How to Win at Slots - 15 Actionable Slot Machine Tips

secrets to winning on slot machines 2019

secrets to winning on slot machines 2019 - win

Season in Review

Keep your heads up, flock. This was literally the weirdest NFL season of all time. For us to do this well with this young of a team bodes well for our future. This is a long ass post, thanks for reading.

Offensive Line

Skill Positions



Defensive Line



Special Teams


External Factors

Best Moments
submitted by sandalphon to ravens [link] [comments]

[Table] I am Dave Plummer, author of Windows Task Manager, Zip Folders, and worked on Space Cadet Pinball, Media Center, Windows Shell, MS-DOS, OLE32, WPA, and more. (pt 2/2 FINAL)

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Note: Some of the question-taker's answers were also removed along with corresponding questions, and they have not been recovered below.
Questions Answers
What is a typical day in your life like? I get up at 4:30. I watch some YouTube, do some email, work on my writing or similar. I head to the gym at 7, shower and start my day around 8. I work in my home office or shop/lab, code and work on stuff, throughout the day. I could be busy all the way through to 8-9PM if I'm wrapped up in something, but not usually that busy.
the below is a reply to the above
You get up at 4:30 AM? Wow. Have you always been a morning person? Are other people on your team morning people so you decided to start early? I’m asking this because it seems like a lot of successful people wake up very early and work out before starting their workday. No, I never was until my neck injury. While recovering I couldn't sleep more than about 4-5 hours max and just got into the habit. Since it was so productive for me, I just kept it up!
the below is a reply to the above
Thanks for sharing. I wish you good health. Thanks!
Did you create Robocopy, or know who did? I use that very regularly and much more efficient than using the GUI. The secret dirt is that Robocopy was first written by MS colleague Kevin Allen, and he started sharing copies around in 1994ish. From there, and after many iterations and heavy-duty real-world feedback, robocopy ended up in the Windows Resource Kit, and then later merged into the core Windows package. In the beginning, Kevin was a very experienced programmer, but new to the Win32 API; so robocopy was one of his projects to educate himself about Windows programming. Later on, ITG used robocopy to routinely transfer many gigabytes of data around MS global offices, every night; it became very robust and battle-hardened. It is a long time now since Kevin was involved in the robocopy source code at all; it is maintained by the Windows team.
Did you create Microsoft Clippy? Will Clippy ever make a come back? Noooo... but I was around at the time. We have Clippy now in the form of Siri and Google Assistant and Cortana, but there's no picture. That's all it was though, an early digital assistant.
I read on a Microsoft devblog that when windows got ported to 64bit pinball 3d was not ported because of bugs and the developers not being able to understand the code/not having enough time. It's a shame, because it was such an awesome game and I spent many hours playing it as a kid. Was the code messy due to being ported from Sam and do you think it could have been ported given enough time and expertise? Basically what I did when I ported it was to maintain the central code "logic" loop of the game unchanged so that it would play just as it did on other platforms, and then "hooked" functionality coming out of it and going into it. So I rewrote the drawing code that did the actual drawing, but not he original code that wanted to do the drawing, if that makes sense. I changed the how, not why.
That meant, though, that at the very core of the game was a big bunch of code that we didn't touch or monkey with, because it 'just worked'. Apparently sometime after Vista, in 64-bit, there was a collision detection bug in Pinball.
From what I read, Raymond Chen looked at it and got the general idea of what was wrong but didn't want to touch the fragile old code. Raymond's one of the best debuggers I've met, so it wasn't a question of expertise but of time and resources.
Anyone on the team could have trivially fixed it I'm sure, but it sounds like no one "owned" the game anymore after I left, and it was more than just a random little bug to fix, it would have required a dev to be assigned to it, and there likely was no one free.
What is your favourite colour please? Well, I have four cars with blue interiors and I'm wearing a blue shirt and a blue watch and blue jeans. So probably blue.
If my son expresses interest in serious computer programming, where is a good place to start? C for Dummies? (I'm joking and I know terribly little about the topic, only enough to know backend is where it's at) Python, then Javascript. Build a website!
Hi! Just wanted to say, I still use MS-DOS regularly, on many of my older machines in my collection. Also Win3.x, Win9x etc How do you feel about computers becoming extremely dependent on 'cloud' services? I can still set up an old machine, install an old OS, install old software and have it all up and running within an hour or so, while modern software essentially requires cloud services for literally everything. What happens to that software once some random person out there decides that they don't want to support it anymore? Those cloud services go away? Are you concerned that future generations will not be able to experience anything from this era of computing? Considering computers were designed to be able to continually run the same software over and over as necessary, how can that apply if the bulk of this is lost when the cloud disappears? Or maybe this isn't a concern at all, and I'm just crazy...? I already have hardware that refused to work because the cloud service that backs it has been abandoned or the company has gone out of business.
I worry that things become dependent on externals that aren't reliable long term, and I know what you mean... but fortunately Windows, once activated, runs perfectly well offline forever, really.
I'm a fresh graduate with some experience and reading the knowledge you all have in the comments has made me feel very inferior. I only started coding in my university and I don't do it in my past time. Am I doing something wrong? I do enjoy programming but I try to keep a work life balance. Is that a thing in software development? Also did you ever approve a pull request by Bill? No, as long as you DO enjoy it when you're doing it, you're fine. There's an entire "spectrum" of people in the world and some of us have "special interests" with which we're a little obsessed, and tend to "hyperfocus". I'm one of those people but it's by no means the only way to do it!
I knew many great programmers who (a) didn't program in their spare time at home and (b) didn't continue to program recreationally after leaving it as a job.
If you can work regular 40 hours a week as a productive programmer, you'll be set!
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Thank you so much for this! Are there any tips you'd like to give to fresh graduates like me? If you get a job at a large company like Microsoft, and decide you're not happy, try moving INTERNALLY before looking for another job. You could work for 5 different companies over your career and they could all be Google, for example. Culture goes through and through, but every team has its own.
the following is a later reply If you can put in a 35-40 hour week of solid work, you'll be fine. There are three buckets: the obsessives, like myself, who work as much as they can. Then the solid pros, who can turn out a ton of quality stuff in 40 hours. And then you have the slackers who surf Facebook at work and read reddit when they should be coding. As long as you're not in that group you're fine, and a balance is important. It is indeed a thing the successful people achieve it. It's not about how much code you write, it's about how much MORE time you spend coding than you want to, and that should be zero!
Lots of people are in careers they don't practice in their free time, in fact most. So it's a bonus if you're that way, but most people are NOT, so don't despair! You're normal!
If you're still answering, how much of the original Task Manager still lives in the modern Task Manager? Anyway, thanks for the AMA! You're a legend! I don't know for sure, but from looking at the app, and not the code, I'd expect about 60-70% of it?
Hopefully you’re still taking questions. I get a lot of crap by my peers about command line. Power shell is badass but I’m a cmd guy myself. I know we can do pretty much everything that cmd does in powershell and more, but idk. I like what I like, you know? Where do you stand on this? Honestly I'd be a CMD guy as well, but I'm really starting to lean towards using bash under WSL.
Have you ever looked the help for SET and FOR under CMD? It's where we put every piece of extra functionality, since you can't add keywords that might collide with people's script names, etc...
I didn’t use windows after windows 7 for about 5 years. Back in august 2019 I finally rebuilt and upgraded my old PC and installed windows 10. The task manager in windows 10 is so amazing and powerful. I would imagine it’s something you wanted to implement in the 90s but didn’t have the tools or time. Right? Indeed, I'm a big fan of the current task manager and what they've done with it! I wish there was a Dark mode, I wish it handled file lock tracking, and I've always got wish lists, but they've done a great job with it!
CIA_grade_LSD: Why does the file transfer time remaining progress bar start at like 15 hours and then drop to two minutes and then stick at 99% for five minutes? (An exaggeration I admit. I know you and your colleagues do your best, but I am curious why this hasnt gotten much more accurate over the years.) androidethic: Yes, we need a justification as to why the windows file operation estimations are so random/inaccurate! They're the worst estimate out there, except for all the others.
Mac is just as bad. It's a hard problem. I worked on it briefly, and to help solve it I kept track of the average time it had taken for a whole range of operations, like creating, moving, deleting, renaming a file, or moving a block of N bytes, etc. Then multiply by the number of those operations that remain. But even that can be wildly off in degenerate cases.
Do you ever get laid? Not since your Mom kicked me out.
Why has windows task manager never had a true force quit? End Process is a true force quit.
What was your team's opinion on linux at the time? And what's yours opinion too? I like it a lot, I was an early adopter back in 1993-1994 and tried to contribute some code for parsing IIDs, though I don't know if it's still in there. I hope it is, becaue then I'd have code in Windows, Mac Office, and Linux. I'd be everywhere :-)
Now that we have WSL 2, though, I do most of my Linux work under Windows!
How much of the original DOS code is still in modern OSs? None whatsoever. In fact, the only commonality at all would likely be the PGM header on disk still traces its original layout to MS-DOS.
But rest assured there's NO code from MS-DOS inside NT, for example. It was a complete clean-slate design.
Was it you responsible for the atrocious naming conventions in WIN32? Your username is dhbt12 :-)
What current developments in the world of operating systems are you watching with eager anticipation? File systems and LLVM seem to be the rage right now, at least from where I sit. Containers are cool to me, like Docker! That's really the biggest development of recent years I think!
the below has been split into two
* What's your compensation? - Zero, since I'm retired and there's no pension.
* Have you met Bill Gates? - Yes, a number of times. When I was first hired he had me and a few other recent hires over to his house for burgers and beer and it was quite nice!
What's your opinion of free and open-source software? Broad, I know. I saw your response about WinRAR saying you like to license your software, but do you hold a similar sentiment in tossing a coin to the devs of foss software you might use? I love it, I just don't have any illusions that making a piece of code open-source somehow leads to higher quality. It makes it more available to me, which is great, but in reality, on a typical project there are going to be 1-5 people who really look at the code and then a dozen the sort of know it to make changes, and then consumers of the code who just call it. I don't see that those 1-5 people are any brighter than the people who'd be responsible for a product in a proprietary environment.
Now at a certain scale, like the Linux kernel maybe, you've got enough eyeballs looking at it that it makes a difference... that I could see!
What's the idea behind SYSKEY? As I understand it, its function is to encrypt something called the SAM (Security Account Manager) database. This database stores hashes of user passwords, and is used to authenticate users when they supply their password.
Hey Dave, what do you think the future of the windows OS will be? Is a cloud-based OS possible, potentially limiting computer hardware? As a total guess, I imagine our experience will eventually be just a UI device locally and everything else happens in the cloud on server hardware. So as you say, at some point your client hardware is "good enough" and then companies compete on the merits of their back-end services.
Do you know Mike Toutonghi? , he used to work at Microsoft, now he started a new blockchain project called The Verus project. By name and email but not well enough to recognize him at the mall today, I'd say!
