Pinterest is NOT Facebook: Why a Facebook Marketing

pinterest won't log in through facebook

pinterest won't log in through facebook - win

I'm 29 years old, I make $60,000 CAD and work in Admin Support in Toronto, Canada! 🇨🇦

Section One: Assets and Debt
Section Two: Income
Income/salary/job progression:

Main Job Monthly Take Home: approx. $3,794 after tax, EI, CPP (my calculation as I haven’t received my first pay yet!)
Side Gig/Any Other Monthly Take Home: None.
Section Three: Expenses
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
My parents moved countries so that my sister and I could get a better education. There was definitely a big expectation of doing something along Finance or Engineering. I ended up doing Business Administration (not a BCom but more in an General Business route). I went to a local university and did 4 years Bachelors, which took me 5 years. I worked part time while studying to pay out of school expenses (social life/eating out/etc). I lived with my parents while studying at university, which I’m super grateful for. My parents spent most of their savings moving countries so I ended up taking OSAP (which are student loans). I did even up getting a few grants here and there but nothing large enough to make a dent on the actual loans. I think I graduated with $30k in loans? I’m all done now, I paid it off.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
My mom never really worked while I was young but once we moved countries, she did work retail jobs. I grew up hearing my parents argue about money. My dad never had a stable job since we moved to Canada, which affected how I looked at money. They never budgeted and never really taught us about it either. My mom did tell me to save my money and don’t spend it every time I go to the mall or go out with friends. This didn’t really hit home for me…which I regret a lot now. My dad would get a great job but couldn’t hold it down for longer than 3-6 months. Whatever he earned, he would spend on us like buying us new clothes or getting himself a new computelaptop/etc. As I’m typing this, I can see why I spend the way I do every time I get a new job. I have to buy a few new items for my closet or new shoes etc. because “I earned it”.
At 24, I finally got serious and created a budget sheet to track my expenses. I have been using it on and off but it has helped me pay off my OSAP loans and my credit cards loans. This is why I have $0 on both accounts.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
Incoming call centre sales. I worked here after school and it was great. My boss let me do my homework if there were no calls.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I wasn’t super aware of it until I saw my parents argue about it. We weren’t deprived but definitely aware of it around the time I was 15/16. We didn’t live in the best neighbourhood and our building was awful.. Plus, not having my dad have a constant job really affected how I look at him because my mom works twice as hard to run the house. Yes, I’m resentful of it. I have gone to therapy for it. More recently, I felt okay on how I look at money/finances until the beginner of this year when I lost my job. My sister also lost her job and she was in education field. Seeing both of us unemployed brought me back to really dark thoughts as to whether I’d end up like my dad…
Do you worry about money now?
Yes, because COVID is a nuisance for all industries. I think the company I’m at now is going to be ok (I truly hope). The short stint I had at the previous company is not going to do well so I thank all my lucky stars and God that I landed something that I feel I will enjoy and will be at for a long time. A lot of the money in my Savings will go back during tax season as I took on CERB (which was unemployment insurance during COVID).
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
27 LOL. As for my financial safety net, I can take money out of TFSA if needed. I also have $4000k in my chequing account if needed.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
Oh my, I wish. No, my paternal grandparents never left us with anything. My mom’s parents passed away before I was even born.
Day 1 – Sunday:
8:30 am - woke up groggy because I had taken allergy meds. I love my cat but she sometimes rubs herself all over me haha. We got her from a shelter so she’s still squirmy around new people but we absolutely adore her. She is the cutest catto and very cuddly and loving! Last night, we watched The Queen's Gambit and are almost done the series. Such a good show! Next, I got up, fed my cat and went right back into bed. DH is sleeping peacefully. I scroll through pinterest and instagram for recipes of what to make for the week. I want to use up whatever is in the fridge as we have our grocery trip this Thursday. Cat jumps into bed and settles herself right by me. My little baby!
10:30 am - spent an hour video chatting with my sis, who lived abroad, catching up. We decide to do a paint session over Zoom later on in the afternoon. That sounds so nice to me, especially given COVID has completely eliminated seeing anyone for a long time. Next, I obsessively check my orders from H&M, Amazon and Myntra (an Indian fashion website - my dad is flying back so I ordered a bunch of clothes and jewelry to support local businesses there). I end up cleaning the bathtub and putting up a new shower curtain. Feeling tired. Perhaps, I’m still groggy from the allergy meds?
12:30 pm - DH is off to work out too at a gym and he'll pick up some cat food for our cat using my card. They only allow 10 people inside so he was one of the lucky 10! I'm used to be semi-regular with my gym about a year ago. Kinda fell off, trying to get back into it. Our condo unit is limited in space so I have to be resourceful in equipment that I buy. I had dropped $200 on dumbells, barbells and a yoga mat in September. I've been using them consistently now. Finished my workout. Feeling good! I start meal prepping for part of the week as I'm working part of the week in office. I prep an Indian dish, Cajun shrimp rice and chicken/shrimp pad thai.
2:00 pm - brunch time! I decide to make Turkish Eggs! These are delicious and so filling. I also use up bread that's going to expire in a few days. After brunch, I finish up my meal prep.
2:45 pm - set up my art and pick a cute painting from pinterest. Great little activity when I'm watching my spending plus I get to spend time with my sis who I haven't seen in person in more than 2 years
3:30 pm - massive wind storm knocks out the electricity for our whole condo complex and different parts of the city! LOL about 30 mins later we get our electricity back and I finish up my art around 5 pm. I then put out the dry cat food for my cat’s dinner.
5:30 pm – DH is going to cook dinner so I relax and watch some Schitt's Creek on Netflix. What a hilarious show, such an easy watch and oh god, I don’t know whose character I enjoy the most.
6:30 pm - We eat dinner and watch two final episodes of the Queen's Gambit. What a great show. I wanna be more like Elizabeth Harmon. She doesn’t mince words haha
8:00 pm - I shower, put a Korean face ask on, do my nails and relax before getting into bed at around 10 pm
Spending: $20.34 for cat food + $60.31 for H&M order
Day 2 - Monday:
6:50 am - alarm rings and I jump out of bed. Feed my cat and she is just extra cuddly this morning. :) Get ready and DH is kind enough to drop me to the nearest transit station. Oh, I don't know if I mentioned but DH works from home right now. I take the train down and start work for 8:30 am. I walk by a Starbucks but sticking to my IF...I packed Cajun shrimp rice for lunch and I'm doing IF so I wont be eating lunch till 12:30pm. I'm eagerly looking forward to it!
12:30 pm - I wolf down my lunch and browse my phone. I get a notification that I have two deliveries waiting for me! Woo
4:00 pm - I wrap up and head home.
5:00 pm - come home and relax. Feed my cat! DH is doing his weekly cleaning (I don't clean well so he takes it on. I do most of the cooking, which I really enjoy!)
6:00 pm - I pick up my deliveries - two work blouses that I purchased from H&M. I put these in the wash. Afterwards, I warm up dinner - pad thai!!! I take it easy because I have a really nasty headache. Basically rest of the evening, we watch some more Shcitt's Creek and think about if we want to watch The Boys or The Crown (lol I know how varied our choices are). We stick with Schitt's Creek. We share two oranges as little desserts.
8:00 pm - I write up some of this post while listening to BTS. I also steam my clothes for work tomorrow. Shower.
10:45: I head to bed thinking about how I forgot to do 10 squats for my squats challenge. Welp.
Spending: $0
Day 3 - Tuesday:
6:50 am - Similar as yesterday. Woke up 10 minutes before my alarm so I decide to curl my hair. It only takes 10 minutes but I feel super glam. I feed my cat. I decide to wear one of my new shirts from H&M. I'm really feeling myself this morning with a new shirt and curled hair. Yay! DH drops me to the nearest station. Work, lunch (leftover pad thai) and leave for home at 4:00pm. Two people compliment me on my shirt at work so definitely a good purchase!
6:00 pm - I have defrosted chicken in the fridge; so I put together a random Chinese fried noodles and chicken manchurian dish. It turns out surprisingly like a restaurant quality dish, without the MSG. We eat dinner after and both of us try and stop ourselves from eating the whole wok full of goodness. We watch the Crown while eating dinner. Season finale for season 3 is next! Oh Dear..
8:00 pm - Now I'm feeling extra lazy and don't want to work out. I instead do 20 squats and call it a day. We watch more of the Crown. So good! Ah, I love it. Later, I look through Amazon for robot vaccum. Since black Friday is coming up, I'm hoping to get one because the combo of my hair shedding and my cat's hair...way too much to clean haha
11 pm - DH and I go to bed.
Spending: $0
Day 4 - Wednesday:
Ahhh WFH for the rest of the week!!
7:50 am - woke up, fed my cat, put on whatever was closest to me and get to work. I'm grateful and thankful my work allows me to WFH because I have a few friends that are "forced" to go into work even though their work can be done remotely. Anyway, I'm eagerly looking forward to lunch as per usual. Security calls me and letting me know that and my H&M order arrived! Yay! I immediately try out the items and my phone drops to the floor as I’m taking a picture of me in my new pants. I bend down and the pants rip down the back. WTF? It’s the regular size that I normally order. So upset.
12:30 pm - Lunch! Leftovers and whatever I meal prepped. I check in with my BFF. I haven’t seen her in person since September due to restrictions and probably won’t till next year if I’m being honest :( we laugh and crack jokes. It ends up being that it’s been 9 years to the day today that we first reconnected after high school (Facebook reminders are helpful!)
4:00 pm - as soon as 4 hit, I shut off my laptop and get into bed. I’m awfully exhausted today. I don’t realize it but I knocked out till 5:45 pm. Now I really don’t want to work out.
6:00 pm - I warm up yesterday dinner and we both quite enjoy it! We end up watching 3 episodes of the Crown. Amazing performances! Jillian Anderson is DH’s first crush and he’s still obsessed with her. We have watched X-Files which I enjoy at times and hate at others.
9:30 pm - I hate that I haven’t worked out in 3 days. I put on a random playlist and work out. I end up doing upper body strength workout with 30 squats and 120 skips to follow. Now I’m tired.
10:30 pm - shower and we cuddle in bed and knock out.
Spending: $0
Day 5 - Thursday:
7:50 am - woke up, put on whatever was closest to me and get to work. I'm in a boring all day training session.
10:30 - my boss said can I take something on for tomorrow? I don't even know the software but of course, I say yes! She also asked me to come into the office on Friday and all week next week. I'll be acting as support for her boss (a C-level executive). I really don't want to commute all week - these numbers are scary me but what can I say? I say yes. I think about it all day and tell myself it's an opportunity to impress the executive of my work.
12:30 pm - I shower and then made instant ramen noodles for lunch! I also fry an egg to serve on top. It’s delicious!
4:00 pm - I need to learn how to use this new software so I message my boss if we can do it now. She says she's free at 4:30 so I waste time browsing Pinterest. Training takes an hour so I log that overtime and call it a day! I feed my cat and then get ready for grocery. I use Flipp to make a grocery list and also check if anything we regular buy is on sale.
6:00 pm - We have grocery at two places - an Asian mart and Metro! $81.09 for my half of it. I totally do not want to cook when I get home so I also order a pizza from their to-go meals. Lucky for me, I knew it was the special of the day $9.99 for an XL 3-topping pizza. We also stop off at the pet store and buy more cat food. It’s still on sale! I’m stockpiling it while it’s on sale.
7:30 pm - we come home, I unpack everything as DH says we're spending a lot. Last week we went To Costco and bought a bunch of non-essential like the Greek Gyro family dinner (amazing btw) and Creme Brule cups. Did we need this? No, but they were actually totally worth it! I tell him that we should only go when we absolutely need something and stick to our two-week rotation. He agrees but is still pensive about it. We watch the Crown and eat pizza. We inhaled the pizza and now I don’t feel so good. DH’s mom texts him saying she misses us. I tell him that we’ll go next week (we’re sticking to 2 week rotations for covid and my sanity). They always have a way of making us feel guilty for our choices. We stick to our guns most of the time but it gets exhausting saying no and they keep pushing our boundaries on a lot of things (babies, future house purchase, etc. etc…. I can write another essay about it)
11:30 pm - I really can't sleep but DH comes home from the gym lol his only available time slot was 10:30. He's one of 10 people that are in a massive gym facility. I admire his dedication. Then we knock out after he eats the last of the pizza.
Spending - $81.09 for groceries + $20.34 for cat food
Day 6 - Friday:
6:50 am - terrible sleep. It was super hot in our condo. I hate how the weather has been the past few weeks, some days it’s into the teens (yay) and then a drastic drop to close to freezing. Anyway, I get dressed cause I actually have to go into the office today and all of next week. I'm stressed because my open items went for 5 to close to 30 because of a boss being on vacation. Ugh.
8:00 - 5:00 - basically no breaks except 5 minutes to warm up my lunch and that's it. I log that overtime though because I end up staying till 5 pm. I get time in lieu for overtime so I'll take it. DH, my sis and BFF check in and I don't even have time to respond to any of them.
5:00 pm - Take my train home. I eye ordering dinner in or going to pick up my fave Korean Fried Chicken place called The Fry. I'm feeling like I need a pick me up after the crazy day I had. I order the fried chicken for pick up. DH comes to pick me up and we drive to grab the pick up order. I call them and also add Garlic Cheese Fries, 'cause why not?
6:30 pm - we drive home after pickup. I swear people are driving like maniacs since covid started. So many accidents!! The smell of tr fried chicken fills the car up and I'm drooling in my passenger seat. We get home and change. I actually eat a weed gummy and warm up the chicken in the air fryer. Delicious. Then we finish the season of the Crown. Wow! What a season. The actress that played Diana – spot on! Her mannerisms and her way of looking at the camera/other characters... Fantastic performances all around
9:30 pm - the weed is hitting me and I'm really sleepy. I get into bed and fall asleep a few minutes later.
Spending: $53.43 for take out order
Day 7 - Saturday:
7:00 am - get up to feed the cat but I can't find her. It's still dark out. I look at all of her usual spaces and wonder if we locked her into the laundry room? I find her sleeping on the bathroom mat. Weirdo but I love her. I get back into bed and sleep till 9:45. Wow 12 hours of sleep!
9:00 am - I literally do nothing all day. I relax, watch some shows. I love browsing Pinterest. I catch up with my sister and check in on my friends.
5:30 pm - we go to the nearest mall to try and return my ripped pants from H&M. Well, it’s a zoo here. Restrictions are coming in on Monday so everybody and their mom is at the mall. These restrictions will be in place for 28 days. I don’t return my pants because I don’t want to line up. We actually don’t end up going into any store and leave pretty much right away. I spot a cute little pastry shop and I pick up some treats.
6:00 pm – Dinner at mom's. She lives alone currently so we go to keep her company and I miss having her over especially since she's only 10 minutes away from us. We stay here for 3 hours, chatting and catching up.
Spending: $6.78
Food and Drink: $60.21 (takeout/treats) + 81.09 (grocery)
Fun/Entertainment: $0
Home and Health: $0
Clothes and Beauty: $60.31
Transportation: $0 (work pays)
Other: $40.68 (cat food)
Reflection: Wow, my spending is way higher than I expected. I normally spend less. I also think writing down everything makes me realize that I’m pretty good at meal prep/eating at home but I need to tone down on large takeout orders. I need to remember that I’m a good cook so I don’t really need to spend outside every week. I swear it’s just the laziness that comes out to play. Sigh. I also think the diary is quite boring but this is pretty much my week most weeks for the past 6 months (with less spending when I was jobless). Anyway, I also need to figure out my retirement fund situation. Once I get my first pay check, I’ll have a better sense of how my savings will look like. I need to buckle down and figure out my finances but a I’m a little weary as I’m not even 1 month old into my new job after being jobless for most of the year. I'm also a little embarrassed that I don't have any proper retirement savings at almost 30 years old. I made some very dumb decisions and I have a tendency to spend on take out and I don't pride myself for it. I also support my mom every so often as she's still trying to make ends meet. I go to therapy for some of this but haven't been since the start of the year. Reflecting back on this year, it's been very difficult and I went to some very dark places. I didn't think I'd lose my job but I did along with so many other people (but not anyone I know). I know we'll come around the corner but I have a constant nagging worry that I will lose my job again. It's not healthy, I know I'm a very competent employee and a talented one but the worry doesn't go away. I hope I can overcome it.
submitted by PM_me_your_cat_pics1 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I Read It So You Don't Have To: Life is Not a Reality Show (by Kyle Richards)

