :)
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probuilds varus top video

VARUS DOES AMAZING DAMAGE SO EARLY!! - League of Pride ... ProGuides Challenger League of Legends Guides - YouTube 9 NEW OP Korean Builds to Copy in Patch 9.12 - League of ... The ULTIMATE DARIUS Guide - Best Tips and Tricks to CARRY ... NEVER LOSE LANE AS RENEKTON - Pro Laning Tips vs RANGED ... Best Champions TIER List – League of Legends Patch 10.7 ... PRESS W AND EXECUTE FROM HALF HEALTH! FULL AP VARUS IS A ... Full Lethality Poke Varus is back! (Q every 3 seconds ... 13 NEW Korean Builds You MUST TRY in Patch 9.20 - League ...

View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Gragas the Rabble Rouser. Check Gragas's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Varus İntikam Oku. Check Varus's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s11, s10 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. Language . Language. English 한국어 日本語 język polski français Deutsch español Nederlands dansk Svenska Norsk ... Varus build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 11.3 We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Varus probuilds reimagined by U.GG: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Updated hourly. Patch 11.3. CHAMPIONS PROS TOP 20 PICKS. Varus Probuilds. More regions, smarter filters, always up to date: Varus probuilds reimagined. See how the best Varus pro builds Varus. ... Varus build guides - provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in ... League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten, Statistiken, Fähigkeiten, Item-Builds, Champion Stats. Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. Team Rankings. Varus's Top Items. Varus's Top Runes. MORE Varus Runes. Varus Sales. RP Cost Last Sale. Varus 880 5 months ago Infernal Varus 1350 2 months ago Blight Crystal Varus 975 8 months ago Arclight Varus 975 11 months ago Arctic Ops Varus 1350 11 months ago Dark Star Varus 1350 1 year ago Varus Swiftbolt 750 3 years ago Heartseeker Varus 1350 4 years ago Conqueror Varus 975 Special Events Cosmic ... LoL DrMundo Probuilds - DrMundo 11.1.1 Probuilds, Items ... LOL Pro Builds - Items And Runes 2021 Latest version Apk ... Varus Runes Builds s9 - Guides pro build Varus AD. Varus, the Arrow of Retribution - League of Legends. Varus, the Arrow of Retribution - League of Legends. LOL Pro Builds APK 6.5.5 - download free apk from APKSum. Varus Pro Builds vs. Jhin S10 Guides, Stats, Runes – Blitz ...

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