If you had to redo windows, what would you most like to change? What do you regret most? What do you like most? The Format dialog needs to be redone! And Task Manager is likely my favorite...
Android or iPhone? Beer or wine? Ginger or Mary Ann? iPhone. Beer. Can't it be both? It's an island, after all.
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I figured the iPhone since you have Mac's in the lab. I figured beer also since you can't shift a 4 speed with a glass off wine between your legs. Nice garage BTW. However i wasnt ready for both, it's an island after all. Touche. I tired to compile my first bit of code from GitHub today. I failed miserably. It would install but wouldn't run. I'll keep at it. Make sure you're in a clean empty folder. Try the code from Episode 11, I just used it so I know that works! Clone it and build it in PlatformIO with no changes, and that'll tell you if your dev environment is set up and working properly.
I cant connect to my cloud, can you download it for me? I'd love to, but I'm out of paper. Can you fax me some?
What amazes you the most when you compare technology from the 90's to now? GPUs!
Is it wrong of me to only ever end task manager with itself? Software Seppuku.
Probably too many comments and very late to the game, but here it goes! I teach Comp Sci at an international school. Would you be willing to give a small webinar talk to my students? They would just be so happy to hear from you as would I! Anyway, regardless, thanks for the many, many hours of enjoyment! Maybe after Covid, but I'm not a big fan of Zoom lectures! I just did one for the U of R, though, and if you check my channel there are two that I have done for the University of Regina that you might find useful for your students...
You can email me at [email protected] with info about the school and what topic you would like, etc, and I can see if it's a good fit for schedule and topic!
What computers do you personally at home? Windows? Linux? Mac? All three!
Why are processes able to hang to the point that task manager is unable to kill them? At that point there must be kernel corruption or something going on in a driver or well below the surface, I guess. If TM can't kill it, no one can, and it's truly hung.
Did you ever meet the genius who wrote the Space Cadet Pinball theme song? No, who wrote it? Matt Ridgeway?
Hi Dave, loved the videos on task manager Do you have any thoughts on modern C / C++ replacements like Zig and Rust (respectively)? I think its cool if memory access is indeed provably safe but you get code nearly as optimal as C, but I've got to learn more about them!
Did you like the windows phone? Never had one, started after I left, but I heard nice things about the very last one before it went away...
Hi Dave, Why doesn’t File Explorer automatically refresh to show new files in a folder, such as downloads? Seems such an obvious glitch! Also, how do I get the login screen on Windows 10? I push space, esc, mouse clicks, enters... and nothing happens. Then poof, it shows up. Why is this so unresponsive? It does.
In fact I know it does, because I have a patent on some of it!
Not sure why yours wound't be working, your system might have a third party piece of software that has broken File System Change notifications.
Was the time on Microsoft fun? It really was. I miss the people and the environment, and I especially miss lunch!
i’ve found 15+ 0-days in the shell32 API when doing a vuln analysis of explorer.exe. You can read my work at! What’s it like to write really buggy code :P? I sense that high school was hard for you socially.
I’m sure I remember owning the pinball game as a separate standalone title before it was in windows? Can you explain the deal with that? Or am I misremembering Plus Pack!
You're a legend, can't believe I missed this. I'll post this here, if you don't answer it I'll have a good copy/paste for later. What are your thoughts on the sethc.exe / accessibility exploit? It's worked as far back as XP, and still works today in Windows 10, last time I checked. Windows Server 2003 and 2008 as well. Is checking the integrity of OS files before they're executed just not a priority?
Why ctl+alt+delete? An IBM engineer (David Bradley, I think) picked that combination to serve as a hardware reset. You can't fake it, you can't get around it. The PC knows it's really C_A_D when you do it.
Why that particular combination, you'd have to ask him!
What's the furthest you've gotten into a project that ended up not panning out? Was it something you really wanted to get working or were you relieved to move on? I'm a student studying engineering right now and reading these answers is extremely motivational; your passion for computers is awesome! Thanks for doing this. I spent about a year on an early prototype of Media Center that I was attached to but got killed. They did do a Media Center later, of course, but I had started 2-3 years ahead, but couldn't get funding.
Why has the Windows she'll been so bad for so long? I don't know, but I'll see you in he'll.
Do you still work at Microsoft? Do you still use only Microsoft stuff? No retired in 2003. I use a lot of MS stuff, but my main laptop is a MacBook and I use a Mac for video.
Do you own any Apple products or use them for work? I own all the Apple products except the new headphones, pretty much! I'm retired now though!
Is the workculture of Microsoft at the time very different than now? How much does Bill Gates' leadership impact the company? What changes had his departure bring? It is indeed very different under Satya than Bill, and the changes are widespread. But I left before Satya started, so I'm not really qualified to speak on them!
What are your thoughts on the age old trick of "Opening Task Manager to stop programs from freezing or being slow", is there some merit to doing that or is it just a simple coincidence? Total coincidence, honest! Task Manager, at that level, is just a windows app with a message pump. It's existence doesn't do anything that solitaire or paint would not also!
No, but there's a great meme with the Star Wars general about how apps work better with Task Manager open because "fear will keep them in line".
It's purely psychological, though. TM doesn't do anything by running the calc or paint wouldn't also provide!
Did you work on Windows ME? If so.. What the hell happened to that OS that made it so terrible? I had kernal errors every week. Nope! My work on the shell would have been backported to it, but I didn't work directly on 98 or M3, other than they used our NT version of the shell code by then I think.
Did you make any contingency for when Task Manager stops responding? Yes, lots! Check the video the "Secret Life of Task Manager" for more dirt, but there are MANY things it does to help prevent you ever being stuck with no task manager:
If not asked yet If this is correct, as posted in Regina awhile ago iirc I saw a post saying you’re from Regina, Canada Is that true? If so that’s awesome to hear that someone from my local area made one of my favourite no internet game and the basic fundamentals of the most used OS for computers Yes indeed, that's me!
Why is the documentation for WPA so bad and scarce? I have to refer to Bruce Dawson's years old blog to decipher some of the columns names. Are there any plans to add a comprehensive manual for it? Windows Product Activation? Columns? Sorry, are you using WPA for something else?
Can I intern for you? If you know how to write a Material-themed admin-style Dashboard in React, can consume a REST api in doing so, and have some experience with iPhone apps an Unity, then maybe yes!
I was actually looking for an intern this past summer to write a phone and web app...
how did you assured code quality and readability? did you use static analyzers/ unit tests or what? Check out the "Secret History of Task Manager" video for a description of "NTStress" and how we nightly tested, but there were professional testers, every line of code was code-reviewed, and so on.
My understanding is it's quite different now, though!
When you say you worked on Windows activation, was it for more than a day? That's an odd question. Can I ask why you think it might have just been for a day? Clue me in to what you're hinting at and I'll fill you in on the rest!
Why do I need to press 3 buttons and 1 click to open task manager? Because you choose to fail!
You can do it with two clicks or one simultaneous multikey press!
Do you think WPA was a success? I think so! It helped stem casual piracy, wasn't "cracked" for at least 18 months after we released it, and didn't unduly inconvenience users too often, I hope.
We were really aiming for the 95% case. Trying to catch the 95% of piracy that is people sharing keys, reusing their own keys on too many machines, getting keys off the web, that sort of thing. I think it accomplished that.
How did you feel about windows 8? Same way you do.
Who invented the blue screen of death? John Vert. He said:
"Back in 1991 I wrote the original code for Windows NT 3.1 that put the video screen back into text mode and the routines to put text on it (and a truly gnarly bit of code it was!). I used the white on blue colors for two reasons.
* The MIPS workstations we were using for the MIPS port had firmware that presented a boot option screen in white on blue, so it made sense that the bugcheck screen would match.
* I (and many others) were using SlickEdit as our text editor and at the time its default color scheme was also white on blue.
I believe Mark Lucovsky wrote the original code that dumped a bunch of text to the screen. This was a bugcode and a stack dump, resulting in a bunch of useless hex numbers which product support would occasionally dutifully transcribe from the customers and include in the bug report.
There was no "typesetting" as we used standard VGA text mode on PCs.
I don't know the history of the Win3.1/Win9x blue screens, I think the fact they were the same color is just coincidence."
But can you make sick stick figure death match animations in QBASIC? No, but I do a mean Bill the Cat ascii art!
How could you? Sometimes you just gotta say WTF.
What are you working on these days? Mostly on programming tutorials and nostalgic "Windows War Stories" on my youtube channel:
[removed] That's me! Went to Miller high, worked at ISM and SaskTel during college, etc!
Here is my question. Im a cuban teenager (17) and my dream is work is be a developer. What kind of mini works i can do for learn programation before University? Do as many little program tasks as you can, and make sure you complete them, and SAVE them for the future so you can look back!
Try writing a little program to convert back and forth between roman numbers and regular numbers. Or fund the next highest multiple of 32, or count the number of it bits set in a byte. Or the real difference in seconds between two dates, that sort of thing. Real problems that you have to solve will help a great deal as they act as sort of a "forcing function" to make you get to the very end.
Do you like macaroni & cheese? Kraft Dinner all the way. And I eat with little packets of designer ketchup. didn't built paint? I'm out. Nope, sorry. But I owned calc for a while, back when we were adding infinite precision math to it!
Hi, If Microsoft wanted to, they could make it impossible to activate a pirated copy of windows using 3rd party software. So why aren't they making it impossible? Not sure what you meant by 3rd party software. Are you saying Windows can actually be activated even if pirated? That'd be news to me, but anything's possible.
What was the criteria for “tilt” on space cadet pinball? I played that game for hours as a kid. Spacebar would add a little "action" to the table, if I recall, and you could strike a balance of adding so much so often... but too much (ie: smash space too much) and it'll tilt.
Did you ever have to interview anybody at Microsoft? If so, what types of questions would you ask back then? What was your interview like going into Microsoft? Oh yeah, I've interviewed dozens or hundreds I'd bet. I'd like to ask "calibrating questons" like "Give me a funtion that takes a number and returns the next highest multiple of 32" or "count the number of bits that are set in it" to see how their basic coding skills were.
Then I usually liked to give a problem I was working on to see what it'd be like to actually work with the person.
I interviewed three times, once as an intern, once as full time, and then once to move to the Shell group. Each as an all-day affair, and very arduous. You have 2-3 hour long interviews in the AM, then a lunch interview, then 2-3 more hour long interviews in the PM, then a supper thing, etc... it's a long day!
ImRandyRU: What have you done for me lately? Edit: it was a joke... dabigchina: NT is the foundation that all modern windows OS's build on, so a lot. Zeusifer: I guarantee some of OP's code still exists in Windows 10. Most of it, to be honest. As a guess I'd say 75% still there.
Hey man, I had a wicked dump this morning and now my toilet is blocked. Any idea's? More roughage in your diet.
It was so satisfying to push the 3x5 disks into the slot and have the button pop out, and make a vroom vroom sound. Ah, the old days. What's your favorite MS-Dos game from the 90s? I actually came to the PC after MS-DOS, so I wasn't a DOS gamer... I suppose in those days it was primarily C64 and Amiga games. I do remember being fond of Sim City, like everyone, but also of a game called "Seven Cities of Gold"...
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