LuAnn kept us classy, Kelly got us HOT!, and Simon made us nauseous. But today, we're throwing caution to the wind and jumping on the next flight to Beverly Hills to hear from "the housewife who does it all" -- the one and only Kyle Richards. So please fasten your seatbelts, make sure your tray tables are securely stowed in the upright and locked position, and prepare to "step into one of Beverly Hills' most glamorous lives -- complete with plenty of loving chaos."
Kyle's 2011 book Life Is Not a Reality Show: Keeping It Real with the Housewife Who Does It All advertises itself as "a how-to-be-fabulous guide from a star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." I'm truly shocked to see a Housewife describer herself as "a star" (rather than "the star"), but I suppose this is only the beginning of how realer-than-real things are going to get! On the book's cover, a silk-draped Kyle strikes a sultry pose on her kitchen island, seemingly oblivious to both basic food safety precautions and the diligent faux vacuuming being performed below her by a young Portia and her haphazardly-dangling companion -- whom I have fairly confidently identified as a G3.5 Rainbow Dash. Our author's commitment to casual comfort is further underscored by her hip, laid-back font choice. And now that any lingering doubts have been set at ease by the convivial scrawl before me, I take its instruction and open the book to Chapter One.
Right off the bat, Kyle reminds us that, despite how glamourous her life may look on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ("or just Real Housewives, as I refer to it"), the day-to-day minutia is never far from her mind. As she explains:
Did you see our Real Housewives reunion special after season 1? Do you remember when Andy Cohen asked if any of the cast knew the price of a gallon of milk? I was the only one who raised my hand! And I was only twenty cents off, though I don't think he was accounting for the higher prices in Beverly Hills.
A very chill and relatable thing to do is to constantly bring up times in the past when you were particularly chill and relatable. Kyle goes on to promise us her advice on love, beauty, and fashion -- "Recently CNN and InStyle magazine both named me one of the most stylish TV housewives of all time!" Relieved to be in such credentialed hands, I read on to find that I should also anticipate Kyle's tips regarding money, entertaining, and childrearing. Truly a Renaissance woman! I eagerly lean in as Kyle intones,
So let's get started. Let's talk, girlfriend to girlfriend, and I'll tell you everything I know.
We kick things off in earnest with Chapter Two: "Mr. Right," in which Kyle teaches us how to attract a potential mate of our desired caliber:
For example, if you want to attract the guy who's into porn stars, or maybe the one who only thinks about sex, or perhaps the guy who's a cheater, then wear something that barely covers your ass and lets your boobs hang out.
I'm sensing a slight hint of passive-aggression, but I'll go ahead and take Kyle at face value and commend her for giving such helpful and straightforward advice to women whose mate priorities are so different than her own. Kyle carries this same kind of measured acceptance through to the notion of Mauricio ogling another woman:
If he did, he'd have no more eyeballs! They would be removed from the sockets and put in a box and locked away. Ha-ha!
It's one thing to joke about being hyperbolically violent to your partner. Not my thing, but you do you! But does "removed from the sockets and put in a box and locked away" seem unsettlingly specific to anyone else? I'm halfway convinced she has already purchased some kind of high-security vessel that she keeps hidden away in an upstairs closet for this exact purpose, just in case Mauricio ever slips up and sneaks a peek at another woman's posterior. By the time she concludes with "Ha-ha!" it's unequivocal. I have seen more than enough episodes of Criminal Minds to know that "Ha-ha!" is the sign-off of (a) a serial murderearsonist or (b) a very sweet but technologically inept grandmother. Given that any mention of a grandchild is conspicuously absent from the text at hand, I'll leave it up to you to decide.
We next get some advice on "making sure you remain a tasty morsel" even after you've managed to snare a man. For example, Kyle tell us that "Mauricio and I call each other during the day just to say I love you.'" Personally, I feel like "mid-day love reminder calls" fall squarely alongside "shirts with drapey sleeves" and "shower sex" on my list of things that seem nice in theory but actually become incredibly irritating incredibly quickly. But again, that's just me! We all have our own unique preferences in romantic relationships. To use Kyle as an example:
I loved that he spoke Spanish, was from Mexico, and was Jewish. That was the perfect combo! I've always wanted to go out with someone who spoke Spanish and to marry a Jewish man because I heard they made the best husbands.
And indeed, as soon as she met Mauricio, Kyle knew there was an instant connection. Which shouldn't be too surprising. After all:
We women tend to think we're in love and want to have a guy's children the second we met him. Right? It's funny, but you know it's true.
Is this Kyle's version of a Jerry Seinfeld routine? What's the deal with women, am I right? Come on, ladies -- you know how it is! Kyle rounds out the chapter with her fair and nonjudgmental assessment of relationship priorities:
Of course, love is paramount. At least for me. Some people, especially in this town, may have other priorities -- like women who hunt for big bank accounts, or men who only go out with models. I can't comment on those relationships.
We flash back to Kyle's account of her childhood, which she credits for educating her in the intricacies of romantic relationships. Her mother, in particular, could always be relied upon for gentle guidance in a time of crisis.
Sometimes one of the girls would come in crying about something, maybe upset because the guy she went out with didn't call her back. My mom would say, "That's because you were an idiot and didn't handle yourself properly!"
Lest you too become an idiot who doesn’t handle yourself properly, take heed! As Kyle instructs us -- "It's all about understanding the male brain, the big one in his head and his little brain too! Ha-ha!" We also learn that "men are predatory animals," and that "men mature more slowly than women and they never really catch up!" Kyle informs us that "I also believe it's important to pay attention to what's going on in the world so you can have intelligent discussions about it." By this, she apparently means that she "[reads] the sports pages in the newspaper sometimes. "
At this point in the book, Kyle interjects:
I'm a little nervous sharing my secrets like this, because I know my husband will read this book and I don't want him to find out all my little tricks. Ha-ha! Maybe I'll just have to black out parts of it, because I definitely want you to have access to what I've learned.
Unless, by some chance, the remaining chapters of this book contain the requisite incantations for the magic spell Kyle has used to ensnare Mauricio's eternal soul, I really don't think that will be necessary.
But alas, it appears that I may have spoken too soon! I read on to find what I can only assume is just the first of Kyle's highly confidential seduction techniques -- "I might even dance extra sexy." As you are likely well-aware, the extra-sexy dance is second only to the infamous bend-and-snap when it comes to bewitching the masculine psyche, and I completely understand why Kyle would prefer to keep such powerful techniques under wraps.
Kyle introduces the next chapter with the following enigmatic adage:
I always tell my husband that being married is like taking care of a plant. It has to be watered every day, and you cannot ignore it.
Thankfully, before I spend too much time pondering exactly what it means to "water your marriage," (I mean, I hate to be crass, but it's definitely a sex thing, right?) she clarifies -- "In other words, ladies, your work isn't done once he puts a ring on it!" No, ladies -- your work is only done when you finally cash that fat life insurance check, am I right?! We also hear from Kyle that, when Mauricio comes home from work, "we always kiss, because that's a rule." Her statement makes me suddenly self-conscious that my boyfriend and I don't have a single kissing-based rule in our entire relationship. God only knows how we've made it this long!
In an aside, Kyle tells us that one of the things that makes her happiest is "being with my family in the mountains in the snow, happily kidnapped in a log cabin." I can only assume that she also enjoys such pastimes as "being abducted on the beach in Hawaii" and "jet-setting around Europe while being held hostage." And indeed, when Kyle reflects on the evolution of her attitude towards Mauricio's household laxities just a few paragraphs later, she remarks:
Sometimes I'll check and even find a door wide open! This used to really bother me, but you know, really, in the greater scheme of things, is it all that important?
And truly -- what's the worst that can happen? A benevolent kidnapper sneaks inside and snatches you up, cheerfully whisking you away to his hillside bungalow? You should be so lucky!
Kyle also does her best to squeeze out a drop of sympathy for those inchoate souls among us who lack her steadfast faith in the eternity of their marital bonds:
But I also think that because I am so genuinely attracted to my husband and so honestly content in my marriage I couldn't even fathom seeking the attention of other men. If you're feeling the need for interaction with or validation form men outside your marriage, I wonder, is it an indication there's something within your marriage, or your own heart, that needs to be examined?
To each her own. I'm just saying, be careful.
But I wonder, I'm just saying, if the lady genuinely, in all honesty, doth protest too much, maybe? Mauricio displays similarly developed coping mechanisms for common relationship issues -- "he deals with the idea of being jealous by pretending that he's the only man I've ever known in my whole life." Okay but like -- are we sure he's pretending? We've all seen the amount of cannabis this man consumes; is it so entirely out of the realm of possibility that Mauricio genuinely believes Kyle sprung into existence mere moments before their first encounter? Just something to think about!!
Kyle goes on to enumerate the many, many (many) things she loves about her darling devoted one. For example:
I especially love when he has a five-o'clock shadow. I always tell him, "I like it when you have that scruffy beard." Then my kids will say, "He looks a little bit like a terrorist!" Ha-ha! It's true.
If they were casting a movie for a sexy terrorist, he would definitely get the role!
The good news is that I'm absolutely certain that someone is casting a movie role for a "sexy terrorist." The bad news (at least from Kyle's perspective) is that that someone is an adult film studio catering to a clientele base with what I would charitably describe as questionable levels of taste.
Mercifully, we change directions with the next chapter, and Kyle reminds us (not for the last time) that she is "a real mom." This means that she does things like "Use positive reinforcement!!!" And lots of exclamation points, apparently. Also, as our resident super-mom explains,
I don't let my kids watch MTV either. What about those teenagers who become pregnant?
I don't even want those ideas in my daughters' heads.
I'm sure we all remember that fateful day -- June 11, 2009 -- when Viacom's MTV network premiered their fateful show 16 and Pregnant, inventing teen pregnancy and forever altering the course of human history. Ah, to dream of a return to that prelapsarian world!
Kyle follows up this advice with an anecdote illustrating her all-encompassing commitment to ensuring that her daughters are fully educated in the ways of the world. As she recounts:
Just this morning I was in the shower and realized I'd never told my girls to brush their hair before they get in the shower, to take all those loose hairs that come out into the brush and throw them in the trash so they don't clog up the drain. Plus it's good for their hair. So I called the girls together and told them.
I only wish my own mother had loved me enough to impart the same wisdom upon my younger self. As it was, I can still remember the terror of my first unattended shower. The slimy fibrils of hair snaking alongside the slick plastic walls. Bending down, one tentative hand extended to peel the matted tangle of strands from the burnished metallic drain before flinging it artlessly in the trash can. To think that I could have been saved from that horror, had Kyle's words had only made it to my mother's ears!
Kyle is very grateful for the chance to raise her children in a sophisticated urban setting, because "you hear about kids in small towns getting bored and doing drugs." In contrast, Los Angeles has always been renowned for its drug-free nightlife and low-key social scene. And also for the opportunities that living in the big city presents for "scare tactics," another key strategy for being the realest momma there is. As Kyle compassionately recalls:
When my older girls were little and we were out and about, sometimes we'd see a homeless person on the street. They'd ask me, "Why is he living there, Mommy?"
I'd say, "Honey, he didn't go to college. That's what happens when you don't go to college!" Ha-ha!
I never thought I'd see the day when I yearned for the even-keeled wisdom of Alex and Simon. But that day has come. Ejaculating during your child's birth is one thing, but teaching your daughters that homeless people were just too dumb (lazy? bad? self-indulgent?) to make the right choices is…an extremely different thing. Better to spew semen than hatred, as I always say! Ha-ha!
But I'll give Kyle the benefit of the doubt and assume she just hasn't had the chance to truly reflect on the gravity of her actions. After all, she has an unbelievably busy schedule that barely leaves the briefest moment for the hectic housewife to catch her breath:
This morning I need to make my girls' lunches and snacks and then drive them to school, but I also have to talk to a bunch of people by phone about what I'm going to wear when we film. I have a meeting here at the house at 10:00 and a spray tan at 11:30, then there's another meeting at noon. I take my daughter to soccer at 3:00 and have to film at 6:00PM. So my day is like boom, boom, boom.
So cut her some slack -- she truly does do it all! And somehow still manages to keep it grounded! For example, Kyle lets us know about the strong bond that persists between her and her sisters:
We still get together all the time for family gatherings, and we sing, "We Are Family" -- you know, the Pointer Sisters' song? "We are family! I got all my sisters with me!" It's our tradition.
However, Kyle did not always so thoroughly understand the value of familial relationships. Unfortunately, our plucky heroine had to learn this particular lesson the old-fashioned way.
When we were little we found many of the things my parents used to talk about boring and ridiculous. Like, who cares about Aunt So-and-So and her big boobs? My mom told me once, "Your aunt has triple-D boobs. You never know, yours could end up being that big." I thought, Why are you telling me that? You're making me sick! I don't want boobs that big!
Now I wish I knew more about that aunt with the triple Ds. But it's too late.
I hope you all take this lesson to heart -- I urge you to call your largest-bosomed family member now, before time runs out! You never know how little time you have left with whatever elusive secrets that cleavage may contain! But even this hard-earned wisdom couldn't save Kyle from her most devastating domestic dust-up -- the iconic Season One limo fight in which Kim accuses Kyle of stealing her house. As Kyle tearfully recounts,
After that, people called me a bully, which just killed me, because I've never been a bully in my life.
This sentence has big Caroline Calloway energy. Which is maintained throughout the succeeding passage, in which Kyle bemoans the impossible position into which she was entrapped.
People asked me, "What does she mean you stole her house?" I mean, you can't actually pick up a house and carry it across the street and no one will notice! But try explaining the actual story on Twitter.
I can only hope that someday -- perhaps in the far distant future -- some pioneering mastermind will invent a platform by which longer passages of text can be shared with Internet users around the globe. Until that day, poor Kyle's hands are tied!
Kyle moves right along into a chapter entitled, "My Mane Philosophy." We open on the following selection, which I have a sneaking suspicion was accidentally pasted in from a first draft of KKB's I Can Make You Hot!
People used to ask me all about my extensions, but, um, I don't have extensions. Never did. I think they're terrible for your hair. I especially hate to see so many young celebrities getting them, because they're just destroying their hair and really won't be able to get it back. I realize that some people feel extensions are the only way to get the thickness they want. My niece Paris has her own line of hair extensions and really likes the look they give her.
Chock full of a lifetime's worth of experiences to share, Kyle goes on to inform us that "on my worst day as a blonde, my very ugliest day, more men would look at me than they would on my absolute best day as a brunette." However, as she humbly admits: "Honestly, I'd still rather be a brunette, because a blonde is just not who I am." I have to admit that I admire her courage and unwavering commitment to her core principles.
Kyle cautions us that "if you do have a signature look, one that you're known for and everyone loves, be extra careful" about making any major style decisions. She knows this, in part, thanks to an unfortunate young adult haircut that left her looking "like an artichoke." I would personally consider it a compliment of the highest order to be told I resemble such a respectable vegetable, but there's no accounting for personal taste! For example, Kyle tells us:
I just could never go for those super-expensive shampoos, are you kidding, with all my hair and all the kids' hair? I'd have to sell my house -- which isn't an option!
I can't help but be offended at how fervently Kyle tried to convince us, earlier in the book, that she's just a regular mom who knows exactly how much a gallon of milk costs. But shampoo -- what could that run? Sixty, seventy thousand? Too rich for my blood! We're treated to a surprise guest appearance from Kyle "Jerry Seinfeld" Richards:
My God, do they have to have fifty different types of conditioner to confuse us and drive us insane? Ha-ha!
before our author goes on to enlighten us regarding the two single biggest miracles of modern technology: the World Wide Web and personal lubricant. I mean, hair oil.
You can find different brands at beauty supply stores and online. One I like has the consistency of K-Y Jelly. Hmm, yes, I think this Moroccan oil might have multiple uses! Ha-ha!
And that's not the only thing you can find online! Kyle also proffers her tips for finding a quality makeup artist:
Start by looking in the yellow pages under beauty and makeup, or do a search online. I know some websites keep lists of people who work in local areas.
We also learn that it's "very important to know what colors make your eyes pop." Unfortunately, Kyle neglects to tell us what keywords to look up in the Yellow Pages in order to track down that particular piece of information, so I'm at a bit of an impasse there. Nevertheless, she carries on to share the following super-relatable experience:
You know when you see people and their makeup looks uneven? I don't know if you notice those things, but I do. I'll think, Why does she have the line coming out so far from one eye and not the other?
I'm tucking this nugget away as exculpatory evidence the next time my therapist tries to reassure me that no one else is paying nearly as much attention to my every mistake as I think they are. I read on to learn that it's very important to refine your skills in makeup application "or you'll end up looking like a drag queen!" And that's not even the most horrific fate that might await you! As Kyle shares:
I've done it where one eye ended up seeming smaller than the other, and it looked like I had a stroke! And then because I'm a hypochondriac, I thought maybe I did have a stroke. Ha-ha!
I am 99% sure that I will have a stroke if I have to read "Ha-ha!" one more time. But if I stop reading now, I'll miss out on so many helpful tips and tricks. Such as Kyle's recommendation to use "you know, the intense black liner that's made from some kind of mineral powder that they've used in Middle Eastern countries forever?" Other beauty pointers are more transgressive:
I kept that secret, at least from Mauricio, until the live reunion show right after Real Housewives, season 1. Andy Cohen from Bravo asked me -- live on television -- "Have you used Botox?" Uhh. Oh my God. Great. What do I do now? I couldn't lie. I just can't lie. So I had to fess up. "Yes, I have." Are you happy now? Ha!
Inspired by Kyle's courageous vulnerability, I have a confession to make: I, too, am a regular IM Botox user. Please, hold your applause -- your unending admiration of my radical transparency is more than sufficient reward.
However, Kyle cautions, "let's not get out of control here." As she clarifies, "it's the fillers that I'm afraid are getting to be an epidemic of nightmare proportions." In a COVID world, it's hard not to scoff at the apparent hyperbole, but Kyle is not speaking lightly:
Can you imagine if they find out one day that we're all going to die from this? This would be one empty town.
The passage ends on a final, ominous warning: "Please, for all our sakes, don't overdo the filler." Kyle truly is the Cassandra of our modern age.
We continue on, and I'm zero percent surprised to learn that Kyle's favorite shade of blush is called "Hot Mama." By the same logic, I am forced to assume that her favorite song is most likely the perennial Trace Atkins classic "Hot Mama." The hottest mama of them all muses on:
To me it's such a shame when you see someone who looks very nice, you know, the clothes, the purse, the makeup -- but then her nails are chipped. It just kills the whole deal.
I could love to know exactly what Kyle means by "the whole deal," but I'm too captivated by her self-deprecating charm in the following passage and lose my train of thought.
I have learned to accept the fact that I just don't have nice hands. Period. End of story. Good hair, bad hands. Ha-ha!
The next chapter -- "Kyle Style" -- begins with our author confiding that "I always say that I'm a juicy drummette [sic] -- you know, the tiny but meaty part of a chicken drum." Personally, I consider myself to be more of a chicken thigh -- tender, yet firm, with a deep and sophisticated flavor profile. Nevertheless, I’m eager for Kyle to "talk a little about diet and exercise -- but just a little. Ha!" Of the select pieces of guidance she opts to share, many of them consist of ways to impart body-positive values to your daughters. As an example:
When I see a really thin girl in a magazine or on a TV show, I make a point of saying, "That girl is too thin; that's not attractive at all." And it truly doesn’t appeal to me in the least. That is not how God meant for our bodies to be.
I appreciate Kyle's efforts to shed light on the oft-neglected Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not be too thin. She goes on to channel her best impersonation of a Cathy cartoon -- "Don't most women have to have chocolate in their lives?" Ack! She elaborates:
I keep frozen dark chocolate in my freezer at all times -- a whole bunch of it, because there have been times where I would have betrayed my country for just one piece of chocolate. Ha!
We segue clumsily to fashion advice, and Kyle shares that she is "really drawn to tops with unusual sleeves." She also informs us that "H&M is a great place to shop for cheap but fabulous stuff." What's more, "they have lots of stores on the East Coast and the West Coast, and some in the Midwest." So relatable! Kyle enigmatically claims that she has "the scariest pajama situation," from which I can only conclude that her nightgown has recently become haunted by the spirit of a vengeful demon who refuses to grant her even a moment's respite.
But even in the face of such insurmountable terror, Kyle manages to find the positive -- "I love, love, love, love shoes." And this isn't just a frivolous diversion -- far from it! Footwear is critical to the very fiber of one's being. Kyle poses the pointed question "If their shoes are falling apart what does that say about them?" I'm not sure how reliable of an indicator this is, however; for example, I have been falling apart multiple times, but my shoes have always remained more-or-less intact. However, Kyle's continuing diatribe makes me realize that shoe neglect is a far more pervasive problem that I'd ever previously realized:
I have a real pet peeve about when the bottom part of a woman's heel comes off, but she just keeps walking around on the heel with the naked metal shaft sticking out and you hear the "click, click" every time she takes a step. What is she thinking? She's not thinking! Doesn’t she realize how she's presenting herself to the world? If she's walking around like that, what does her home look like?
Kyle, on the other hand, takes great care to ensure that her physical appearance clearly telegraphs her social class. As she informs us, "the only flats I wear are Chanel." But it's not enough simply to upgrade your podiatric picks -- "you have to figure out what lifts your spirits, not just your heels." Kyle, for example, moonlights as a Real Life Fashion Designer! She recalls:
It was fun picking the fabrics and the hardware and the designs and saying things like, "No, absolutely no rhinestones!" Not on my bags!
She continues, remarking that "the process came very naturally to me." I, too, find that the process of making miscellaneous unprompted proclamations of my aesthetic preferences comes "very naturally" to me. As soon as I find a fashion manufacturer willing to unconditionally indulge me, I'll be all set! However, I have to admit that my styling senses are not yet quite as developed as Kyle's. A true creative, Kyle is both art and artist:
If I put on an outfit that looks like of dull, I then think of it as a canvas and start adding long chains and other things to spice it up.
She proclaims that "hats are very underrated" before concluding the chapter and moving along to a thorough exploration of the entertaining arts. If you heed Kyle's advice, you'll be sure to avoid some of the most devastating party-planning pitfalls -- "like when you go to someone's house and there's only a little bit of food, so you feel scared to eat." In contrast:
At my daughter's birthday party I had a petting zoo and a moon bounce and princesses walking around, and sang "Happy Birthday" in Spanish. People had a good time.
I was skeptical at first, but "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?I I'm a big enough person to admit when I'm jealous. And that's just one of Kyle's many hostessing hits -- "for example, with our White Parties…we like to go for a hip Miami club vibe." Which is a particularly sophisticated way to say "we really love cocaine." And public sexual debauchery, if the following passage is to be believed:
The first year we even had mattresses and cabanas. We try to find that balance where it's elegant, but people can still let loose.
Never one to shy away from a HomeGoods endcap display, Kyle chronicles her home décor journey across the calendar year:
I start on October 1 and bring out these little sparkly beaded pumpkins I have and put them out all around the house.
I've taken the initiative to mark October 1st as "Little Sparkly Beaded Pumpkin Day" in my trusty planner to ensure that I, too, can celebrate this hallowed holiday in the coming year. In preparation, I'm eager to read more of Kyle's homemaking counsel. Lesson one? "No chicken wings -- they look unattractive, for one thing, and your food should always look elegant." Then what, you may ask, should you serve instead?
You need to have little delicious bites that people can pop in their mouths, like shrimp with sauce, small pieces of sushi, tiny meatballs on a toothpick, little goat-cheese pastries, sausage bites with Dijon mustard.
Kyle also opens up to us about the prohibitive compulsions that guide her daily actions. As she shares, "I cannot have people over without a million candles being lit." A quick back-of-the-envelope calculation reveals that — even at a footprint of 1 square inch per candle — we're nearing seven thousand square feet of floor space. And while I know my perspective is skewed by the sheer disrespect of the Boston housing market, I can't imagine that kind of real estate comes cheap.
We're also encouraged to consider "Latin music for a Cinco de Mayo party," and I am choosing to willfully misinterpret this as a suggestion to blare monastic chanting at my next soiree. Or perhaps I'll try out another piece of Kyle's advice:
If it's possible, I try to have one extra entertainment going on in some quiet room of the house, like a psychic or a magician.
It's really generous of Kyle to assume that I just happen to have an extra room in which to host an intimate recital of clowning or mimery. But I do have a sparkling wit and subscriptions to a variety of streaming services, so that's got to count for something!
Kyle winds down her tale with an explanation of her decision to join RHOBH. And funnily enough, it may be the 'realest' part of the entire book:
But the acting business has changed so much. I took off a lot of years to have kids, and when I went back, there were huge stars in little guest roles on TV and I just basically felt like I'd been pushed way down the totem pole.
I never wanted to do a reality show or a soap opera. But eventually I agreed.
Beaten into submission and self-degradation by the cruel demands of a relentless world. What could be realer than that?!
The final pages of the book contain a brief "About The Author" sketch that I assume has been haphazardly pieced together from the About Me section of Kyle's Facebook profile page:
This sassy California native was born in Hollywood, into an acting family.