A Guide to Major JRPG Bug Fix, Hard Difficulty, Restoration, Balancing and even Complete Overhaul Hacks.

Another day another guide, here is one I have always wanted to do, but didn't have time for, a hacks guide for JRPGs, also know that This isn't ALL of them, just the ones I found note worthy, and if you know more please post them here, I hope you find this helpful.

Important Notes:

  • Each title will include links to the hack's site if avilable, and/or to the romhacking project page.
  • The descriptions are either taken from the project pages (romhacking), the translation group website, or are written by me in case they had no description in either websites.
  • The dates are for the hacks release, and Not the game's release.
  • Credits to individuals from each Hacks Team are either in the project pages, or their own website.
  • For the full change log, please check out the readme on the project page or team's website.
  • There are no Pokemon/Fire Emblem hacks, due to the huge amount of them out there.
  • I would like to thank all the people involved in these hacking projects, for their hard work and love for the community.

Complete Overhaul Hacks:

Breath of Fire II Maeson - SNES - 11 January 2017.

  • Released by Maeson.
  • Link to the hack and project page.
  • Increase the overall usefulness and balance of the cast of characters, improving the least useful ones and trying to put them all on a similar level.
  • Changes to Magic, with changes to the AP costs, and in case of offensive spells, damage too. Characters learn different spells, and overall they can be used a bit more freely.
  • Changes in equipment that go along with the changes to the characters. For example, whips are much better weapons than before, and a few pieces of armor are usable by more characters.
  • Changes in the Experience and Zenny the monsters give upon defeat; the experience tables for characters to reduce grinding, and prices for equipment and items also was adjusted depending on their usefulness.
  • Because of all the changes pointed above, monsters had their stats also adjusted for how the characters are now. Difficulty shouldn’t change too much compared to the original game.
  • Changes on the Shaman system, for example Seny/Saynie actually does something now, and Transformations are not simple stat upgrades anymore, instead they reduce and increase stats, trying to change a character’s role or become a stronger version of himself/herself, but with higher weaknesses too.

Digimon World 2 Improvement Hack - PS1 - 01 August 2020.

This patch allow fix somethings wrong and add extra features in Digimon World 2 like:
  • PocketStation Mode added from Japanese version (Coloseum)
  • Exit Game menu added in Digital City
  • Fixed wrong sprites model on Baihumon/Omnimon/Diaboromon
  • Added somes original tech on Baihumon/Omnimon/Diaboromon
  • MaxDrive and Chips are now buyable in Device Dome
  • Kimeramon is now available on 99th floor in Tera Domain
  • Kimeramon now have you proper sprite model
  • Extra Dungeon “Dark Tower” added in Kernel Zone (After Ending)
  • Chaos-WarGreymon is now available in Dark Tower
  • Chaos-MetalSeadramon is now available in Dark Tower
  • Chaos-Pierrotmon is now available in Dark Tower
  • Sub-boss ChaosLord is now available in Dark Tower
  • NeoCrimson is now available in Dark Tower
  • Virus Guardian is now available in Dark Tower
  • Data Guardian is now available in Dark Tower
  • Vaccine Guardian is now available in Dark Tower
  • OverLord GAIA 1st Form is now available in Dark Tower
  • OverLord GAIA 2nd Form is now available in Dark Tower
  • Added Sharmamon/ModikiBetamon/Zassomon/Psychemon/Aruraumon/Muchomon/geremon/Fugamon.
  • Sharmamon now digivolve to Fugamon
  • Translated Japanese tech to English tech (Baihumon/Diaboromon/Omnimon)
  • Translated “ABC” tech to original names (Baihumon/Diaboromon/Omnimon)

Legend of Dragoon Mod Pack - PS1 - 03 March 2019.

This mod pack for The Legend of Dragoon includes all currently complete and available mods, updated to be installed using the LODModS patcher (version 1.3 or greater required), as a means to simplify the mod application process and reduce compatibility issues. Further, some mods have been expanded, updated, or replaced as needed.
In addition to mods created by theflyingzamboni, this pack also includes mods originally authored by NoOneee and Zychronix, and full credit goes to them for their work. All mods by other authors were included with their permission.
  • theflyingzamboni - Full XP, Encounter Rate Bugfix (redux), Expanded Inventory
  • NoOneee - Undub, Rose’s Blood
  • Zychronix - Half HP

Final Fantasy Tactics: Monster Tactics - PS1 - 10 September 2017.

Welcome to Ivalice! This isn’t the same Ivalice you may have remembered from Vanilla FFT. So forget almost everything you thought you knew. Many changes have been made, not only to the battles themselves, but to the mechanics of the game.
Human population has been mysteriously dying out, and monsters have taken over. You can no longer hire human units, but you can recruit monsters for free in random battles. Monsters are now dangerous - they are no longer the pathetic counter bots of vanilla. Every monster has a minimum of 4 skills, and several have far more than that. Monsters also now have greatly improved innates, including several s/m abilities, innate status, status/elemental resistances, etc.
Due to several changes in the mod, it’s a lot tougher than vanilla FFT. Most notable changes that lead to its new difficulty are the improved monsters and enemy formations in general, the enemy scaling to the party level, and shenanigans in general. A full Faq is packaged with the mod, and tooltips have been updated to be useful.
Content has also been significantly expanded. Several new battles have been written into the plot; and new battles are written into the new “Extra Battles” feature, which replaces vanilla’s Propositions. New content is added frequently to new versions.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced Battle: Monster Tactics - GBA - 27 July 2020.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced Battle is a hack that brings monster taming to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and makes the whole experience centered around this mechanic.
The player can use a new item (the Capture Orb) to capture monsters which (unlike in the vanilla game) join the party and fight on your side. Additionally, all ways to get new humanoid party members have been disabled, the player needs to make do with only monsters and the two starting humanoid party members.
A new system to learn abilities is implemented, similarly to the original Final Fantasy Tactics the units will earn JP which they can spend directly on purchasing abilities. This is the only way the player has to teach new abilities to the monsters.
These are the main changes, and they alone already make for a completely new experience, but be sure to check the readme for a more detailed list.

SaGa Frontier - Magic Only Mod - PS1 - 09 September 2014.

This is a mod which completely removes non-magical abilities for humans. It also makes magic much more flexible and powerful compared to physical abilities.
Techs of any kind (Sword, Martial, Gun) can’t be learned and nobody starts with any learned. Using Swords, Punch, or Guns don’t grow any stats, though using heavy weapons (Lasers, Bazookas, Machine Guns) and mystic weapons and abilities does produce some stat growth and excellent WP growth.
Every human and mystic starts with a few spells. Most have gifts as well. The Evil school of magic is now learnable if you have the gift for it and one of the spells.
Items were changed a lot, see the readme. The ThunderCharm bug was fixed. In general it might not be a good idea to slap a PoweredSuit and DefendWear on someone and call it a day - other armors are more competitive with these two, especially those that can’t be bought.
No changes were made to any enemies.
A few bugs were fixed with monster forms and dodge ability sparking.
Mystics and Mecs were rebalanced both in stats and equipment. MysticMail is now the third best torso armor in the game behind PlutoArmor and GoldenFleece, with the best Force and Status defense of any torso armor.

Final Fantasy Tactics: Emergence - PSP - 15 April 2020.

Here is a high-level overview of the changes:
  • The Job progression has been re-organized to be more intuitive and sensible. For example, Lancers are gained from training Soldiers (aka Knights), not Thieves.
  • There are 50 new abilities to learn. 20 were previously enemy-only, and 30 new abilities were created by removing duplicates between classes.
  • Magick charge time and damage formulas have been tweaked to bring mages into balance.
  • Faith is no longer used in Attack and Healing Magick. It is used purely for status effects, summoning, and treasure hunting.
  • Many job classes have been tweaked and redesigned.
  • A new class, Magus, has replaced the Dark Knight. It is an armor-wearing mage class with access to 8 spells previously reserved for enemies.
  • Every special character has had their skillset modified to make them more versatile and reflect their personality.
  • Ramza slowly becomes a Dark Knight over the course of the story, able to learn the Dark Sword techniques from fighting against Gaffgarion.
  • Every storyline battle has been tweaked to give players a greater variety of enemies and a smoother difficulty curve.
  • Many items and weapons have been updated.
  • And, of course, the animation slowdown has been removed.
Taken in total, FFT: Emergence offers new gameplay possibilities while still retaining the theme and feel of the old classic. With a difficulty level similar to the original game, any player can pick this up with confidence.

Mother 3: Claus's Journey - GBA - 29 March 2019.

Mother 3: Claus’s Journey, is a hack that switches the roles of main characters Lucas and Claus, making Claus into the main protagonist, which greatly changes the story due to Claus’s drastically different personality compared to Lucas. Much of the text and story is altered to better showcase Claus’s personality and thoughts, as well as how others react to him.
There are also 3 versions of the hack, but the story remains the same between them, and the only changes are to the PSI that Claus and Kumatora learn in the game. As for the differences between all 3 versions, those are detailed in the README.
This new version has updated dialogue that’s been better polished, but also has changed dialogue for 2 new areas (the toilet dungeon and porky’s mini games), as well as other areas. It also alters the King Porky Statue boss fight to be winnable via normal means and give greater rewards as a result.

Final Fantasy 4 - Ultima - SNES - 06 August 2020.

Final Fantasy IV - Ultima is a ‘deluxe’ version of Final Fantasy II for the SNES. This hack adds a bunch of additions to the base game while keeping the majority of the main story intact and the feel of FF2US the same.
List of features, additions and changes:
  • Party Swapping among 10 different members at Endgame!!
  • Dark Knight Cecil now available at endgame!!
  • A VERY Challenging BOSS RUSH Mode unlocked at endgame!!
  • 45 New Weapons! Including Magically Imbued Weapons!
  • 44 New Spells! Also revamped existing spells!
  • 28 New Bosses! Brand New Boss at Endgame with Randomized AI!
  • New Status ‘Aura’ for buffs during battle!!
  • Damage Limit increased to 14999! Can turn Encounters On/Off!
  • New Areas! New Side Quests! New and Upgradable Commands!!
  • New Enemy Graphics! New Events! New Endgame Scenarios!
  • New Equipment Screen with DETAILED buffs and stats!!
  • New attack/swing/spell animations!
  • New weapon graphics!! New sound effects! New items!!
  • New maps, new areas and new edits to overworld maps!
  • New events! New enemies!! Sprint with the Y button!!
  • New commands for characters. New Armors and Gears!
  • Revamped shops/equipment and balanced their progression.
  • Dark Knight Cecil now dual-wields and is 2-handed!!
  • Edge is now buffed offensively! Stealing is also buffed!
  • Rydia has also been buffed. It’s a surprise!
  • Cecil has been buffed as a tank.
  • Rosa can use more White Mage combative gears.
  • Kain has new offensive buffing spells.
  • Yang, Edward, Palom, Porom and others have also been buffed!
  • Rare items and summons now drop much easier! This hack’s main game is designed as a ‘play-through’ without grinding.
  • Many enemies now have meaningful rare drops, and all end-game enemies now have rare ultimate drops!
  • Lots of secrets that can lead to early acquirement of better equipment!
  • Few minor tweaks to the base game such as save points, etc.
  • MOST items/equipment are now non-missable. Meaning they will be acquirable in some ways at end-game.

Final Fantasy 6 - Brave New World - SNES - 01 January 2020.

FF6 - Brave New World is a fairly complete overhaul of Final Fantasy VI, featuring:
  • Character-based esper restrictions & new stat boosts that promote greater diversity and allow for customized development.
  • Esper leveling system that disassociates esper bonuses from traditional levels.
  • New and reworked formulas which rescue everything that isn’t magic or magic evasion from the dump-stat heap.
  • Rebalanced equipment, items, spells, and skills that aim to remove dead weight and give players more (and better) choices.
  • A complete overhaul of enemies from their stats to their behavior to better challenge veteran players and newcomers alike.
  • Tons of bugfixes, as well as remedies to many of the game’s more annoying aspects (such as rage hunting taking a lifetime).
  • And much, much more, detailed in the Readme (particularly section 4).
One thing BNW is not is a difficulty mod. While it is harder than vanilla FF6, we wanted to keep it accessible to newcomers while at the same time giving veterans a new experience. Hopefully, we succeeded.

7th Saga: The New Class - SNES - 01 September 2013.

Among its many flaws, one weakness of The 7th Saga was that the characters were almost carbon copies of each other, limiting replay value. In this hack, based on the improvements already made in 7th Saga Redux hack, the characters have been given familiar classes based on Final Fantasy 1, with different stats and spells. Because this version can be played with minimal grinding, it’s a lot easier to try out each class and learn its unique playing style. The classes:
  • RedMage (Kamil): Well-rounded in all areas
  • Fighter (Olvan): Tough physical warrior with healing magic
  • Bl.Mage (Esuna): Powerful offensive mage
  • Bl.Belt (Wilme): Expert in unarmed combat
  • Robot (Lux): The ultimate defensive tank
  • Wh.Mage (Valsu): Healing and support mage
  • Thief (Lejes): Master of stealth and sabotage

Seiken Densetsu 3 - Sin of Mana - SNES - May 10, 2017.