Kyle is an avid advocate for the fight against cancer.

Kyle believes "If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun."
And with that final self-attribution of Pinterest's favorite Katherine Hepburn quote, I leave this Real Housewife and go back to the real world -- until next time!

See comment below for my future reading plans
submitted by efa___ to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

Traffic Ivy Reviews | Scam or Does It Really Work? [2021 UDPATE]

Traffic Ivy Reviews | Scam or Does It Really Work? [2021 UDPATE]
Welcome to the Traffic Ivy Review 2021, In this review Reddit we will discuss every feature of the Reddit Traffic Ivy Reviews 2021 program and see the advantages and disadvantages of each feature
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Traffic Ivy Reviews
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Traffic Ivy is a broadway to reach highly receptive audiences in your niche with an endless supply of your content along with valuable exposures to whatever on which you want to raise traffic.
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How Does Traffic Ivy Work?

After you set up the traffic Ivy software along signing up with your social account details for the podiums of social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and so on.
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As per the Traffic Ivy reviews, The major tools in Traffic Ivy give you a better experience in the online business platform.
The campaign creator is simple and beginner-friendly. If you have a blog the WordPress Plugin is the best tool with advanced features like automatically post content.
Another helpful tool of Traffic Ivy is the one-click connections. Wherewith one click, you can connect to any of your blogs or social media accounts.
The community-driven rating system and featured content are other helpful tools in Traffic Ivy.
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Thousands of people benefited from Cyndy’s Traffic Ivy in their online businesses. Traffic Ivy is great software that helps to increase your sales.
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8 Ways To Grow Your Instagram Account Using Pinterest

Do you guys use Pinterest to promote your business? Or even promote your Instagram?
Instagram is a great platform to help increase the visibility of your brand. As a marketer or business owner, you need to take active steps towards growing your Instagram following.
Here are some stats to prove why:
These stats establish the value of Instagram on your marketing and advertising efforts.
To reap the benefits that come with Instagram, you need to grow your Instagram followers.
Compared to a year or two ago, growing Instagram followers isn’t as easy as it used to be. With Instagram improving its algorithm and the increasing competition amongst brands, you would need effective strategies to grow on Instagram.
One of these strategies is using Pinterest to grow your Instagram account.
Unlike Instagram where the only place to put clickable links is in your bio, Pinterest allows users to add links to each post making it a great channel for referral traffic.
If you want to grow your Instagram account, you can use Pinterest to attract more followers.
Ready to get started? Here are 8 ways to grow your Instagram account using Pinterest.

1. Claim your Instagram on Pinterest

Claiming your Instagram account on Pinterest is very easy to do. It would only take a few minutes.
Go to Pinterest > Account settings > Claimed accounts > Instagram.
Once you have claimed your Instagram account, any pins created from your Instagram account in the future would be attributed to you.
What this means is that if you or any other user shares content from your Instagram account on Pinterest, your Pinterest profile and a follow button would show on the pin.
If a user clicks on the Pin, they would be redirected to your Instagram account. This attribution system is very helpful in getting click-throughs to your Instagram account especially when you are still new on the platform.
Since Instagram posts have a short life span, by claiming your Instagram account and then pinning posts from your Instagram account to Pinterest, you can drive more viewers and engagement to your Instagram account for a long time.
As more of your pins get saved, more people would see your Pinterest posts and click-through to your Instagram account. The more people that visit your Instagram account via Pinterest referrals and also enjoy your content, the more followers you gain.

2. Publish to Instagram & share the content on Pinterest

After claiming your account, publish your content to Instagram first then share it to Pinterest.
All you need to do is log into your Instagram account via desktop. Go to the post you want to pin on Pinterest and grab the post’s URL. It’s this Instagram URL that you are going to use as the pin’s designation website.
Don’t forget to add a caption to your posts before uploading. While the character limit isn’t as much as Instagram, it’s still enough to give context to your post.
Tip: to streamline the content creation and publication process, use a free Instagram planning tool — Combin Scheduler. This will help you save your time, automatically publish posts and stories, organise your hashtags, add a link in bio, and even repost posts of other Instagrammers.
The more creative you are with the captions, the more people would engage with the pins. The more engagements your pin receives, the more referral clicks you drive to your Instagram account.
If you have an Instagram post that contains multiple images, you can consider creating a Pinterest-optimized graphic of all the photos merged together in one image. You can use an app like Canva to merge all the photos into one.
The best part of sharing your Instagram content to Pinterest is that pins are evergreen. In contrast to Instagram where the visibility of posts reduces after a day, Pinterest uploads continue to see engagement months later. So any of your Instagram pins that are popular would continue to receive referral traffic for a long time.

3. Categorize content into boards

If you are trying to grow your Instagram account with Pinterest, just uploading content from your Instagram account to Pinterest won’t be enough.
If you expect people to interact with your content regularly, you’ve got to optimize each pin you upload and make them count.
One way to optimize your pins is by categorizing them into boards.
Pinterest boards are a collection of pins around a visual theme or central idea curated by a user or community of users. Each board on your Pinterest profile should have a specific theme. For example, you may have a fall fashion board or a graphic design board. As time passes, you can add content to your old boards and also create new ones.
When creating a board, use straightforward names that users can understand and easily remember. You can also add keywords where necessary to grab attention.
Tip: Create boards based on trending topics and keywords. Creating boards based on what’s trending in your niche would help you reach a wider audience. Make sure that the content you pin to the boards is relevant to the kind of followers you want to attract.
You can also participate in Group boards. This is a great way to get your pins in front of a larger audience.

4. Use Pinterest SEO

Pinterest is a visual search engine. Similar to Google search, you need to perform SEO to increase your visibility on the platform.
Pinterest considers the keywords and phrases used on the description of a pin when deciding what to show in a user’s feed. They also consider the keywords used in the board title and board description where the pin is saved. Pinterest also looks at keywords in the title page of the pin destination (i.e your Instagram post) when ranking content on the home page.
Adding keywords to your pins would help increase your pin exposure.
Add keywords that your target audience is searching for — the same way you create keyword-optimized content for your blog or website. The more keywords you rank for, the higher visibility your pins receive. You can either use the “Trending on Pinterest” section in the search tab or an SEO tool to find which keywords and trends that are ranking in your niche.
Along with keywords, also add relevant hashtags to your pin descriptions. Both of them work together to bring traffic to your Pinterest profile, boards, and pins. With increased traffic to your Pins and boards, the more click-throughs you get to your Instagram account.
There is no rule on how many keywords you should add to your posts. Although, the best-performing pins tend to have between 5–10 keywords and 3–5 hashtags.

5. Leverage user-generated content (UGC)

According to Sprout Social, user-generated content is 35% more memorable and 50% more trustworthy than other types of media creation.
This stat shows that user-generated content should play an important role in your Instagram-Pinterest strategy.
To take advantage of user-generated content, create a group board where your followers can post products of how they interact with your product or brand.
A good example is Gap’s collaborative board called Styl’d by You.
In this board, fashion bloggers and other clothing enthusiasts can show off how they style Gap clothing.
If done right, UGC has a snowball effect of higher engagement and more social followers.
How does this work?
When a follower pins content related to your brand, their followers see it. If any of these followers like the content and shares it, their own followers get to see the post — and the cycle continues. So, from just one post generated from a single user, tens to hundreds of people would get to know your brand.
The easiest way to start a UGC campaign is by starting a hashtag trend, creating a collaborative board that followers can post to, or working with influencers.
You can also feature the most creative followers on your Instagram account to increase engagement. Remember to ask permission first before using a user’s content to avoid being accused of theft.

6. Work with influencers

There are influencers on Pinterest who are known for their ability to design great Pinterest boards. Working with influencers can help boost your board’s engagement.
The key is to partner with influencers whose style matches your brand. Supply them with content from your Instagram account and allow them to take over some of your boards. The influencer can also create custom content on their own.
Give them the freedom to design the boards as they please. Since influencers already know the kind of content your target audience would love, you should see increased engagement and traffic to your boards.
Another advantage of working with influencers is that you get access to their followers. This is another effective way to increase your brand reach.
Tip: Instead of spending hours on social media scouting for influencers to work with, you can use an influencer marketing platform. The platform will provide a list of influencers and also present their statistics to you. All you would have to do is select the influencer that best suits your brand.

7. Pin when engagement is high

For maximum effect, pin when your audience engages with your content the most.
You can use Pinterest’s inbuilt analytics to determine when your audience is most active. Use that information and post regularly at those times to see higher engagement.
Additionally, reports from Oberlo show that the best time to post on Pinterest tends to be between 8 p.m and 11 p.m. Saturdays tend to be by far the best day to post on Pinterest. Sundays work well too. Work hours tend to be less popular for Pinterest users.
About author: Marvellous Aham-adi is a freelance writer and Head of Content at TheZeroed. Where he writes on growing a blog and actionable SEO strategies you can use in growing a brand. He has been featured in top blogs like Social Media Examiner, GetResponse, Mention, and Wordstream.
submitted by Klaracombin to combin [link] [comments]

15 Essentials for Going on Tour: What I learned fom 100 shows on the road (By a Musician, for the Musician)

In 2019 I played 100 shows on the road as a freelance bass player. It was not my first tour by any means, but it was the first year with that much volume of touring, which required me to build routine and follow through on healthy habits on the road. This is what I learned:
100 Shows On The Road

Organize your Tour like a Traveling Business

Designate a Tour Manager

The Tour Manager, or TM, is the director of all of the artist’s business and professional activity. Tour Manager responsibilities include answering the phone, reading contracts, recording income and expenses, logging mileage, resolving crisis on the road, and making sure the band shows up on time. Tour Managers will act as the liaison between the band and all other parties involved in the tour, such as the venue production & hospitality, the Booking Agent, and the Artist Manager.

Google Drive is your new best friend

Personally, I recommend that your Tour Manager operate a Google Drive Account that everyone in the band can access. Google Drive is a widely accepted and cost-effective option for cloud storage that can be immediately accessed by band members and management alike. Any .PDF, .CSV, or .Excel file can be imported and viewed on any phone or computer. I recommend using a G Drive account for things like Day Of Show Itineraries, Driving Schedules, and General Show Data. Additionally, your booking agent (if you have one) will provide the TM with their spreadsheet for booking and routing.

Collect & Consolidate Show Data

Your TM or Manager should be up keeping a Google Sheet to reflect your business expenses and incomes on the road. The example below is hypothetical, but the more data you are able to collect, the easier it will be to see your progress and (hopefully) growth as a band and as a business.
Hypothetical Show Data Example
In the Show Data example above, I have collected data from each date on the tour and included information about the venue, the city, the performance fee & type of Deal, the # of Tickets Sold and the ticket price, as well as general notes. When collecting your own Show Data, you could also keep track of things such as:

Create a Driving Schedule:

Driving schedules are not essential, as every band has their preferred driving routines, but creating a driving schedule allows everyone knows how far away the next venue is (and will keep someone sober after the show…). This is just an extra step in being prepared and organized on the road. If you decide to make a driving schedule, here are some things to consider:

Perform a Day-Of-Show Advance

Advancing the Show is the process of confirming the details of your performance with the venue or the promoter in advance of the show.
Day of Show Itinerary for Band, the Band!
There are two stages in the Show Advance: The first Advance is when you sign the Performance contract. This will be the time to review and negotiate things like the Hospitality Rider and the Performance Contract. The 2nd Advance, or Day-Of-Show Advance is a courtesy from band management to venues and production staff. This is the time to double-check concerns like parking and any last minute hospitality needs. You should use this data to build a Day-Of-Show Itinerary. This is your opportunity to keep the ship sailing as smoothly as possible — so keep everyone on the same page about load-in times & location, parking, doors & soundcheck, set time & length, hospitality such as wi-fi & dinner options, and venue contacts. Of course, you should stay in touch with the next venue on your tour if any thing changes in your timeline, such as being stuck in traffic & arriving late to your Load-In.

Don’t forget to get the money

If you do not have a Tour Manager, make sure the band designates someone who, every night, performs the Settlement process. Settlement is when the Promoter of the show/Venue Owner goes through an itemized list of income and expenses with the Artist and then pays out the remaining balance.
Lets break down a settlement sheet together:
Hypothetical Settlement Sheet for Band, The Band!
This is a 90% of Door Deal, with a $300 Guarantee for the supporting artist. This settlement sheet is broken into 3 sections: Ticket Sales, Expenses, and Split of Total Net.
For this show, tickets were priced at 3 tiers: Advance ($12), Day of Show ($15), and VIP ($50). Note that the Sales Tax (8.9%) is taken directly out of the Ticket Sales Gross before any expenses are factored in.
Expenses generally include Overhead and Production fees (included here in Room Rental), as well as Marketing, Hospitality, and Police expenses. In this example, the Direct Support has been chosen by the Venue. If the Headlining Artist brings their own support, the $300 guarantee would be taken out of the Artist’s 90% Net instead of listed as a Venue expense.
For the Total Net, the deal is divided up 90% to the Headliner and 10% to the Promoter. If this show did not sell any tickets, the Promoter would be on the hook for covering all venue expenses, including the Direct Support Guarantee and Room Rental. Luckily for this show, everyone walked away with a little bit of money!
If there is a problem with the money, Settlement is the time to address it. Do not email a venue 2 weeks after your show because you were paid less than you are owed because of negligence during Settlement. Lastly, do not take an IOU from the Promoter.
In my travels, I have been approached by a promoter who did not sell enough tickets to recoup the cost of putting on the show and could not pay us. In this situation, remember that they have signed a performance contract that legally obligates them to pay you and not a penny less! If this is a concern of yours, there are many non-profit legal teams that will represent artists in civil cases. Since I live in Georgia, I can recommend the Georgia Lawyer’s for the Arts Organization.
If you want to learn more about Deal Structure and Negotiating a Deal with a Promoter, click here

Take out a Musicians Insurance Policy

Some homeowner, renters, or automobile insurance policies cover musical items that are taken out of the house, but this is generally not the case. Musicians Insurance covers your instruments, recording gear, sound and light equipment, computer hardware, and various audio accessories. (here is a very detailed article from my friends at Performance Magazine about choosing Musician’s Insurance) Additionally, standard insurance providers might not recognize the actual value of your gear. And in the event of a large claim, like a break-in, car accident, or venue fire, you will hit a per-category limit on your insurance and you might receive much less than what the gear is worth. You can take out a basic policy for up to $12,000 worth of gear for a little over 10$ a month. I’m not going to suggest any particular insurance company, but regardless of who you choose you will need to make an itemized list of all your gear. Definitely do some research and get some insurance. Hopefully you won’t need it but if you do, you will be glad you have it.

Purchase some Cases for your Gear

I know that road cases (I’ve used Georgia Case Company many times — their customer service is exceptional) are expensive, but the cost of the case is usually less than the cost to repair. The road is a vulnerable and dangerous place for your gear. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and protecting your equipment is paramount! Car accidents, trailer problems, sketchy load-in, sketchy neighborhoods, Gear bouncing around and crashing into each other on bumpy roads. Many times you will have to leave your instruments, pedals, and accessories in less than ideal places, like mop closets, dark hallways, or even stacked against a venue wall for extended periods of time. If you are involved in a fast changeover on stage, you might not even be handling your own instrument. Without your gear you have no livelihood. If money is tight, I recommend checking your local pawn shops, who are known for having an excess of musical cases. Also check Ebay for custom sized cases.

Create and Distribute a Tour AdMat / Poster

Industry standard size for a tour poster (check out this link for 60 gorgeous Tour Posters) is 11 inches by 17 inches. Your tour poster should have all of your dates with your name/logo displayed prominently. Here’s the catch, venues don’t care about other shows on your tour poster, which is why the artist is also expected to prepare advertising materials to the venue. Ad Mat is an abbreviation of Advertising Material and is usually a derivation of your tour poster. Except, instead of all of your tour dates listed, the poster has empty space for the venue to write in their own information. Venues prefer to write all of this in themselves, and that’s a good thing because this way you only have to prepare 1 Ad Mat to send to each venue.

Create a Band Debit Card & Bank Account

This is mostly for accounting purposes at the end of the year. Almost every expense on the road can be written off on your taxes (ESPECIALLY if you are a freelance musician, like I am). Also, being able to look at a list of every expense at the conclusion of a tour will help you build a better budget and see in what areas you need to do better (such as eating out vs buying groceries, hotel expenses, and so much more). On this note, it also means you can deposit cash on the road. You don’t want to have your van broken into or get robbed and lose $4,000 in cold cash sitting in your glove box. Regularly putting money into your bank account reduces the risk that you take by being on the road significantly!

Create An Effective Merchandise Table

Your merch table should function like an in-person marketing funnel (here is an excellent article that breaks down the concept of the Marketing Funnel). When someone walks up to your merch table, that is a pivotal engagement between you and a potential customer! And so you need to make it as easy as possible for your fans to give you their information, make a purchase, or generally connect with your brand.

A couple tips about the Merch Table:

The secret to selling a shit-load of merch is to understand that the merch table is where consumers buy accessories to the experience. Your consumer often doesn’t really want or need a shirt or as a lighter, or a pair of sunglasses, the consumer wants to take home a piece of the band with them, and so they decide which format of that experience they like the most and then they buy it. Your job as the band is to project the experience of your music into material items that can be manufactured and sold at a 400% margin. You get bonus points if you have things on your merch table that folks actually need, such as ponchos at a rainy outdoor show.

Stay Healthy on the Road

Do some Exercise and Watch What you Eat!

Take care of your teeth

Health Insurance is unlikely in the cards for you, so make sure you are at least taking care of your teeth. (I recommend wrapping your toothbrush in a paper towel in a Ziploc bag so it stays clean on the road!) Dental Hygiene is no joke. Not only is it a form of preventative healthcare but brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed becomes a routine. Consistency can be hard to find on the road, so the act of brushing your teeth is actually a form of commitment to the longevity of your career as a professional musician. And to be honest, if you can’t handle brushing your teeth on the road then you are not going to make it very far in this industry.
I had the pleasure of sitting in on a studio session of some old-time legends… I’m talking like, 70 years old plus doing a special radio set in town. After the show, I asked them all for a piece of advice and their biggest musical regret. One of the guys said “I wish I brushed my teeth” and gave me a big smile full of GNARLY teeth… I’ve been brushing twice a day since!

Sleeping is important!

Take care of your touring Vehicle

A Few other Tips:

This Article is from the “2019 Music Industry Success Series”. This eBook is Free! You can grab a copy here. You can also check out my Podcast, Website, or email me at [email protected]
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A week in Hyderabad, India on a $21,342 salary