Major features:
  • Equipment offers various bonuses instead of a simple attack and defense progression
  • Rebalanced classes, stats and spells, almost everything is usable now
  • Modified formulas that keep even high level techs useful
  • Expanded inbattle options with running, regular strong attacks and counter techs
  • Passive MP regeneration with high cost spells: be smart with your magic
  • Extensive boss AI changes
  • Accelerated level curve: from class changing at the earliest mana stone to facing the final boss at the level cap
  • Transformed the shield slot into a second accessoire slot for everyone, shields count as regular accessoires
  • Increased inventory capacity to 20 per item type instead of 9
  • Tons of bugfixes ranging from agility stats not working to Kevin's wolfform stacking attack bonuses
  • 5 difficulties to choose from, covering the spectrum from "easier than vanilla" to "Atlus would be proud"

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - One Vision - PSP - October 19, 2017.

TO: LUCT is no doubt one of the classics of turn based tactical games, it can boast complex storyline with a memorable cast of characters and multiple endings, as well as a deep combat system with a vast arsenal of equipment, items and spells. Its PSP port can also serve as an example of how such things should be done, with the game getting not only a much needed facelift but also a thorough redesign of most combat elements.
Sadly, the game isn’t without faults, as some of the new features make it extremely prone to exploits which an experienced player can use to fully remove any challenge from the game. The main goal of this mod is to render such exploits more difficult, bringing weapons, classes and skills closer to the level they should perform at, as well as to each other. Its secondary goal is to provide tweaks to immersion, visuals and some of the more cumbersome game systems like crafting and endless skill farming.
This is still a work in progress so all feedback is welcome, and for installation instructions and more info check the included Readme file.
Major features:
  • Weapon, armor and consumable item rework. Equipment is more likely to do what you expect of it, 2H weapons will do a lot of damage and a tank in heavy armor will be hard to kill.
  • Additional items, spells and skills, as well as changes to the existing ones with a focus on improving the more unappealing choices.
  • Skills that grant stat bonuses, like Strengthen or Spellcraft, as well as static choices like Switfoot or Spell Ward were removed and compensated with higher stat differences between classes than in vanilla game.
  • A full Finishing move rebalance.
  • Most ways of gaining permanent stats were removed to reduce power creep in late game and increase options during early game.
  • The power of special characters was reduced across the board, they're about on par with each other now and not overwhelmingly stronger than generics.
  • Generic characters have more diverse templates that split into fighter, rogue, mage and generalist archetypes, their stats can differ a lot depending on which one you hire.
  • Significantly increased the levelling speed of slow skills, like Steal or Parry.
  • Most classes were tweaked, with emphasis on nerfing the strong ones and buffing the weak, many gained new tricks.
  • Monsters don't scale natural armor as high as before. With the changes to skills, their new role is high HP bullet sponges that take a lot of damage and use the TP gained to spam special moves.
  • Many items are easier to acquire, reducing the endgame tedium.
  • Visual changes to some items, special characters, skills and spells.
  • Streamlined crafting.

Hard Difficulty Hacks:

Suikoden Hard Mode - PS1 - May 26 2017.

If you are familiar with my Hard Mode version of Lufia, then you’ll know that I offer compensation for the harder difficulty. Medicines now have a maximum quantity of 9 instead of 6, and Mega Medicines now have a whopping 6 instead of 3; and Antitoxins/Needles went from 4 to 6. On top of this, all item drop rates have been made much more generous as well as new drops added here and there, with bosses almost always giving something good.
Your initial characters have had a very slight HP boost as well as some equipment added for Ted to allow you to more safely get your first few levels; it could be dangerous with just Tir and Ted in the original game, but now the two can really only handle a pair of BonBons by themselves. There is no way around this if you wish to take on the optional sidequest for a Prosperity Crystal, but it’s naturally much easier if you skip it; although since you’re playing Hard Mode, who would want to?
While ‘Let Go’ allows you to run away guaranteed, for Hard Mode purposes the idea of clearing a dungeon is fighting every enemy encounter along the way, where the attrition challenge is to not use too much magic that you run out too soon. Rationing out your MP is important to safely conquer a dungeon. I normally get most of the treasure, and then retreat for healing before taking on the boss, having already ‘cleared’ the dungeon so to speak (at which point using Let Go is justified). Aside from that I’ll generally only use Let Go when the experience is irrelevant.
All changes in the game have been thoroughly documented, so be sure to check it out if you’re interested and to see if there are any item drops you might like to target. I also noted my party’s levels below some of the boss statistics. Almost all enemy formations have been increased throughout the game, so it isn’t just a case of tougher monsters; there are more of them too.

Suikoden 2 hardcore - PS1 - 05 March 2017.

Suikoden 2 hardcore patch brings extreme challenge. Almost every battle requires a fair amount of preparation and focus. The good news is, sometimes it is possible to run away.

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Hardtype - PS2 - 31 October 2017.

Introducing Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - Hardtype! This is a hack of the original game designed with several primary goals in mind:
  • 1) Rebalance many aspects of the original game.
  • 2) Create a gameplay experience that is challenging to veterans of the SMT series.
  • 3) Add in some fresh new enemies and skills to revitalize the gameplay experience.
This hack is intended for people who have already played (and generally mastered) the original game, and is designed to be played on Hard mode. For those who don’t fit this profile, or don’t want a more challenging experience than the original, then feel free to play on Normal mode.
This hack's changes are too many to list, check the page for it.

Legend of Mana - Combat Redux - PS1 - 06 July 2014.

This patch alters a few aspects of Legend of Mana’s battle system in an attempt to make the game more difficult.
Key Features:
  • Enemies can no longer hitstunned by quick attacks.
  • Plunge attack damage is based on a multiplier that’s increased by doing quick attacks, and will not do damage when used on their own.
  • The player moves slower.
  • Enemies and companions move substantially faster than before.
  • Enemies do more damage.
  • Game Overs occur as soon as the player dies, regardless of whether their companions/pets/golems are still alive or not.
Note: Due to the nature of these changes, the patch is intended to be used only with single player, on the default in-game difficulty setting.
Now includes a separate “Arrange Mode” patch, in which enemies do more damage, but the player cannot be hitstunned.
Additionally, includes two other patch variants. One has simplified quick attack multipliers, and one only changes the player movement and hitstun behavior.

Chrono Cross - Time's Anguish - PS1 - 17 October 2014.

This is a patch which changes the games difficulty, mostly to make it more difficult. Changes include enemy stats, after battle bonuses, Item Shop items, removal of certain items, MP cost. It is all detailed in the read me.

Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 & War of The Lions 1.3 - PS1 & PSP - 17 August 2013.

Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 is a difficulty and content modification for Final Fantasy Tactics. The primary goal of the project is to re-balance the original gameplay mechanics while adding difficulty. The project started with the idea that players did not need to impose artificial rules on themselves to make Final Fantasy Tactics challenging if a mod could be created to do it for them. FFT 1.3 alters job, monster, item, and battle statistics to make the entire game provide a challenge that matches the complexity and depth of its customization system. It's been in development since 2008 and is maintained by Archael. Several spin-off versions of 1.3 have been created as a result of demand by fans to experience the mod on other platforms or in other ways. 1.3 does not alter the game's storyline or its characters.
War of The Lions 1.3 is a version of 1.3 with all the content of the full mod but stripped of much of its more difficult aspects. Storyline enemies have fixed levels instead of scaling with the party's level, letting the player power level in order to overcome difficulties. Storyline enemy gear is significantly weaker and Boss-type units are less powerful. This version of 1.3 came about after a large Let's Play FFT 1.3 thread from Something Awful by Declan MacManus revealed that many people desired the changes present in 1.3 but without the difficulty. From that moment on, the Content version of the project has been updated as new releases come out

Final Fantasy 7 - New Threat - PC - 09 June 2015.

The New Threat mod is a gameplay & content mod for Final Fantasy VII PC. It's goal is to make a fast-paced, strategic overhaul for the game's battle system and to that effect has fine-tuned every character, enemy, weapon, armour, item, and ability in the game. Special modifications have also been made to better balance the game and keep it challenging but satisfying to play.
In addition to this, the mod introduces new content such as sidequests and extra events to challenge players with new and devious adversaries. Try your hand at the Extra Battle expansion for Battle Square, win the round robin tournaments in the Junon Leagues, hunt down Lv.4 Limits from tough bosses, tackle a brand new sidequest in Midgar, and craft up Ultimate Weapons from special spoils.
Finally, a number of other features were introduced, such as the option to skip certain lengthy sequences (Nibelheim Flashback for instance), changing your party leader on Disc 3, extended Save Point systems, varying weather, additional merchants, Save Points, and more.
Improved for 1.4 is the Rank Up system, allowing players to create focused builds for each character by developing their stats. Each character also has a new innate attribute or ability, lending an extra dimension to battles.

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen - Hardtype - SNES - 06 July 2012.

Difficulty and rebalance mod for Ogre Battle. Overall changes include:
General Changes: * Give the AI new and improved unit formations (ones that don't suck!) to increase difficulty * As the game progresses, give the AI increasingly more powerful units over the player, thus requiring some strategy to take them down. * Greatly improve the performance of large monsters. * Deny player access to recruiting high tier units. What this means is no longer can you use leaders to recruit high tier units, get them from neutral encounters, nor get them from the Charm item (they are immune). High tier units must be gotten through class progression. The reason for this is it was necessary to increase the difficulty later on in the game. * Performance of str chars has been slightly improved relative to int chars, though you can still expect the backrow to out-power the front row. * Performance of special characters has been slightly lowered.
Class Changes: * Two new classes: Siren (upgraded form of Witch) and Diana (physical female class that can perform in either row) * DragoneDragon Master improved and changed to female (like the Ogre Battle games that followed in the series), cherubim and pixie were removed to make these (faerie now promotes into sylph and angel now promotes into seraphim, faerie and angel have been improved to have pixie and cherubim performance to start with) * Zombie Dragon is now lower tier than Tiamat and does not require an item to promote into * Lich is reduced to 2 attacks in back * Princess does not give herself her leadership bonus * Witch Stun replaced with Hex (randomly use Phantom, Petrify, or Charm) * and more...
Item Changes: * The following items are now unbuyable: Joker, Charm, Sunshine, Moonbeam, and permanent stat boosting items. * Some low tier EQ can now be bought in shops. * The crappier half of the game's equipment has all been improved.

Bug Fixes, Balance and Restoration Hacks:

Chrono Trigger: Bugfix and Uncensoring Patch - SNES - 02 July 2020.

This patch is geared towards fixing bugs and patching up script inconsistencies or censorship. The aim is to preserve the original translation while generally improving the game as a whole.
  • Completely decapitalized names in dialogue.
  • No more indentation of normal dialogue in textboxes.
  • MSU-1 compatibility!
  • Fixes to gameplay bugs, such as Targeting AI.
  • You can now enter names smaller than the maximum amount of characters without issue.
  • Restoration of alcohol, prayer, entities, you name it!
  • Magus is now known as The Fiendlord by NPCs in 1000AD and 600AD, and Mystics are now Fiends.
  • Minor restoration of points Chrono Cross brings up that were present in the original, just not in the localization.

Lufia 2 - Frue Lufia - SNES - 01 January 2019.

Frue Lufia is a mod of Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals that fixes just about every bug in the game. Additionally, it sports a full script update, fixing many of the inconsistencies and errors present in the retail version. Censorship has been removed as well. As a cherry on top, some minor rebalancing is also featured. See the “Notable Changes” text file for a full list of alterations.
There’s also an alternative bonus patch added which changes the final boss in some way.
Apply to a headered NTSC-U Lufia II ROM. NTSC-U ROMs have the Natsume logo at startup, not the Nintendo logo.
(Note: This is a direct upgrade to Relnqshd’s Lufia II Fixxxer Deluxe. All of Relnqshd’s enhancements and bug fixes are included in Frue Lufia.)