Occupation: Team Lead Industry: Technology Age: 30 Location: Hyderabad, India
Salary: $21,342 plus a ~$2500 bonus once a year, and $372 credited to a pre-paid food card($31 per month)
Paycheck Amount (Once a month): $1500
Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $214 for our 3-bed, 3-bath condo, paid by my husband R. We bought it last year. We covered most of the down payment ourselves with a lot of help from my parents and the mortgage is $14,000 which we want to keep for the tax benefits.
Student Loan Payment: $0, both my husband and I went to school in India and culturally, parents pay for their kids’ education in India. Student loan debt is not common here.
Car Loan Payment: $0, my husband bought his car 7 years ago and paid in full.
Utilities: $20-$30, this covers Water, Electricity, Power Backup and Gas.
House Keeping: $57 for a lady that comes in daily and cleans the condo.
Cell Phone: $9, reimbursed from work.
401(k): 401(k) in India is called PF (Provident Fund).
$71 – pre-deducted from my Pay check, 100% match by employer
I currently have $5,700 in this account.
Health Insurance Premium: $0, Covered by my employer
Savings: Whatever is left after the month’s expenses. I don’t typically move it to any account as the interest rate on Savings is not really high. Current savings per month amount to about $1200.
Yearly Expenses
Internet: $0, we make a onetime payment of $200 per year, but our service provider offers charge-free internet for 4 additional months if we pay in full at the beginning of year. Also, my husband gets reimbursed $12 per month at work. Hence, it’s essentially free.
Amazon Prime: $0, free through our mobile service provider.
Netflix: $13 for this year. We share Netflix with my sister and our share comes to $55 per year. I had $42 in free Netflix credit from my mobile service provider for this year and have applied it to the account.
Hot star: $0, This is an Indian video streaming service. We use my sister’s account.
Property Tax for the Condo: $95
Top Up Health Insurance: One-time charge of $100 deducted from my last paycheck. I opted for a top up this year as we are anticipating some medical expenses and for $100, my overall coverage is enhanced 50%.
Savings: I currently have $15,700 in Savings.
Day One
7:43 a.m. – I abruptly come to my senses to the loud voice of Google Home and it takes me a couple of seconds to comprehend what happened. My husband R., is not in bed and has been raving for the last two days about a yoga class he wants to start today, so I assume that’s where he went. The sudden awakening of Google Home when there’s no one should bother me, but I am too drowsy to care and go back to sleep.
8:20 a.m. – I get out of bed and proceed to heat a cup of water in the microwave. I have a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, sometimes with lemon. It is a habit that R. helped me develop in the past year and I have started looking forward to it. I browse through Facebook while sipping on my water. R. is back and asks me to pack his lunch for him which is some left-over Chicken Biryani and Shrimp Fry from the fridge.
9:00 a.m. – R. leaves for work and I settle down on the couch browsing through Amazon, not wanting to go into work.
9:30 a.m. – Finally manage to pull myself up from the couch and toast two slices of bread for breakfast. Pack my lunch which is Oats, left over chicken fry, Sambar (Indian Lentil Soup packed with Veggies) and plain yogurt. I also thrown in an apple for a snack. Eat my toast and pop in the shower.
10:00 a.m. - I get ready and start for work on my motor bike. R. and I own one motor bike each apart from the car and mostly use them to commute to work as navigating a bike is quicker and easier than a car in the chaos of traffic that defines India. Mine is a gift from my Dad (Thanks, Dad!) and R.’s is a gift from me for which I paid in full. I reach work in 30 minutes.
10:30 a.m. - Reach my desk and find the floor almost empty. Typical IT work hours in India are 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to have some overlap with the other side of the world. I quickly check my emails (Yay, nothing that needs attention) and proceed to the break out area floor for some Green Tea and fill up my water bottle.
11:00 a.m. - Not much work to be done today as the client was out all last week as well, so I don’t mind that the team is not in yet. I am idly browsing Money Diaries and enjoying my Green Tea when my Manager shows up. He is juggling two projects and hence sits on a different floor now, which has both its pros and cons. He lists down some random tasks and asks me to get the team cracking on them.
11:30 a.m. - I have a short conference call with the team that is spread across locations and explain what needs to be done. This is a new team that was formed recently for a new client engagement and we don’t know each other that well yet. I am hoping that will change soon.
12:30 p.m. - I start to feel hungry but put off lunch for a little later. If I have lunch too early, I end up being hungry again around 3:00 p.m. and tend to binge on something unhealthy. Instead, I focus on setting up some meeting invites and sending out a few emails.
1:00 p.m. - Head to the breakout area on my floor to have lunch. My office has a huge 2-floor cafeteria with vendors serving food across cuisines, but I prefer having my lunch alone in peace on my floor, whenever I get lunch from home. I cook the Instant Oats with hot water in the microwave and proceed to enjoy it with my Chicken and Sambar while browsing Netflix. My cousin calls to ask about what kind of ceiling lights to pick for her new apartment and I tell her whatever I know.
2:00 p.m. - I decide to go down for a walk. Not so long ago, I put myself on a strict exercise and diet regime. Long story short, I lost close to 20 pounds in 3 months and was feeling great about myself. Then, I fell off the wagon, and gained 4 pounds. Today is my first day back to a relatively less carb diet and no-so-brisk walking. Wish me luck!
3:00 p.m. - Login to my Bank Account and see that Interest for the last quarter has been credited to both my accounts ($145)! I like to see money in the bank and am against investing everything and not seeing anything in the bank. R. calls it bad financial sense, but I sleep better when I see money in the bank.
3:15 p.m. - I start working on some documentation, but immediately get distracted when I receive a notification that my Amazon parcels have been delivered. I have been looking for ways to repurpose an old shoe rack and ordered some colorful tile stickers along with a Veneer sheet on Amazon. Now that they’re here, I start scrolling through Pinterest.
4:30 p.m. - Spend time talking to a few colleagues about work that needs to be done this week. I randomly browse around for home décor stuff and pack up when the clock hits 4:30. I text R. that I will be home soon and to be ready for a walk. R. has staggered work hours (3-hour break between work hours) as his boss feels it gives employees more time to spend with family. I’m trying to see if I can align to R.’s timings so that we can spend quality time together.
5:15 p.m. - I reach home and change into work out gear. I am super hungry, so I dish out some chilled fruit custard that my sister’s MIL brought us earlier in the week. It’s delish! We head downstairs for a walk.
6:00 p.m. - Finish our walk. We live in a 22-acre gated Apartment Community that has close to 2000 condos and as a result, is very vibrant. It is a great happening place to live, right in the center of the Technology District and yet not chaotic. All these reasons led us to invest in a condo here last year and we love it.
6:15 p.m. - Stop by my sister’s place to pick up my Amazon packages and R.’ Flipkart packages. My sister’s family lives 4 floors below us and it’s wonderful to have family live so close. We chat with her a bit, admire my 7-year-old nephew’s art and ask her live in help to make Roti (Indian flatbread) for us for dinner. The plan is to have them with the left-over Chicken curry we have in the fridge. I am too lazy to cook today.
6:30 p.m. - We excitedly open our packages and R. tries on his new shoes while I check if the stick-on tiles match the shoe rack. We admire each other’s purchases for a while and exchange opinions. I am still hungry, so I grab some Trail Mix.
7:00 p.m. - I logon to my computer for a conference call but no one joins. I stay on the call for 10 minutes, then happily log off and turn on the TV, waiting for a call from my sister to pick up dinner. I typically have conference calls from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
7:30 p.m. - The doorbell rings and it’s the help with dinner! I thank her and heat up the Chicken curry in the microwave. R. is on a conference call, so I hand him his dinner and proceed to eat mine while watching ‘Aloha’ on Netflix. The movie drags on, but I love Bradley Cooper!
8:30 p.m. - I turn to do the dishes, which is quite rare. My house keeper is out of town for a couple of days and I have been putting off dishes from last night, so I turn on my iPad and finish scrubbing them. I then grab another small bowl of custard, curl up on the couch and finish my movie.
9:30 p.m. - The movie is done, but R. is still on his conference call. I decide to browse through the internet for some Home Décor. We moved into our home over a year ago, but I haven’t completely decorated it yet. I like to take time and do it by wall, so that I have time to contemplate and don’t end up buying stuff I don’t need.
10:10 p.m. - I randomly switch between browsing on my laptop and scrolling through Facebook on my phone, but don’t get anything done. R. says he is done with his call, so I shut down my laptop and get into bed. I set an alarm for 7:00 a.m. and check my Fitbit. It says I finished 10k steps after a long time, so I doze off feeling elated.
Daily Total: $0
Day Two:
7:00 a.m. - The alarm goes off and I lounge around in bed for a while, checking my phone. I think about my uncle, who unexpectedly passed away last year on this day. He’s been on my mind for a few days, so I struggle for a while with the memories.
7:15 a.m. - I must cook today, so I finally get out bed and get to my warm water routine. I put some rice on the stove for R.’s lunch & dinner and soak Millets before cooking them (for my lunch & dinner). We are almost out of leftovers, so I boil some potatoes and chop veggies to make a potato stir fry.
8:30 a.m. - I hop onto a conference call and wrap it up in 20 mins. Lots of action items today at work, so I prepare myself for a busy day. The potatoes finish boiling, so I proceed to make the stir fry, pack R.s’ lunch (Rice and left-over chicken curry) and cook the millets that I had soaked earlier. I hand R. his lunch and send him on his way.
9:30 a.m. - Finally done with cooking! I quickly toast two slices of bread, add a bit of the potato stir fry and top it off with ketchup. It tastes way better than I expected it to. There is also some milk in the fridge that is about to go bad, so I make myself a cup of strong Indian filter coffee.
10:15 a.m. - I text with my cousins a bit to let them know I’m thinking about them and check how they’re doing today. I hop in the shower and am out in 5 minutes flat. Get ready and leave for work.
11:00 a.m. - I reach office and get busy. The next thing I know, it is lunch time.
1:00 p.m. - I head to the breakout area and heat up my lunch in the microwave. I start watching Tidying up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. I get hooked but cannot watch for more than 15 minutes as I have many deliverables today.
1:20 p.m. - Get back to work and wrap up some priority items by 2:50 p.m. Assign a few tasks to the team and talk to a couple of colleagues. Its nice outside, so I head downstairs for a walk.
3:25 p.m. - Finish a 30-minute walk and head back upstairs for a conference call. Stop by the in-house bistro on the way and see that they have banana cake slices that R. loves. I buy two and pay with my prepaid food card. $1.30
3:30 p.m. - I mute the conference call, grab a green tea from the breakout area and have it with a piece of the banana cake I just bought while getting some work done.
5:00 p.m. - I pack up and head home. On the way, I stop to pick up some curtains that I had dropped off for alteration last week. They were a steal at $18 and I found them in perfect condition in the As-Is section at Ikea. I bought them even though they were too long for my French door, but since I got them so cheap, I don’t mind the extra effort to get them altered. I pay cash from my wallet as it is a tiny hole in the wall store. $2.85
5:30 p.m. - I reach home and R. is already waiting for me. We share the left-over piece of the Banana cake and R. thinks it’s too fudgy today, so I polish it off. So much for getting back to a healthy diet. The sweetheart that he is, R. then hangs up the curtains right away for me to see. We realize that they have been cut a little shorter than we wanted them to be, but luckily it is an easy fix. We admire the curtains and head downstairs for a walk.
6:40 p.m. - We finish our walk and head to the in-house Supermarket to grab some stuff. We get eggs and a pack of Ready to eat Parottas (A type of flaky Indian bread). R. pays with his prepaid food card.
7:00 p.m. - I join a conference call and thankfully, its short. I run into the shower and am back in 10 minutes, just in time for my next meeting.
7:30 p.m. - The marathon meeting begins. Since it’s a new engagement, we currently have daily meetings from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. It’s hard, but thankfully temporary.
8:00 p.m. - R. is in a meeting as well, so I go to the kitchen with my laptop and start heating the Parottas on a pan. Also pop the Potato stir fry in the microwave and dinner’s ready. I focus on the call while I eat and ask R to clear the kitchen counter and put away the dishes.
9:30 p.m. - It’s been 2 hours on the call and I’m starting to tune out, so I log on to Amazon and start adding stuff that I need to the cart. Between the 1st and 3rd of every month, Amazon has a Pantry sale and a 15% cashback offer, with a max limit of $10. Since it’s just the two of us, I order household supplies once every 3 months and it works out great since prices on Amazon are lower than retail and considering the cashback, we get everything at a great price. I add cleaning supplies, toilet paper, toothpaste, soaps, shampoo, facial tissues, trash bags, mouth wash, deodorant, paper towels and some dry groceries. The total comes to $57.68 and I pay using my debit card. I will receive a cashback of $8.5 in the form of Amazon pay balance in a couple of days. $57.68
10:30 p.m. - I am almost done fixing one of the curtains and dozing off when the meeting is done! I put on a face mask and set the alarm for 8:00 a.m. Check my Fitbit (13,000 steps today, yay!) and crash.
Daily Total: $61.83
Day 3:
7:57 a.m. - Wake up to the sound of the doorbell. My house keeper is back in town! R. is nowhere to be found so I can’t go back to bed. I freshen up and have my warm water.
8:30 a.m. - Instruct the house keeper to finish some pending tasks. She comes in daily at 7:00 a.m. and dusts and cleans the condo, folds the laundry, chops the veggies I lay out and does the beds, the dishes and the bathrooms. Log on to my computer to join a conference call. R. comes back from Yoga and leaves to work, all while I am on the call. He usually has lunch with friends on Fridays and we order in on Friday nights, so I don’t cook today.
9:30 a.m. - Breakfast is toast with left over potato stir fry and Indian filter coffee. I watch a bit of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and contemplate clearing out my 3 overflowing closets.
10:30 a.m. - Pack my lunch (Millets & leftover chicken curry) and start to work. The traffic is a mile long at the light and I have a team meeting at 11:00, so I take a detour and reach way ahead than I expect to. Maybe I should stick to this route from now on.
11:00 a.m. - Attend the meeting and get to work. My manager sends me an IM around 12:30 asking if I want to have lunch together and I suggest meeting at 1:15 p.m.
1:15 p.m. - I don’t really feel like eating the lunch I brought, so I head down to the cafeteria with my manager and another colleague. There’s a long queue and it takes me 20 minutes to get my chicken pizza from the Italian Counter using my debit card. I don’t like it as the crust is under baked and make a mental note to never eat it again. On a different note, I don’t use credit cards as it feels like spending money that I don’t have. I do have an Amex from work for work related expenses and another add-on Amex that R. insists I carry, but I only use them once or twice a year for shopping or travel offers. $1.64
2:10 p.m. - Get back to my desk and start reviewing some documents, but my manager asks me to work on an urgent presentation, so the rest of the afternoon slips away. I get some green tea and eat an Indian berry and a plum I got from home to keep me going. No time today for a walk around the office.
5:05 p.m. - I email the presentation to my manager and walk out, when he shows up and tells me to scrap what he told me earlier and work on an entirely different presentation. Gaaah .. what a waste of time and productivity. I tell him I will work on it at home and rush down to the parking since I am already late. Text my sister and ask if she wants to join R. and I for a walk and she obliges.
5:25 p.m. - Reach home in 20 mins flat. R. is already home, so we share a piece of the banana cake from yesterday and head downstairs for a walk. We stop by my sister’s floor on the way and all of us go down together. The walk is fun, and I hardly notice how much I walk. My sister has a colleague’s family coming over for dinner tomorrow, and we discuss the food.
6:45 p.m. - Back home from the walk, freshen up and eat a few cashews for energy.
7:00 p.m. - My conference call begins and my manager IM’s me that he no longer needs what he asked for earlier. Phew! R. starts pestering me about what to order for dinner. Every Friday night, he takes forever to decide and keeps picking my brain. Perks of marriage. I tell him to order whatever he likes and leave me alone. He obliges for once and orders a new kind of Biryani. There is a 30% cashback offer on orders paid through Amazon Pay so he uses that and pays $5.
8:00 p.m. - The laundry guy comes home to drop off clothes that he had picked up for pressing earlier this week. Its 8 cents per piece and the total comes to $4.05. I pay cash. $4.05
8:30 p.m. - The food arrives, and I am famished, so I don’t wait for R. and proceed to eat. I pop open a can of Thums Up for us to share. (A coke-like Soda sold by Coke, exclusively in India) We are both usually on different conference calls, so we don’t try to have dinner together. I work on fixing the second curtain while listening in on the call.
9:30 p.m. - Done with my meeting. The curtains are finally fixed, and I have R. hang them up. They are the perfect length now, so I’m glad my effort has paid off. I watch Marie Kondo on Netflix on the TV and R. watches some violent show on the Home Theatre.
11:00 p.m. - We decide it’s time to sleep and compare our Fitbit stats. (10k steps today). We’re very tired and fall right asleep.
Daily Total: $5.69
Day 4:
8:30 a.m. - It’s Saturday and thankfully my house keeper is late today, so we sleep in and wake to her ringing the doorbell. I lay out vegetables for her to chop while having my warm water with lemon. I then pour some steamed rice cake batter into molds and put them on the stove for breakfast. This dish is called Idli and is a South Indian delicacy.
9:00 a.m. - The rice cakes are done, and I proceed to make pepper mushroom stir fry for lunch. I am too lazy to cook the other dish I had vegetables chopped for, so I put them in the fridge. My cousin who lives in New Jersey video calls me on WhatsApp, and I talk to her while cooking. She tells me all about her recent 2-week trip across Nevada, Arizona and California and I am hit with a massive bout of nostalgia about the time I went on that trip over 2 years ago while living in the US.
10:00 a.m. - R. and I finish our breakfast and the mushroom is so delicious, we finish most of that too. We watch TV for a while and R. browses Amazon for a badminton racquet. He wants to start playing.
11:00 a.m. - We decide to head to Decathlon, a huge sporting goods store that is quite far. I’ve been eyeing a pair store brand sandals for a long time and R. wants to buy his racquet and some non-marking shoes, so we get ready and out onto the road in our car. R. asks me to drive but I am not in the mood, so he has no option but to take the wheel.
12:00 p.m. - We reach the store and walk through the aisles. Spend quite a bit of time and end up and the billing counter with a pair of Sandals and a sports bra for me and two polo’s and a set of badminton racquets for R. I notice the racquets are quite expensive and advanced for a beginner like R. We debate for a while and I promise to buy it for him if he plays regularly, so he chooses an intermediate level racquet that is 1/4th the price of the set. My brother in law texts me to get him a zipper shirt, so I pick that up as well. The total comes to $66.85 and I pay with my debit card. My sister will pay me back later for the shirt. $66.85
2:00 p.m. - We’re starving and wondering what to eat, when we see a small kiosk serving food right outside the store. Head there and order some egg noodles, fries and a soda. It’s over a hundred degrees and the kiosk has no shade, so we crank up the AC in the car and finish our lunch. I pay since I have my debit card handy. $3.55
4:00 p.m. - We reach home and turn on the TV but decide to take a nap instead. R. did not like the shoes in the store, so he checks online and orders the same shoes in two sizes since he is not sure on the sizing of the brand. He pays $20 and will return the pair that won’t fit.
5:30 p.m. - Wake up and head downstairs for a walk in my new sandals. Someone posted rave reviews in our community’s Foodies group about a new Samosa stall that opened down the road and we decide to check it out. We walk to the stall and have two hot piping samosas each. They are delicious! There is also an Organic food store right there, so we go in and buy a pack each of millets and pumpkin seeds since we’re out of them. The total comes to $2.57 and R. pays for both
6:15 p.m. - We see that the vegetable and fruit vendor is in the community today, so we buy some Indian Dates and Guavas to last us the week. On the way back, we stop at the in-house supermarket to pick up Ready-to-eat Parottas, yogurt, mushrooms and eggs. R. pays.
6:30 p.m. - Head back upstairs after our walk and quickly shower. My sister has a has invited us as well for dinner with her colleague’s family, so we go to their place and spend the evening there eating chicken kebabs, pizza discs and Biryani, all ordered from In House chefs living in our community and playing with the guests’ 1-year old baby girl. I drink some more Thums Up and dessert is hot brownie with Ice cream.
10:00 p.m. - The guests are ready to leave but want to look around the community, so we all go downstairs to walk for a while. There is an ice cream truck and both my nephew and I want one each. R. pays through G Pay as no one has cash. We then escort the guests to their car and say bye.
11:00 p.m. - We pick up my package from my sister’s place and go back home upstairs. I open the package and admire the set of beautiful wall mirrors encased in wrought iron. I ordered them last week to hang up in the balcony with a tree decal, but I am yet to order the decal. I logon to a couple of websites and order the one I want. Its $10.34 on Amazon and $2.84 on another website, so I go with the obvious choice though it will arrive a couple of days late. $2.84
12:00 a.m. - R. has already crashed so I sneak into bed and fall right asleep after turning off my alarm. Fitbit says I took 12k steps today, so yay!
Daily Total: $73.24
Day 5:
8:30 a.m. - Wake to the sound of the doorbell and it doesn’t seem like R. is home so I open the door. It’s an Amazon delivery, can’t believe he came so early! Fall back into bed.
8:45 a.m. - The bell rings again and this time it’s the house keeper, so I wake up and lay out vegetables for her to chop. I sip on my warm water and check my messages. I remember that R. went to a spiritual discourse session today to try it out, so I think about what to eat while throwing in a load of laundry.
9:30 a.m. - I eat half a parotta with the leftover mushroom stir and have some Indian dates we bought yesterday. Top it off with two cups of green tea, hang up the laundry to dry and throw in another load.
10:30 a.m. - Done and dusted with the cooking. I make carrot stir fry and cucumber daal. R. comes home just as I am done cooking and takes over the laundry. He also deals with the Water Purifier service rep that shows up for an appointment he booked earlier in the week. The rep says the filters have conked and will need to be replaced. We basically have no choice as the machine has been continuously beeping for a few days and ask him to go ahead. It’s worth it since the first set of filters lasted us 15 months and one cannot drink water from the tap in India. The total is $66.42 and R. pays via Google Pay as we don’t have enough cash.
11:30 a.m. - I turn on a regional sitcom on the TV and sit down to work on repurposing my shoe rack with the self-adhesive tile stickers that were delivered last week. Takes me a while to decide how to do it and I ask for R. suggestions a couple of times, but it’s finally done and looks beautiful. I take a break to pop some rice on the stove for lunch. I have the perfect place for the shoe rack, but R. thinks it makes the room cluttered. We agree to disagree for the moment.
1:30 p.m. - Done with lunch. R. goes into the bedroom to catch some winks, but I am too worked up about my nifty craftwork to sleep. I have quite some stickers left over, so against my better judgement, I grab a laptop stand and proceed to work over it with a veneer adhesive sheet. It gets messy, but I am very flustered by this point and just want to be done with it. It’s not as great as the shoe rack, but hey, A for effort.
4:30 p.m. - The sitcom is still playing, and I pause it to get a random assortment of fruits, trail mix and green tea from the kitchen and hit play.
5:20 p.m. - We have a dinner to attend tonight and I don’t want to miss my exercise, so I wake R. up. He is drowsy and I make him a coffee. It works, and we head downstairs.
6:30 p.m. - Done with the walk, and back home for a quick shower. I ask R. to get ready, but he is still lounging on the sofa doing nothing when I come out. He slinks off once he sees me.
7:20 p.m. - We’re pooling with my sister and family, so we make a quick stop at their place, where I grab some jewelry to wear and we’re off to the dinner in their car.
8:00 p.m. - Reach the place, and we’re spell bound by the décor. It’s a very Indian event to celebrate a boy’s coming of age and is usually done when the kid turns 9 or 11. The kid is presented with a traditional piece of clothing called a dhoti, and he wears it for the first time in the event. Dhotis were all that were worn by adult Indian males until 2 generations ago and are still extensively worn in remote villages but are used rarely these days. It is an outdoor event at a private retreat overseeing a huge lake, and though its chilly, there are space heaters everywhere. There’s live music, an open bar, live appetizer counters and a full size main course buffet.
9:00 p.m. - No one feeds guests like Indians do, and we’re all stuffed from the food. I grab a Thums Up from the bar, my sister gets some wine and we go walk around the retreat. We agree that it’s amazing and decide to host our next family party there.
9:45 p.m. - The dinner’s on in full swing, but we decide to have dinner and leave as my nephew is sleepy and has school tomorrow. I grab Roti, Paneer curry and some Mongolian fried rice from the live counter. It’s all delicious and there are a lot of dishes to try, but I can’t eat much and decide to move on to dessert. I try the hot crispy jalebi and tiny fruit ice cream pops that they have in different flavors and don’t stop eating until R. literally pulls me away. At this point, my nephew flops down on the grass and starts whining loudly, so we pile into the car and go home.
11:00 p.m. - Reach home, change, set the alarm for 8:00 a.m. and go to bed. Pajamas are the best and the feeling of getting into them after an evening of wearing heavy Indian clothing is bliss. Check my Fitbit and its 12,000 steps for today.
Daily Total: $0
Day 6
7:30 a.m. - Wake to sound of the doorbell and open the door to my help. I freshen up and sip my warm water while browsing randomly on my phone. Put some rice on the stove and pack R.s’ lunch once it’s done.
8:30 a.m. - Logon to my laptop and join a conference call. R. leaves for work in the meanwhile. On the call, I am informed that there is no meeting scheduled for tonight as the client is out of the office, so I do a little jiggle and my help gives me a weird look.
9:30 a.m. - Make myself a couple of Chickpea flour crepes for breakfast. It’s a super easy breakfast option I stumbled upon in a Facebook Group and was amazed at its low-calorie content and ability to keep one full for a long time. I make myself some filter coffee and end my breakfast with a few Indian dates. Pack millets, cucumber daal, carrot stir fry and yogurt for lunch and throw in a Guava for a snack.
10:30 a.m. - Get ready and leave for office. Reach by 11:00 a.m. and start working since I have a lot to do today after filling my water bottle.
12:30 p.m. - Take a break and browse some travel websites on my laptop. It’s our fifth anniversary in February and I really want to go somewhere.
1:00 p.m. - Heat up my lunch in the microwave and eat it in the break out area while watching a regional sitcom on my laptop.
3:00 p.m. - Head downstairs for a walk and read a couple of Away Game articles by Refinery 29.
3:45 p.m. - Back from the walk for back to back conference calls while having some green tea along with my guava until it’s time to go home at 5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. - Reach home and R. and I head downstairs for a walk. See my nephew playing downstairs in the Sand Pit so we stop to say Hi.
7:00 p.m. - Join an internal meeting that my colleague set up as the client sessions were cancelled and walk everyone through some documentation the team worked on today. The door bells rings and it’s a home chef in our community delivering the egg fried rice I ordered on her WhatsApp group earlier this week. My Mom calls and I chat with her a bit. I realize I haven’t talked to my parents all week and feel bad about it. I vow to call them every other day, if not every day.
8:10 p.m. - My colleague must join another meeting, so he cuts short our call abruptly, but I don’t care. I hand R. his dinner and proceed to have mine while watching some videos on YouTube. The fried rice is subpar. The quantity wasn’t much, and I am still hungry, so I eat some rice with yogurt and polish it off with a small Dairy Milk I find in the fridge. I pay the lady through Paytm, an app specific to India. $2.50
9:00 p.m. - I pause the TV and start looking for flight deals. R. has a lot of reward points, so I only want to go to places that have hotels where we can use the points. I end up looking a lot and can’t decide on anything. My laptop runs out of juice and dies, so I decide to call it a day.
11:00 p.m. - R. and I chat for a bit about work and doze off after comparing Fitbit stats. 14,000 steps today. Woohoo!
Daily Total: $2.50
Day 7:
7:10 a.m. - Wake to the sound of the doorbell and go to open the door, but R. beats me to it. He is up early as he wants to start playing badminton today. I ask the help to fold the pile of laundry from the weekend and go back to bed for a while.
8:00 a.m. - Finally wake up and do my warm water routine. Join my conference call at 8:30 p.m. and kiss R. goodbye as he leaves.
9:00 a.m. - Done with the call and proceed to make myself chickpea crepes and filter coffee for breakfast, and mushroom stir fry for dinner. Pack my lunch. Its millets, mushroom fry, cucumber daal and yogurt today. I also take an apple for a snack.
10:00 a.m. - Done with breakfast and head to work. Reach by 11:00, fill my water bottle and get down to business. Conference a few colleagues and explain what needs to be done today.
1:00 p.m. - Look up when I start feeling hungry and head to the break out area. Heat up my lunch and browse randomly while I finish my lunch and get back to work.
3:00 p.m. - Go downstairs for a 30-min walk and read another Away Game article while I walk. I wonder why I never contemplated solo travel. It sounds like so much fun.
3:30 p.m. - Back to work and at it until 5:15 p.m., with a short break in between for green tea and an apple. I’m running late so I rush down to the parking.
5:45 p.m. - Reach home and hurriedly drag R. down for a walk. We pop into the super market to grab some vegetables as we are totally out and get tomatoes, potatoes, onions, green chilis, tindora (an Indian vegetable) yogurt, ready-to-eat chapatis and whole wheat bread. R. pays $4.28 with his prepaid food card. I grab all of it and run upstairs while R. goes back to walking.
6:32 p.m. - Join the conference a couple of minutes late, and everyone is done with the call exactly 2 minutes later. I am beyond flustered by this point.
7:00 p.m. - My other conference call begins, and the client is back in office, so I must focus. I heat up the chapatis for me, and the parottas for R. while listening in. Today, they’re paired with mushroom stir fry I made in the morning and left-over carrot fry from the fridge. I finish dinner and start craving dessert. I remember my sister offering a brownie over the weekend, so I text her to see if it’s still available. It is, but I cannot go downstairs due to my meeting, so I call my sister’s in house help on the intercom and request her to bring it upstairs when free.
8:45 p.m. - The brownie is here! R. and I share it and I get back to my meeting. I start losing focus and open random home décor and travel websites to browse.
10:00 p.m. - Done with my meeting. R. and I decide that Dubai is a good option and I shortlist a few itineraries. We are at it until 11:00 p.m. when R. starts dozing off. Decide that it’s a lost cause and head to bed.
10:30 p.m. - We chat for a few minutes and compare Fitbit stats. (13k steps today). It’s been a good first week back to walking. I realize R. fell asleep while talking, so I doze off as well.
Daily Total: $0
Weekly Total:
Food & Drink: $8.99
Fun/Entertainment: $0
Health: $0
Clothes & Beauty: $70.90
Home: $63.37
Transport: $0
Thoughts ..
I did not have to buy groceries or fill gas in my bike this week as I just done it the day prior. Typically, those are two standard expenses every week and come to about $25. I also usually spend more on food, and the clothes & home expenses are just things that happened to happen in this week :) .. they usually occur once in a couple of months.
submitted by FierceWaterMelon to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