Lufia & the Fortress of Doom - Restored - SNES - 20 October 2016.

Based off of D’s Lufia: Decensored, this mod fixes continuity issues the first game has compared to later entries, in some cases using retranslated terms, while still keeping true to the officially established English Lufia lore.
There are also other tweaks to improve gameplay experience: * Incorporates JCE3000GT’s Fast Walker patch. Speeds up walking on the world map and in dungeons, as well as vehicle movement. (Modified to restore Sweet and Foul Waters’ expiration notices) * The final boss’ battle script has been restored to its original. * Lufia and Selan can now use Jerin’s Zircon equipment, thanks to Lufia 1 Multi-Editor. * Item descriptions restored, expanding the ROM to 1.50 MB. * The beeping noise for spoken dialogue is now retained when the message speed is set to “Fast”. * Restored crosses on church walls. * Audio defaults to Stereo when starting a new game.

7th Saga - Redux - SNES - 19 July 2013.

7th Saga was a challenging and original RPG for SNES, but suffered from ridiculous difficulty and tedious level grinding. This hack attempts to address the difficulty so that the game is challenging without being frustrating, and to add a few fun elements to expand the strategy. Equipment and attack spells have been powered-up. More enemies have been given elemental weaknesses. New equipment and spells have been introduced. Additional changes are outlined in the readme.

Final Fantasy 6 - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition - SNES - 29 July 2020.

Back when Final Fantasy VI (Final Fantasy III US) was released the game was heavily toned down, censoring graphics and the like. When it was re-released for the Playstation, the graphics were uncensored but toned down script remained. Then came Final Fantasy VI Advance with a newer (though some consider drier) translation, but the color palette and music were altered for the handheld console. Others have made re-translations, such as the great work by RPGOne, Lina Darkstar, and Kwhazit.
Now this is Final Fantasy VI: Ted Woolsey Uncensored Editon. The goal was to make the SNES version uncut and to clean up the script but keep the nuance used by Woolsey in the original game’s release. Using the original Woolsey script as a basis to analyze, the entire game was looked through, line by line, using FFVI Advance, RPGOne, and Lina Darkstar to accomplish this. Recently, the game’s script was also heavily analyzed by Kwhazit and Mato (Legends of Localization). With these newer and more heavily detailed looks into the game, the script was again updated to provide a much more accurate version while still remaining true to the original game’s release.
Also used was various tools and patches to uncensor the graphics, restore Character Class names, extend spell names, rename monsters and items, and make hopefully the version of Final Fantasy VI that everyone will play.
Any bug fixes or additions that were used were chosen not for any balance changes, but to fix persistent issues in the game, as to not change the experience of the original too much. This even includes the long list used in the optional Bug-Fix versions of the game.
Additional Add-Ons are also optionally included. These tweaks bring an overall complete experience that many would say should have been in the original game to begin with.
The Music Player included with the game has been altered for compatibility with Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition.
Please refer to the additional patches read-me for details.

* Edit:I apologize for not replying to all the great comments here, I am working on other guides and the future video, but I appreciate all the support and I promise you that I read everything you guys have posted.

For the lack of character space, I will continue what's left of the guide in a comment below

submitted by VashxShanks to JRPG [link] [comments]

2020 Offseason Review Series - Cleveland Browns

Cleveland Browns

Division: AFC North
Record: 6 - 10
Hey everyone u/goingsouthhiker here to provide you more information than you ever wanted to know about the Cleveland Browns. My first distinct memory as a child is my fathers face in stunned silence as Ernest Byner fumbled at the goaline. I have been gifted through some sick hereditary defect a lifelong love of the Browns. so here you go.
Coaching Changes/GM Changes
Freddie Kitchens Fired  
On December 29th, 2019, the Browns fired head coach Freddie Kitchens. This is the culmination of a coaching hire that seemed to be entirely based upon folksy blue collar catch phrases “if you don’t wear brown and orange, you don’t matter” and a good relationship with Baker Mayfield.  
Some of Freddie's greatest hits included
  • 4th and 9 - Draw Play
  • Madden Style 5 WR streaks from your own goal line
  • Send out the punt team on 4th-and-11 down 17 points in the fourth quarter to the New England Patriots, only to change his mind and take a deliberate false start rather than burn a timeout.
  • 4th and 1 on the goal line and not have Nick Chubb on the field
John Dorsey Fired  
On December 31st, 2019, the Browns and general manager John Dorsey mutually agreed to part ways after an up and down tenure that brought in a lot of talent but ultimately the decision to hire Kitchens and some questionable high draft picks sank him.
Kevin Stefanski Hired  
On January 13th, 2020, the Browns hired former Minnesota Vikings' offensive coordinator Kevin Stefanski as head coach. This is another first time head coach hire for the browns after an exhaustive coaching search. This hire is the one Paul Depodesta of Moneyball Fame banged the table for prior to the promotion of Kitchens so ultimately the nerds won the battle a year too late.
Andrew Berry Hired  
On January 27th, 2020, the Browns hired former Philadelphia Eagles' vice president of football operations Andrew Berry as general manager. Berry previously served as the Browns' vice president of player personnel from 2016–18 under Sashi Brown. At age 32, Berry became the youngest general manager in NFL history.
Berry has been considered in league circles as the next great rising front office star even from his early days in Indianapolis. Ivy league educated and an analytics darling now paired again with Depodesta the Browns will be heavy into analytics and efficiency in their decision making.
Alex Van Pelt Hired  
On January 29th 2020, the Browns hired former Cincinnati Bengals' quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt as offensive coordinator. Van Pelt, who served as offensive coordinator for the Buffalo Bills in 2009, replaced Todd Monken, who was not retained by Stefanski.
Nobody is quite sure who will be calling plays on game day, The one thing going for this hire is when Van Pelt was the QB Coach for Green Bay Aaron Rodgers was super angry about Van Pelt being fired so there is that.
Joe Woods Hired  
On February 7th 2020, the Browns hired former San Francisco 49ers' defensive backs coach Joe Woods as defensive coordinator. Woods, who previously served as the defensive coordinator for the Denver Broncos from 2017–18, replaced Steve Wilks, who was not retained by Stefanski
Woods is a man of mystery he has coached just about every scheme in existence and has given the ever popular "We will tailor our defense to our personnel" answer every time somebody tries to get anything out of him in regards to what he plans to run in Cleveland.
Free Agency
Players lost/cut
Player Position New Team
Joe Schobert LB Jacksonville
Christian Kirksey LB Green Bay
Eric Kush G Las Vegas
Demetrius Harris TE Chicago
T.J. Carrie CB Indianapolis
Damarious Randall S Las Vegas
Greg Robinson T Prison
Rickey Seals Jones TE Kansas City
Adarius Taylor LB Released
Morgan Burnett S Released
Eric Murray S Houston
Going into the 2019 season the Browns defense had a lack of quality depth at LB and Safety. So naturally the first thing the Browns do in Free Agency is let go the remaining veteran players at LB and Safety. I can't say for certain this was a bad thing as you will see below.
Top Losses
Joe Shobert LB - Was a tackling machine and rare pro bowler on this team, however too many of those tackles were made 8-10 yards downfield on run plays. His coverage skills were raw as well so I get not paying him big money.
Christian Kirksey LB - This one hurts a bit not due to production on the field as Kirko was hurt a lot! But more so as he was that beloved master of the Dawg Check and was a great team guy.
Damarious Randall S - A solid player who the Browns converted back to Safety but was always a bit of a headcase. He will be remembered best as the player who intercepted a Bengals pass and handed the ball to Hue Jackson on the Bengals sideline.
Players Signed/Brought Back
Player Position Contract
Kareem Hunt RB 1yr $3.25M
Case Keenum QB 3yr $18M
Andy Janovich FB Trade w/Broncos
Jack Conklin T 3yr $42M
Austin Hooper TE 4yr $44M
Karl Joseph S 1yr $2.5M
Andrew Billings DL 1yr $3.5M
Kevin Johnson CB 1yr $3.5M
Andrew Sendejo S 1yr $2.5M
Evan Brown C No Details
Donovan Olumba CB No Details
JoJo Natson WR 1yr $1M
BJ Goodson LB 1yr $2.4M
Chris Hubbard T Restructured
Adrian Clayborn EDGE 1yr $2.4M
Olivier Vernon EDGE Restructured
Myles Garrett EDGE So Much Money
Rashard Higgins WR 1yr 910k
Man this is a list... Ok so there were very few holes on Offense going into Free Agency but the ones that stood out were both tackles and depth at tight end. The Browns ultimately solved one tackle spot and TE really early in Free Agency with what most considered the best available players at their position.
On the Defensive side we had a open call for any experienced body who wanted to take a 1 year prove it deal. So much depth added via players that fell through the cracks on their former team.
Top Signings
Jack Conklin RT - The top right tackle in free agency, had a nice season for the titans after coming off a major injury the year before. Can be a All-Pro caliber RT if healthy. Really filled a huge need.
Austin Hooper TE - or "HooooooP" As the falcons fans tell me I am to call him. Filled a big need for reliable catches at the TE position. With David Njoku in the dog house, unable to catch anything, and now asking for a trade this is a big get for the Browns.
Andy Janovich FB - By far my personal favorite signing. Acquired in a trade with the Broncos he is one of the best pure Fullbacks left in the game. I expect him to be a Fan Favorite quickly. There is nothing more that Cleveland Fans adore than elevating a former Broncos fullback to Legendary status.(See Peyton Hillis)
Case Keenum - Browns fans all hope that the Baker Mayfield of last year was a product of really bad coaching, however Keenum can win games in the NFL and is a familiar face to new coach Stefanski having had a career year with Minnesota with Stefanski as his QB coach. I am much more confident in having Keenum as the backup than Garrett Gilbert.
New Contracts - The Browns have ensured Myles Garrett will be a Brown for a long while, placed a 2nd round tender on former rushing champ Kareem hunt, and after briefly flirting with Clowney decided to restructure Olivier Vernon to a much better contract number befitting his oft injured yet surprisingly productive season.
Draft - Cribbed from u/Marzman315 with permission who did a very excellent defending the draft and I agree with it in it's entirety. The Grades are mine.
Round Player Position
1.10 Jedrick Wills T
2.44 Grant Delpit S
3.88 Jordan Elliott DT
3.97 Jacob Phillips ILB
4.115 Harrison Bryant TE
5.160 Nick Harris C
6.187 Donovan Peoples-Jones WR
1.10 - Jedrick Wills Jr., Offensive Tackle Alabama Grade A  
As expected, the Browns used the tenth overall pick on a tackle. The tackle turned out to be Jedrick Wills Jr., blindside blocker for Tua Tagovailoa. The former four star high school prospect started all 28 games for the Crimson Tide over his sophomore and and junior years. As a second team All-American and first team All-SEC player, he paved the way for Alabama's elite offense with his quick feet, smooth redirection, extremely powerful anchor and strength, and absolutely punishing punch.  
This pick was overwhelmingly approved of by analysts both internally and externally. Joe Thomas released a reaction video that was enthusiastic to say the least. He made it clear that Wills was his ideal target for the Browns at 10th overall. The front office and coaching staff made it known that Wills was their priority target going into the draft, and were entertaining the possibility of trading up for him, but ultimately the draft board fell their way and they got their man at 10.  
The only negative to the drafting of Wills is that he has only played right tackle in his college career, and given the free agent signing of right tackle Jack Conklin, Wills is going to be expected to transition to left tackle to start his NFL career. Joe Thomas also gave input on this, and stated that while the transition is difficult it is easier to do early in your career, and that he would personally take Wills under his wing and mentor him. Between Joe Thomas's guidance and the coaching of veteran offensive line coach Bill Callahan, not to mention the phenomenal talent of Wills, the transition should be doable for Wills with a minimum of serious difficulty. The protection of franchise QB Baker Mayfield is of paramount importance, and this selection reflects that.
2.44 - Grant Delpit, Safety LSU Grade A  
Most Browns fans anticipated that a safety specializing in coverage would be a priority target on day 2. With replacing Damarious Randall a necessity, the Browns zeroed in on LSU standout Grant Delpit. Boasting phenomenal range, excellent ball skills, and tremendous athleticism for the position, he brings an impressive skill set to the team.
Once considered a top 15 to top 20 pick, injuries and questions about tackling caused his value to drop a bit over the season. His broken clavicle in 2018 likely led to a hesitation in committing fully to tackles, and his production in that sense dropped in 2019. Despite some questions about open field tackling, Delpit's football IQ, versatility, and ball skills are enough to excite Browns fans into thinking that they found a solid starter.
3.88 - Jordan Elliot, Defensive Tackle Missouri Grade B  
In a post draft interview, Browns Chief Strategist Paul DePodesta revealed that obtaining 2021 draft capital was a priority coming into the draft. Depth along the defensive line has been an issue for the Browns for some time. Both of these issues were addressed with the Browns first pick in the third round.
Jordan Elliot is well known in the scouting community for being the darling prospect of Pro Football Focus, who consistently rated him as a first round prospect. While he lacks some power and length, he has a lightning quick first step and fluid pass rushing skills. His skill set doesn't exactly project him to be an every down player, but he can be a strong gap penetrating 3T rotating along the Browns defensive line.
3.97 - Jacob Phillips, Linebacker LSU Grade C Minus
Joe Shobert led the Browns in tackles in two of the last three seasons. Replacing that production was certainly a concern of the Browns. Phillips is an athletic linebacker that led a powerhouse LSU team in tackles. He is strong against the run, and plays fast and strong with solid instincts.
Phillips likely may not replace Shobert's pass coverage, as coverage skills were a clear negative on Phillips' scouting report. But as far as reliable tackling goes Phillips can contribute early, especially on special teams and base defense.
4.115 - Harrison Bryant, Tight End Florida Atlantic Grade A
Kevin Stefanski's offense notably uses multiple tight end sets and 12 personnel. Harrison Bryant is a very exciting receiving threat at the TE position. He projects mainly as a depth player behind Austin Hooper and David Njoku (if he remains on the team) currently while he develops his overall game, but he likely sees the field a bit as a rookie. He doesn't bring much to the table as far as blocking goes, but there is absolutely some exciting upside here.
5.160 - Nick Harris, Guard/Center Washington Grade C
While the Browns O-line was the subject of well deserved criticisms in 2019, the interior of the line was quietly fairly solid. Left guard Joel Bitonio is among the best in the league at his position and Center JC Tretter is a pro bowl caliber player. Wyatt Teller was unspectacular but played well enough to bring a bit of stability to the position. Lacking at the interior o-line was any sort of depth.
With years of experience at guard and center, Nick Harris will add solid depth and may compete with Teller for the starting right guard spot. He is a smart and nimble pass blocker, and while he doesn't have ideal size for the position (6'1" 300 LB) he uses his low center of gravity effectively to secure a solid base.
6.187 - Donovan Peoples-Jones, Wide Receiver Michigan Grade A (upside)
Wide receiver was sneakily a bit of a need for the Browns going into the 2020 draft. Odell Beckham Jr and Jarvis Landry are among the best 1/2 starters in the NFL, but after them the depth chart is thin.
Peoples-Jones is a perfect prospect to gamble on. He showed flashes of phenomenal play while at Michigan, and was considered at one point to be a future first round pick and NFL star. Injuries and abysmal QB play severely hindered his college career. His production did not come close to matching his talent. He is athletic, runs clean routes, gets solid separation, and is good with the ball in his hands. There is a lot of talent here that can be developed.
Undrafted Free Agents:
Soloman Ajayi, Linebacker, Liberty
Elijah Benton, Safety, Liberty
Ja'Marcus Bradley, Wide Receiver, Louisiana
Tony Brown, Wide Receiver, Colorado
Kevin Davidson, Quarterback, Princeton
Drake Dorbeck, Offensive Tackle/Guard, Southern Mississippi
A.J. Green, Cornerback, Oklahoma State
Brian Herrion, Runningback, Georgia
Jameson Houston, Cornerback, Baylor
Benny LeMay, Runningback, Charlotte
Jovante Moffit, Safety, Middle Tennessee
George Obinna, Defensive End, Sacremento State
Alex Taylor, Offensive Tackle, South Carolina State
Jeffrey Whatley, Defensive Tackle, South Alabama
Nate Wieting, Tight End, Iowa
Going Forward:
You will have a hard time finding a Browns fan who did not love this draft. They filled all of their pressing needs without reaching, were savvy navigating the board with trades, and acquired 2021 draft picks. The Browns earned one of only four A+ grades from PFF. While the roster is not without some holes, particularly at linebacker, this is a team that is built to compete. With improvements on the offense that will hopefully come with better coaching and a brand new O-line, the Browns are absolutely in a better position this year than last
Projected 53 Man Roster (starters in bold):
QB - Baker Mayfield, Case Keenum (2)
RB - Nick Chubb, Kareem Hunt, Dontrelle Hilliard, (5)
FB - Andy Janovich (6)
WR - Odell Beckham Jr., Jarvis Landry, Rashard Higgins, Taywan Taylor, Donovan Peoples-Jones, JoJo Natson (12)
TE - Austin Hooper, David Njoku, Harrison Bryant (15)
OT - Jedrick Wills Jr. (LT), Jack Conklin (RT), Chris Hubbard, Drew Forbes (19)
OG - Joel Bitonio (LG), Wyatt Teller (RG), Colby Gossett (22)
C - JC Tretter, Nick Harris (24)
DE - Myles Garrett, Olivier Vernon, Adrian Clayborn, Chad Thomas (28)
DT - Sheldon Richardson, Larry Ogunjobi, Andrew Billings, Jordan Elliot, Daniel Ekuale (33)
LB - Mack Wilson, Sione Takitaki, BJ Goodson, Jacob Phillips, Jermaine Grace, Tae Davis (39)
CB - Denzel Ward, Greedy Williams, Kevin Johnson, Terrance Mitchell, Donnie Lewis Jr., Tavierre Thomas (45)
SS - Karl Joseph, J.T. Hassell (47)
FS - Grant Delpit, Andrew Sandejo, Sheldrick Redwine (50)
K - Austin Seibert (51)
P - Jamie "Scottish Hammer" Gillan (52)
LS - Charley Hughlett (53)
What to expect in 2020
QB Grade: Incomplete
Baker Mayfield - This is the wildcard for the entire team. There is arguably not a better supporting cast in the league for a Quarterback. Assuming at minimum competent coaching there is no excuse for Mayfield going into year 3. There will be a long leash I am sure but Keenum is waiting in the wings if Mayfield looks like he did last year as opposed to the record setter he was in year 1.  
As goes the arm of Mayfield so goes the Browns Playoff hopes.
RB Grade: A+++
Nick Chubb - Quiet, professional, will run you over and laugh at your pitiful tackle attempts. Nick Chubb is a beast, lead the league in yards after contact and nearly won the rushing title. In this new RB friendly system with an improved O-Line and an actual fullback Chubb is going to eat.
Kareem Hunt - It's not often that your backup running back is also a league rushing champion. Last year after serving his suspension he came in and made quite a few spectacular plays in the passing game and showed he still had that spark in the running game. This one Two punch is going to be fun to watch!
Pass Catchers WTE Grade: A
Goodness where to start... This might be an unpopular take but Jarvis Landry is the Best WR on this team and a top 5 pass catcher in the league. He has the most catches ALL TIME in a players first 6 seasons in the league. No longer relegated to slot duties as he was in Miami he had is best year in 2019.
Both Landry and OBJ went over 1000 yards last year which is stunning to me because it felt like both were under utilized all year long. With an increased emphasis on the running game and a deceptive scheme there should be a lot of wide open receivers for the Browns this year
Adding in a third down catch machine in Austin Hooper oh my.. The room is stacked.
Offensive Line Grade: B Minus
The OL has been a major issue at the tackle spot since Joe Thomas retired. It now feels like the Browns have the complete package assuming Wills can make the transition to LT in this super strange offseason. The interior is still super solid. There will be a lot riding on the rookie.
Defensive Line A Minus
Oh noooooo MYLES!!!! How different would 2019 have been had Myles Garrett kept his cool. Fresh off signing a new mega deal Myles Garrett needs to be the great pass rusher he has been in his first few seasons. He was averaging a sack per game before the suspension and should easily go into double digit sacks this season as well.
Olivier Vernon when healthy is a QB pressure machine but he has problems staying on the field. When he is playing though He and Myles make a great bookend.
The interior is solid with Sheldon Richardson and Larry O, in the middle. This will probably be Richardson's last year with the Browns so I expect him to show out to push for that one last contract.
Linebackers Grade: I was told there would be no math
Do I believe in Mack Wilson? Ask me on a day he writes a fired up hype tweet and I will say he is going to be a stud. In the quiet times though I think to myself boy I hope the opposing team does not have a decent tight end because our LB core is going to get burned. I don't know what to think of the rest of the room as it is totally shuffled. Maybe Takitaki is something more than a special teamer? Was B.J. Goodson a diamond waiting to be polished?
The Browns need Takitaki, Wilson, and Phillips to grow up fast in this defense. Goodson has been a part-time player in his career and should have the opportunity to get more playing time than he has had to date in his career. With a one-year prove-it deal, Goodson has the motivation to show that he deserves a multi-year deal.
This is by far on paper the weak point of this team.
Cornerback Grade: B
This is the Ward and Greedy Show. Ward is occasionally dinged up but most of the time he is a shut down corner. Super young and is a willing tackler if a bit reckless in his form. Ward has the potential to be a top 5 CB in the league.
Greedy Williams had a decent season on the other side when he got into the game but it is his spot full time now and he needs to step up. The talk when he was drafted was he could not tackle. (Much like Delpit this year) but he showed he was more than willing to tackle and even come up and rush the passer and play the run when needed. With Ward on the other side he is going to be targeted a LOT.
Safety Grade: D
Who the hell knows.. Really. I know I said that Linebacker was the weak point but man Safety is as much of a question. Karl Joseph is a Thumper and with that he ends up injured a bit. Delpit has huge potential but is a rookie at FS and supposedly has tackling issues. Outside of those two you have Sendejo in his 11th year in the league and Sheldrick Redwine who was a beast in college but has yet to really prove himself in the league.
Here is hoping Delpit lives up to his potential because man this is a thin group.
Specialists Grade: B
Scottish Hammer That is all... The Punter might be the best form tackler on the team hopefully he does not have to do that this season. Or we can stick him in at Linebacker.
But seriously things stabilized with two rookie kickers last year and they both look serviceable. Jojo Natson was brought in to do one thing and that is to return kicks.
Training Camp Battles
On Offense there is very little up for grabs maybe who wins the 3rd WR spot but given Higgins relationship with Mayfield it is his job to lose.
On Defense a lot of the battle is going to be who shows up at LB and Safety as discussed above. there are slim pickings at both positions and really the only people who seem to be safe are Mack Wilson just due to the playing time he got last season and Karl Joseph just based upon his experience in the league.
Scheme Descriptions
Offense: Kevin Stefanski as Minnesota’s offensive coordinator in 2019 produced an offense determined to run the ball and crush teams with play-action. Under the watchful eye of consultant Gary Kubiak he installed a Wide Zone blocking scheme that is time tested and very OL and RB friendly. It is considered a Run first offense which should play right into the Browns strengths. If Mayfield can tighten up the play action fake game the Wide outs should feast as well.
Defense - Who knows? I am not even sure Joe Woods knows yet what type of Defense the Browns will run. During his tenure as the Denver Broncos defensive coordinator he ran a Base 3-4 Under defense. During his time with the Minnesota Vikings the team ran a base 4-3 which is also the case for the San Francisco 49ers defense this past season.
When asked Woods usually replies with something along the lines of "it's a secret"
Based on the Browns current roster,the preference would be an attacking 4-3 scheme given the strength on the defensive line and questionable linebacker core.
Season Predictions
It is an impossible task to predict a Browns season. Typically you could say 3 - 5 wins and chances are you would be right. This season with a new head coach, no preseason, maybe no training camp who the hell knows. It is a weak schedule on paper.
So instead of going game by game I am going to make some bold predictions.
  • The Browns will make the playoffs
  • Nick Chubb will win the rushing title
  • Jarvis Landry and OBJ will both go over 1000 yards again
  • The Browns will split all of the division games
  • The Steelers, Ravens, and Art Modell still suck
  • Final Record 10-6 with a Wild Card game win
Thank You's and Final Thoughts
If you read all this you are a better person than I. Big thanks to u/Marzman315 for lending me the draft section. Also a hearty Woof Woof to u/Usuallyrelevant who keeps us entertained over at Browns
Also the crew at LakeErieBros for sharing together our collective misery.
And finally I want to thank the Bull City Browns Backers in Durham NC for being awesome and showing up to every game with hope in your heart and unwavering dedication.