*Everything* You Should Know about Going on Tour, Responsibly: What I learned fom 100 shows on the road as a Freelance Musician.

Organize your Tour like a Traveling Business

Designate a Tour Manager

The Tour Manager, or TM, is the director of all of the artist’s business and professional activity. Tour Manager responsibilities include answering the phone, reading contracts, recording income and expenses, logging mileage, resolving crisis on the road, and making sure the band shows up on time. Tour Managers will act as the liaison between the band and all other parties involved in the tour, such as the venue production & hospitality, the Booking Agent, and the Artist Manager.

Google Drive is your new best friend

Personally, I recommend that your Tour Manager operate a Google Drive Account that everyone in the band can access. Google Drive is a widely accepted and cost-effective option for cloud storage that can be immediately accessed by band members and management alike. Any .PDF, .CSV, or .Excel file can be imported and viewed on any phone or computer. I recommend using a G Drive account for things like Day Of Show Itineraries, Driving Schedules, and General Show Data. Additionally, your booking agent (if you have one) will provide the TM with their spreadsheet for booking and routing.

Collect & Consolidate Show Data

Your TM or Manager should be up keeping a Google Sheet to reflect your business expenses and incomes on the road. The example below is hypothetical, but the more data you are able to collect, the easier it will be to see your progress and (hopefully) growth as a band and as a business.
Hypothetical Show Data Example
In the Show Data example above, I have collected data from each date on the tour and included information about the venue, the city, the performance fee & type of Deal, the # of Tickets Sold and the ticket price, as well as general notes. When collecting your own Show Data, you could also keep track of things such as:

Create a Driving Schedule:

Driving schedules are not essential, as every band has their preferred driving routines, but creating a driving schedule allows everyone knows how far away the next venue is (and will keep someone sober after the show…). This is just an extra step in being prepared and organized on the road. If you decide to make a driving schedule, here are some things to consider:

Perform a Day-Of-Show Advance

Advancing the Show is the process of confirming the details of your performance with the venue or the promoter in advance of the show.
Day of Show Itinerary for Band, the Band!
There are two stages in the Show Advance: The first Advance is when you sign the Performance contract. This will be the time to review and negotiate things like the Hospitality Rider and the Performance Contract. The 2nd Advance, or Day-Of-Show Advance is a courtesy from band management to venues and production staff. This is the time to double-check concerns like parking and any last minute hospitality needs. You should use this data to build a Day-Of-Show Itinerary. This is your opportunity to keep the ship sailing as smoothly as possible — so keep everyone on the same page about load-in times & location, parking, doors & soundcheck, set time & length, hospitality such as wi-fi & dinner options, and venue contacts. Of course, you should stay in touch with the next venue on your tour if any thing changes in your timeline, such as being stuck in traffic & arriving late to your Load-In.

Don’t forget to get the money

If you do not have a Tour Manager, make sure the band designates someone who, every night, performs the Settlement process. Settlement is when the Promoter of the show/Venue Owner goes through an itemized list of income and expenses with the Artist and then pays out the remaining balance.
Lets break down a settlement sheet together:
Hypothetical Settlement Sheet for Band, The Band!
This is a 90% of Door Deal, with a $300 Guarantee for the supporting artist. This settlement sheet is broken into 3 sections: Ticket Sales, Expenses, and Split of Total Net.
For this show, tickets were priced at 3 tiers: Advance ($12), Day of Show ($15), and VIP ($50). Note that the Sales Tax (8.9%) is taken directly out of the Ticket Sales Gross before any expenses are factored in.
Expenses generally include Overhead and Production fees (included here in Room Rental), as well as Marketing, Hospitality, and Police expenses. In this example, the Direct Support has been chosen by the Venue. If the Headlining Artist brings their own support, the $300 guarantee would be taken out of the Artist’s 90% Net instead of listed as a Venue expense.
For the Total Net, the deal is divided up 90% to the Headliner and 10% to the Promoter. If this show did not sell any tickets, the Promoter would be on the hook for covering all venue expenses, including the Direct Support Guarantee and Room Rental. Luckily for this show, everyone walked away with a little bit of money!
If there is a problem with the money, Settlement is the time to address it. Do not email a venue 2 weeks after your show because you were paid less than you are owed because of negligence during Settlement. Lastly, do not take an IOU from the Promoter.
In my travels, I have been approached by a promoter who did not sell enough tickets to recoup the cost of putting on the show and could not pay us. In this situation, remember that they have signed a performance contract that legally obligates them to pay you and not a penny less! If this is a concern of yours, there are many non-profit legal teams that will represent artists in civil cases. Since I live in Georgia, I can recommend the Georgia Lawyer’s for the Arts Organization.

Take out a Musicians Insurance Policy

Some homeowner, renters, or automobile insurance policies cover musical items that are taken out of the house, but this is generally not the case. Musicians Insurance covers your instruments, recording gear, sound and light equipment, computer hardware, and various audio accessories. (here is a very detailed article from my friends at Performance Magazine about choosing Musician’s Insurance) Additionally, standard insurance providers might not recognize the actual value of your gear. And in the event of a large claim, like a break-in, car accident, or venue fire, you will hit a per-category limit on your insurance and you might receive much less than what the gear is worth. You can take out a basic policy for up to $12,000 worth of gear for a little over 10$ a month. I’m not going to suggest any particular insurance company, but regardless of who you choose you will need to make an itemized list of all your gear. Definitely do some research and get some insurance. Hopefully you won’t need it but if you do, you will be glad you have it.

Purchase some Cases for your Gear

I know that road cases (I’ve used Georgia Case Company many times — their customer service is exceptional) are expensive, but the cost of the case is usually less than the cost to repair. The road is a vulnerable and dangerous place for your gear. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and protecting your equipment is paramount! Car accidents, trailer problems, sketchy load-in, sketchy neighborhoods, Gear bouncing around and crashing into each other on bumpy roads. Many times you will have to leave your instruments, pedals, and accessories in less than ideal places, like mop closets, dark hallways, or even stacked against a venue wall for extended periods of time. If you are involved in a fast changeover on stage, you might not even be handling your own instrument. Without your gear you have no livelihood. If money is tight, I recommend checking your local pawn shops, who are known for having an excess of musical cases. Also check Ebay for custom sized cases.

Create and Distribute a Tour AdMat / Poster

Industry standard size for a tour poster (check out this link for 60 gorgeous Tour Posters) is 11 inches by 17 inches. Your tour poster should have all of your dates with your name/logo displayed prominently. Here’s the catch, venues don’t care about other shows on your tour poster, which is why the artist is also expected to prepare advertising materials to the venue. Ad Mat is an abbreviation of Advertising Material and is usually a derivation of your tour poster. Except, instead of all of your tour dates listed, the poster has empty space for the venue to write in their own information. Venues prefer to write all of this in themselves, and that’s a good thing because this way you only have to prepare 1 Ad Mat to send to each venue.

Create a Band Debit Card & Bank Account

This is mostly for accounting purposes at the end of the year. Almost every expense on the road can be written off on your taxes (ESPECIALLY if you are a freelance musician, like I am). Also, being able to look at a list of every expense at the conclusion of a tour will help you build a better budget and see in what areas you need to do better (such as eating out vs buying groceries, hotel expenses, and so much more). On this note, it also means you can deposit cash on the road. You don’t want to have your van broken into or get robbed and lose $4,000 in cold cash sitting in your glove box. Regularly putting money into your bank account reduces the risk that you take by being on the road significantly!

Create An Effective Merchandise Table

Your merch table should function like an in-person marketing funnel (here is an excellent article that breaks down the concept of the Marketing Funnel). When someone walks up to your merch table, that is a pivotal engagement between you and a potential customer! And so you need to make it as easy as possible for your fans to give you their information, make a purchase, or generally connect with your brand.

A couple tips about the Merch Table:

The secret to selling a shit-load of merch is to understand that the merch table is where consumers buy accessories to the experience. Your consumer often doesn’t really want or need a shirt or as a lighter, or a pair of sunglasses, the consumer wants to take home a piece of the band with them, and so they decide which format of that experience they like the most and then they buy it. Your job as the band is to project the experience of your music into material items that can be manufactured and sold at a 400% margin. You get bonus points if you have things on your merch table that folks actually need, such as ponchos at a rainy outdoor show.

Stay Healthy on the Road

Do some Exercise and Watch What you Eat!

Take care of your teeth

Health Insurance is unlikely in the cards for you, so make sure you are at least taking care of your teeth. (I recommend wrapping your toothbrush in a paper towel in a Ziploc bag so it stays clean on the road!) Dental Hygiene is no joke. Not only is it a form of preventative healthcare but brushing your teeth in the morning and before you go to bed becomes a routine. Consistency can be hard to find on the road, so the act of brushing your teeth is actually a form of commitment to the longevity of your career as a professional musician. And to be honest, if you can’t handle brushing your teeth on the road then you are not going to make it very far in this industry.
I had the pleasure of sitting in on a studio session of some old-time legends… I’m talking like, 70 years old plus doing a special radio set in town. After the show, I asked them all for a piece of advice and their biggest musical regret. One of the guys said “I wish I brushed my teeth” and gave me a big smile full of GNARLY teeth… I’ve been brushing twice a day since!

Sleeping is important!

Take care of your touring Vehicle

A Few other Tips:

This Article is from the “2019 Music Industry Success Series”. This eBook is Free! You can grab a copy here. You can also check out my Podcast, Website, or email me at [email protected]
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Pinterest won’t allow you to reset your password with a password that you’ve recently used, and you’ll have to log back in on all the devices that you use Pinterest on. Protected Accounts . If Pinterest notices strange activity on your account, they’ll send you an email, reset your password, and log you out of the account. Activities like logins from unusual locations, many logins in a Tap Login options; Toggle the switch next to Facebook, Google, or Apple; When prompted, allow Pinterest to access your account; Your changes will save automatically. If you choose to login with your AppleID that doesn’t match an existing Pinterest account, you’ll be redirected to the login page to try another method. Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try. We're all used to seeing "Log in with Facebook" or "Log in with Google" at sites around the Internet — or less frequently, an offer to log in with Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest. It's a common The Right Way to Connect Pinterest and Facebook Page Marketing. When scheduling content to social and Pinterest, it’s important to remember that every network is a little different when it comes to what you can post, how it will look, and what will resonate with your audience there. In short, what looks good and works well on Pinterest will not necessarily work on Facebook. For example, say As a Pinterest account manager, I am constantly getting questions that compare Pinterest to Facebook. Let me clear the confusion once and for all: Pinterest is NOT Facebook.After 3 years of Pinterest management, I can say with certainty that you can’t take the strategies that work with Facebook and apply them to Pinterest.Nor should you think that because something no longer works on Users describe it as a virtual corkboard, on which you can 'pin' - thus the name Pinterest - various images you want to share with your followers. It Now, you can connect Pinterest to Facebook so that when you share on Pinterest, your posts will also appear on your Facebook timeline. Facebook Image Search is simply a method by which images posted by Facebook users can be found through a specific image ID. As we are all aware, Facebook is a huge platform in this day and age with more than two billion Facebook users. (Learn how they make money) Every single image that is posted by those 2 billion users and that is an estimate of 200 million photos every single day, has a Log in to the Facebook account that's linked to Pinterest and check that Facebook has access to Pinterest. Go to your Account settings in the Facebook app; Add Pinterest to your list of connected apps and websites if you haven't already done so; Log in with Google. Log in to the Google account that's linked to Pinterest and check that Google has access to Pinterest If you are already logged into Facebook when you click the "connect box" you won't be pestered with needing to re-login to the Facebook. You will still be pestered with having to allow the app. You will still be pestered with having to allow the app.

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Facebook Won't Open in Chrome SOLVED - YouTube

In this video tutorial we will walk you through step-by-step how to add in your Shopify store directly into your Facebook page so users don't even have to le... How To Link Your YouTube Video From Facebook The Right Way -- If you're using Facebook to promote your YouTube videos, chances are you're doing it wrong, and... If users have trouble accessing FB account, Facebook assist its users to recover login by sending verification code through email or phone number, but in... Pinterest is not working? Getting error "this site can't be reached"? Here is how to Solve Pinterest Not Opening Error in Chrome and other web browsers.In th... Learn to log in your pinterest account by following the steps in this tutorial..*****Get more tutorials ***** visit*****Also visit o... SSL Certificate Error Fix [Tutorial].SSL certificates are used on millions of websites to provide security and confidentiality for online transactions. Howev... Google Chrome won't open Facebook? This simple quick fix will SOLVE this problem. It happens more often than not that I am not able to access some websites while their server is working and other people can access it just fine. I decided t...

pinterest won't log in through facebook

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