I did not hear from the non fan for the post so maybe we can add it later.

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Cleveland Browns 2020 Offseason Review

I was tasked to write the offseason review for NFL so here it is

Cleveland Browns

Division: AFC North
Record: 6 - 10
Hey everyone u/goingsouthhiker here to provide you more information than you ever wanted to know about the Cleveland Browns. My first distinct memory as a child is my fathers face in stunned silence as Ernest Byner fumbled at the goaline. I have been gifted through some sick hereditary defect a lifelong love of the Browns. so here you go.
Coaching Changes/GM Changes
Freddie Kitchens Fired  
On December 29th, 2019, the Browns fired head coach Freddie Kitchens. This is the culmination of a coaching hire that seemed to be entirely based upon folksy blue collar catch phrases “if you don’t wear brown and orange, you don’t matter” and a good relationship with Baker Mayfield.  
Some of Freddie's greatest hits included
  • 4th and 9 - Draw Play
  • Madden Style 5 WR streaks from your own goal line
  • Send out the punt team on 4th-and-11 down 17 points in the fourth quarter to the New England Patriots, only to change his mind and take a deliberate false start rather than burn a timeout.
  • 4th and 1 on the goal line and not have Nick Chubb on the field
John Dorsey Fired  
On December 31st, 2019, the Browns and general manager John Dorsey mutually agreed to part ways after an up and down tenure that brought in a lot of talent but ultimately the decision to hire Kitchens and some questionable high draft picks sank him.
Kevin Stefanski Hired  
On January 13th, 2020, the Browns hired former Minnesota Vikings' offensive coordinator Kevin Stefanski as head coach. This is another first time head coach hire for the browns after an exhaustive coaching search. This hire is the one Paul Depodesta of Moneyball Fame banged the table for prior to the promotion of Kitchens so ultimately the nerds won the battle a year too late.
Andrew Berry Hired  
On January 27th, 2020, the Browns hired former Philadelphia Eagles' vice president of football operations Andrew Berry as general manager. Berry previously served as the Browns' vice president of player personnel from 2016–18 under Sashi Brown. At age 32, Berry became the youngest general manager in NFL history.
Berry has been considered in league circles as the next great rising front office star even from his early days in Indianapolis. Ivy league educated and an analytics darling now paired again with Depodesta the Browns will be heavy into analytics and efficiency in their decision making.
Alex Van Pelt Hired  
On January 29th 2020, the Browns hired former Cincinnati Bengals' quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt as offensive coordinator. Van Pelt, who served as offensive coordinator for the Buffalo Bills in 2009, replaced Todd Monken, who was not retained by Stefanski.
Nobody is quite sure who will be calling plays on game day, The one thing going for this hire is when Van Pelt was the QB Coach for Green Bay Aaron Rodgers was super angry about Van Pelt being fired so there is that.
Joe Woods Hired  
On February 7th 2020, the Browns hired former San Francisco 49ers' defensive backs coach Joe Woods as defensive coordinator. Woods, who previously served as the defensive coordinator for the Denver Broncos from 2017–18, replaced Steve Wilks, who was not retained by Stefanski
Woods is a man of mystery he has coached just about every scheme in existence and has given the ever popular "We will tailor our defense to our personnel" answer every time somebody tries to get anything out of him in regards to what he plans to run in Cleveland.
Free Agency
Players lost/cut
Player Position New Team
Joe Schobert LB Jacksonville
Christian Kirksey LB Green Bay
Eric Kush G Las Vegas
Demetrius Harris TE Chicago
T.J. Carrie CB Indianapolis
Damarious Randall S Las Vegas
Greg Robinson T Prison
Rickey Seals Jones TE Kansas City
Adarius Taylor LB Released
Morgan Burnett S Released
Eric Murray S Houston
Going into the 2019 season the Browns defense had a lack of quality depth at LB and Safety. So naturally the first thing the Browns do in Free Agency is let go the remaining veteran players at LB and Safety. I can't say for certain this was a bad thing as you will see below.
Top Losses
Joe Shobert LB - Was a tackling machine and rare pro bowler on this team, however too many of those tackles were made 8-10 yards downfield on run plays. His coverage skills were raw as well so I get not paying him big money.
Christian Kirksey LB - This one hurts a bit not due to production on the field as Kirko was hurt a lot! But more so as he was that beloved master of the Dawg Check and was a great team guy.
Damarious Randall S - A solid player who the Browns converted back to Safety but was always a bit of a headcase. He will be remembered best as the player who intercepted a Bengals pass and handed the ball to Hue Jackson on the Bengals sideline.
Players Signed/Brought Back
Player Position Contract
Kareem Hunt RB 1yr $3.25M
Case Keenum QB 3yr $18M
Andy Janovich FB Trade w/Broncos
Jack Conklin T 3yr $42M
Austin Hooper TE 4yr $44M
Karl Joseph S 1yr $2.5M
Andrew Billings DL 1yr $3.5M
Kevin Johnson CB 1yr $3.5M
Andrew Sendejo S 1yr $2.5M
Evan Brown C No Details
Donovan Olumba CB No Details
JoJo Natson WR 1yr $1M
BJ Goodson LB 1yr $2.4M
Chris Hubbard T Restructured
Adrian Clayborn EDGE 1yr $2.4M
Olivier Vernon EDGE Restructured
Myles Garrett EDGE So Much Money
Rashard Higgins WR 1yr 910k
Man this is a list... Ok so there were very few holes on Offense going into Free Agency but the ones that stood out were both tackles and depth at tight end. The Browns ultimately solved one tackle spot and TE really early in Free Agency with what most considered the best available players at their position.
On the Defensive side we had a open call for any experienced body who wanted to take a 1 year prove it deal. So much depth added via players that fell through the cracks on their former team.
Top Signings
Jack Conklin RT - The top right tackle in free agency, had a nice season for the titans after coming off a major injury the year before. Can be a All-Pro caliber RT if healthy. Really filled a huge need.
Austin Hooper TE - or "HooooooP" As the falcons fans tell me I am to call him. Filled a big need for reliable catches at the TE position. With David Njoku in the dog house, unable to catch anything, and now asking for a trade this is a big get for the Browns.
Andy Janovich FB - By far my personal favorite signing. Acquired in a trade with the Broncos he is one of the best pure Fullbacks left in the game. I expect him to be a Fan Favorite quickly. There is nothing more that Cleveland Fans adore more than elevating a former Broncos fullback to Legendary status.(See Peyton Hillis)
Case Keenum - Browns fans all hope that the Baker Mayfield of last year was a product of really bad coaching, however Keenum can win games in the NFL and is a familiar face to new coach Stefanski having had a career year with Minnesota with Stefanski as his QB coach. I am much more confident in having Keenum as the backup than Garrett Gilbert.
New Contracts - The Browns have ensured Myles Garrett will be a Brown for a long while, placed a 2nd round tender on former rushing champ Kareem hunt, and after briefly flirting with Clowney decided to restructure Olivier Vernon to a much better contract number befitting his oft injured yet surprisingly productive season.
Draft - Cribbed from u/Marzman315 with permission who did a very excellent defending the draft and I agree with it in it's entirety. The Grades are mine.
Round Player Position
1.10 Jedrick Wills T
2.44 Grant Delpit S
3.88 Jordan Elliott DT
3.97 Jacob Phillips ILB
4.115 Harrison Bryant TE
5.160 Nick Harris C
6.187 Donovan Peoples-Jones WR
1.10 - Jedrick Wills Jr., Offensive Tackle Alabama Grade A  
As expected, the Browns used the tenth overall pick on a tackle. The tackle turned out to be Jedrick Wills Jr., blindside blocker for Tua Tagovailoa. The former four star high school prospect started all 28 games for the Crimson Tide over his sophomore and and junior years. As a second team All-American and first team All-SEC player, he paved the way for Alabama's elite offense with his quick feet, smooth redirection, extremely powerful anchor and strength, and absolutely punishing punch.  
This pick was overwhelmingly approved of by analysts both internally and externally. Joe Thomas released a reaction video that was enthusiastic to say the least. He made it clear that Wills was his ideal target for the Browns at 10th overall. The front office and coaching staff made it known that Wills was their priority target going into the draft, and were entertaining the possibility of trading up for him, but ultimately the draft board fell their way and they got their man at 10.  
The only negative to the drafting of Wills is that he has only played right tackle in his college career, and given the free agent signing of right tackle Jack Conklin, Wills is going to be expected to transition to left tackle to start his NFL career. Joe Thomas also gave input on this, and stated that while the transition is difficult it is easier to do early in your career, and that he would personally take Wills under his wing and mentor him. Between Joe Thomas's guidance and the coaching of veteran offensive line coach Bill Callahan, not to mention the phenomenal talent of Wills, the transition should be doable for Wills with a minimum of serious difficulty. The protection of franchise QB Baker Mayfield is of paramount importance, and this selection reflects that.
2.44 - Grant Delpit, Safety LSU Grade A  
Most Browns fans anticipated that a safety specializing in coverage would be a priority target on day 2. With replacing Damarious Randall a necessity, the Browns zeroed in on LSU standout Grant Delpit. Boasting phenomenal range, excellent ball skills, and tremendous athleticism for the position, he brings an impressive skill set to the team.
Once considered a top 15 to top 20 pick, injuries and questions about tackling caused his value to drop a bit over the season. His broken clavicle in 2018 likely led to a hesitation in committing fully to tackles, and his production in that sense dropped in 2019. Despite some questions about open field tackling, Delpit's football IQ, versatility, and ball skills are enough to excite Browns fans into thinking that they found a solid starter.
3.88 - Jordan Elliot, Defensive Tackle Missouri Grade B  
In a post draft interview, Browns Chief Strategist Paul DePodesta revealed that obtaining 2021 draft capital was a priority coming into the draft. Depth along the defensive line has been an issue for the Browns for some time. Both of these issues were addressed with the Browns first pick in the third round.
Jordan Elliot is well known in the scouting community for being the darling prospect of Pro Football Focus, who consistently rated him as a first round prospect. While he lacks some power and length, he has a lightning quick first step and fluid pass rushing skills. His skill set doesn't exactly project him to be an every down player, but he can be a strong gap penetrating 3T rotating along the Browns defensive line.
3.97 - Jacob Phillips, Linebacker LSU Grade C Minus
Joe Shobert led the Browns in tackles in two of the last three seasons. Replacing that production was certainly a concern of the Browns. Phillips is an athletic linebacker that led a powerhouse LSU team in tackles. He is strong against the run, and plays fast and strong with solid instincts.
Phillips likely may not replace Shobert's pass coverage, as coverage skills were a clear negative on Phillips' scouting report. But as far as reliable tackling goes Phillips can contribute early, especially on special teams and base defense.
4.115 - Harrison Bryant, Tight End Florida Atlantic Grade A
Kevin Stefanski's offense notably uses multiple tight end sets and 12 personnel. Harrison Bryant is a very exciting receiving threat at the TE position. He projects mainly as a depth player behind Austin Hooper and David Njoku (if he remains on the team) currently while he develops his overall game, but he likely sees the field a bit as a rookie. He doesn't bring much to the table as far as blocking goes, but there is absolutely some exciting upside here.
5.160 - Nick Harris, Guard/Center Washington Grade C
While the Browns O-line was the subject of well deserved criticisms in 2019, the interior of the line was quietly fairly solid. Left guard Joel Bitonio is among the best in the league at his position and Center JC Tretter is a pro bowl caliber player. Wyatt Teller was unspectacular but played well enough to bring a bit of stability to the position. Lacking at the interior o-line was any sort of depth.
With years of experience at guard and center, Nick Harris will add solid depth and may compete with Teller for the starting right guard spot. He is a smart and nimble pass blocker, and while he doesn't have ideal size for the position (6'1" 300 LB) he uses his low center of gravity effectively to secure a solid base.
6.187 - Donovan Peoples-Jones, Wide Receiver Michigan Grade A (upside)
Wide receiver was sneakily a bit of a need for the Browns going into the 2020 draft. Odell Beckham Jr and Jarvis Landry are among the best 1/2 starters in the NFL, but after them the depth chart is thin.
Peoples-Jones is a perfect prospect to gamble on. He showed flashes of phenomenal play while at Michigan, and was considered at one point to be a future first round pick and NFL star. Injuries and abysmal QB play severely hindered his college career. His production did not come close to matching his talent. He is athletic, runs clean routes, gets solid seperation, and is good with the ball in his hands. There is a lot of talent here that can be developed.
Undrafted Free Agents:
Soloman Ajayi, Linebacker, Liberty
Elijah Benton, Safety, Liberty
Ja'Marcus Bradley, Wide Receiver, Louisiana
Tony Brown, Wide Receiver, Colorado
Kevin Davidson, Quarterback, Princeton
Drake Dorbeck, Offensive Tackle/Guard, Southern Mississippi
A.J. Green, Cornerback, Oklahoma State
Brian Herrion, Runningback, Georgia
Jameson Houston, Cornerback, Baylor
Benny LeMay, Runningback, Charlotte
Jovante Moffit, Safety, Middle Tennessee
George Obinna, Defensive End, Sacremento State
Alex Taylor, Offensive Tackle, South Carolina State
Jeffrey Whatley, Defensive Tackle, South Alabama
Nate Wieting, Tight End, Iowa
Going Forward:
You will have a hard time finding a Browns fan who did not love this draft. They filled all of their pressing needs without reaching, were savvy navigating the board with trades, and acquired 2021 draft picks. The Browns earned one of only four A+ grades from PFF. While the roster is not without some holes, particularly at linebacker, this is a team that is built to compete. With improvements on the offense that will hopefully come with better coaching and a brand new O-line, the Browns are absolutely in a better position this year than last
Projected 53 Man Roster (starters in bold):
QB - Baker Mayfield, Case Keenum (2)
RB - Nick Chubb, Kareem Hunt, Dontrelle Hilliard, (5)
FB - Andy Janovich (6)
WR - Odell Beckham Jr., Jarvis Landry, Rashard Higgins, Taywan Taylor, Donovan Peoples-Jones, JoJo Natson (12)
TE - Austin Hooper, David Njoku, Harrison Bryant (15)
OT - Jedrick Wills Jr. (LT), Jack Conklin (RT), Chris Hubbard, Drew Forbes (19)
OG - Joel Bitonio (LG), Wyatt Teller (RG), Colby Gossett (22)
C - JC Tretter, Nick Harris (24)
DE - Myles Garrett, Olivier Vernon, Adrian Clayborn, Chad Thomas (28)
DT - Sheldon Richardson, Larry Ogunjobi, Andrew Billings, Jordan Elliot, Daniel Ekuale (33)
LB - Mack Wilson, Sione Takitaki, BJ Goodson, Jacob Phillips, Jermaine Grace, Tae Davis (39)
CB - Denzel Ward, Greedy Williams, Kevin Johnson, Terrance Mitchell, Donnie Lewis Jr., Tavierre Thomas (45)
SS - Karl Joseph, J.T. Hassell (47)
FS - Grant Delpit, Andrew Sandejo, Sheldrick Redwine (50)
K - Austin Seibert (51)
P - Jamie "Scottish Hammer" Gillan (52)
LS - Charley Hughlett (53)
What to expect in 2020
QB Grade: Incomplete
Baker Mayfield - This is the wildcard for the entire team. There is arguably not a better supporting cast in the league for a Quarterback. Assuming at minimum competent coaching there is no excuse for Mayfield going into year 3. There will be a long leash I am sure but Keenum is waiting in the wings if Mayfield looks like he did last year as opposed to the record setter he was in year 1.  
As goes the arm of Mayfield so goes the Browns Playoff hopes.
RB Grade: A+++
Nick Chubb - Quiet, professional, will run you over and laugh at your pitiful tackle attempts. Nick Chubb is a beast, lead the league in yards after contact and nearly won the rushing title. In this new RB friendly system with an improved O-Line and an actual fullback Chubb is going to eat.
Kareem Hunt - It's not often that your backup running back is also a league rushing champion. Last year after serving his suspension he came in and made quite a few spectacular plays in the passing game and showed he still had that spark in the running game. This one Two punch is going to be fun to watch!
Pass Catchers WTE Grade: A
Goodness where to start... This might be an unpopular take but Jarvis Landry is the Best WR on this team and a top 5 pass catcher in the league. He has the most catches ALL TIME in a players first 6 seasons in the league. No longer relegated to slot duties as he was in Miami he had is best year in 2019.
Both Landry and OBJ went over 1000 yards last year which is stunning to me because it felt like both were under utilized all year long. With an increased emphasis on the running game and a deceptive scheme there should be a lot of wide open receivers for the Browns this year
Adding in a third down catch machine in Austin Hooper oh my.. The room is stacked.
Offensive Line Grade: B Minus
The OL has been a major issue at the tackle spot since Joe Thomas retired. It now feels like we have the complete package assuming Wills can make the transition to LT in this super strange offseason. The interior is still super solid. There will be a lot riding on the rookie.
Defensive Line A Minus
Oh noooooo MYLES!!!! How different would 2019 have been had Myles Garrett kept his cool. Fresh off signing a new mega deal Myles Garrett needs to be the great pass rusher he has been in his first few seasons. He was averaging a sack per game before the suspension and should easily go into double digit sacks this season as well.
Olivier Vernon when healthy is a QB pressure machine but he has problems staying on the field. When he is playing though He and Myles make a great bookend.
The interior is solid with Sheldon Richardson and Larry O, in the middle. This will probably be Richardson's last year with the Browns so I expect him to show out to push for that one last contract.
Linebackers Grade: I was told there would be no math
Do I believe in Mack Wilson? Ask me on a day he writes a fired up hype tweet and I will say he is going to be a stud. In the quiet times though I think to myself boy I hope the opposing team does not have a decent tight end because our LB core is going to get burned. I don't know what to think of the rest of the room as it is totally shuffled. Maybe Takitaki is something more than a special teamer? Was B.J. Goodson a diamond waiting to be polished?
The Browns need Takitaki, Wilson, and Phillips to grow up fast in this defense. Goodson has been a part-time player in his career and should have the opportunity to get more playing time than he has had to date in his career. With a one-year prove-it deal, Goodson has the motivation to show that he deserves a multi-year deal.
This is by far on paper the weak point of this team.
Cornerback Grade: B
This is the Ward and Greedy Show. Ward is occasionally dinged up but most of the time he is a shut down corner. Super young and is a willing tackler if a bit reckless in his form. Ward has the potential to be a top 5 CB in the league.
Greedy Williams had a decent season on the other side when he got into the game but it is his spot full time now and he needs to step up. The talk when he was drafted was he could not tackle. (Much like Delpit this year) but he showed he was more than willing to tackle and even come up and rush the passer and play the run when needed. With Ward on the other side he is going to be targeted a LOT.
Safety Grade: D
Who the hell knows.. Really. I know I said that Linebacker was the weak point but man Safety is as much of a question. Karl Joseph is a Thumper and with that he ends up injured a bit. Delpit has huge potential but is a rookie at FS and but supposedly has tackling issues. Outside of those two you have Sendejo in his 11th year in the league and Sheldrick Redwine who was a beast in college but has yet to really prove himself in the league.
Here is hoping Delpit lives up to his potential because man this is a thin group.
Specialists Grade: B
Scottish Hammer That is all... The Punter might be the best form tackler on the team hopefully he does not have to do that this season. Or we can stick him in at Linebacker.
But seriously things stabilized with two rookie kickers last year and they both look serviceable. Jojo Natson was brought in to do one thing and that is to return kicks.
Training Camp Battles
On Offense there is very little up for grabs maybe who wins the 3rd WR spot but given Higgins relationship with Mayfield it is his job to lose.
On Defense a lot of the battle is going to be who shows up at LB and Safety as discussed above. there are slim pickings at both positions and really the only people who seem to be safe are Mack Wilson just due to the playing time he got last season and Karl Joseph just based upon his experience in the league.
Scheme Descriptions
Offense: Kevin Stefanski as Minnesota’s offensive coordinator in 2019 produced an offense determined to run the ball and crush teams with play-action. Under the watchful eye of consultant Gary Kubiak he installed a Wide Zone blocking scheme that is time tested and very OL and RB friendly. It is considered a Run first offense which should play right into the Browns strengths. If Mayfield can tighten up the play action fake game the Wide outs should feast as well.
Defense - Who knows? I am not even sure Joe Woods knows yet what type of Defense the Browns will run. During his tenure as the Denver Broncos defensive coordinator he ran a Base 3-4 Under defense. During his time with the Minnesota Vikings the team ran a base 4-3 which is also the case for the San Francisco 49ers defense this past season.
When asked Woods usually replies with something along the lines of "it's a secret"
Based on the Browns current roster,the preference would be an attacking 4-3 scheme given the strength on the defensive line and questionable linebacker core.
Season Predictions
It is an impossible task to predict a Browns season. Typically you could say 3 - 5 wins and chances are you would be right. This season with a new head coach, no preseason, maybe no training camp who the hell knows.
So instead of going game by game I am going to make some bold predictions.
  • The Browns will make the playoffs
  • Nick Chubb will win the rushing title
  • Jarvis Landry and OBJ will both go over 1000 yards again
  • The Browns will split all of the division games
  • The Steelers, Ravens, and Art Modell still suck
  • Final Record 10-6 with a Wild Card game win
Thank You's and Final Thoughts
If you read all this you are a better person than I. Big thanks to u/Marzman315 for lending me the draft section. Also a hearty Woof Woof to u/Usuallyrelevant who keeps us entertained over at Browns
Also the crew at LakeErieBros for sharing together our collective misery.
And finally I want to thank the Bull City Browns Backers in Durham NC for being awesome and showing up to every game with hope in your heart and unwavering dedication.

I did not hear from the non fan for the post so maybe we can add it later.

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